Chereads / MHA: gacha system / Chapter 6 - training and owchie's

Chapter 6 - training and owchie's

I ran for what felt like day's, since i did not want to be caught. after i thought i was far enough away i collapsed into a nearby alleyway and laid against the wall. *huff* *huff* *huff* i throw the blue bag off my face and took a while to get my breathing in order. 

after resting for a little bit, i got up and looked around, then realised that i was in the more poorer, 'I'm definitely gonna get jumped' side of town. "damn, this place looks like . . . gothem but less dark." i mused as i stretch my arms and looked to the new screen that had stayed in my peripheral vision ever since i bonked that guy in the head. 

You have completed the quest [Vigilantes path]

Claim rewards?

i quickly scanned over the words infront of me and got a little annoyed, "of course i do. why isn't it automatic." i asked as i claimed the rewards

you have been rewarded with "special spin [disguise]"

"well, sweet. guess ama be a vigilante then"

continuation quest - become known

Description - put on a suit and go fight crime illegally as a vigilante. cause that'll make you popular

Reward - x5 basic roll's - common upgrade ticket


stop bank robberies - 0/1

stop muggings - 0/3

stop physical assaults - 0/5

save people - 0/10

defeat E rank Villain - 0/1

MHA power scale guide


(just a heads up, F rank villains are like petty thief's and muggers and murderers and simple crimes like that. quirkless Deku during the sports festival could easily beat F rank villains. E-rank are actual villains. bottom of the barrel yeah. but could be a threat to heroes. most of the thugs from the USJ arc, are F rank. the stronger ones are E rank. Shigiraki would be C or above. kurugiri is b or above. and the nomu is Z)

"ok, that is a lot of shit to do, buuuuut the rewards look pretty nice. and upgrades are always good, don't know what it'll upgrade but eh, that is for future me to find out. now lets do the thing i wanted to do and the entire reason i went so far. testing" i then turned to the wall of the alleyway, "it should just absorb all the force" i said as i looked left and right since it is illegeal to use a quirk in public.

when i saw that there was no one nearby, I clenched my fist and took a deep breath. "Okay, here goes nothing." I pulled my arm back and threw a punch has hard as i could, activating my quirk just before impact. And . . . nothing, absolutely nothing. just an instant stop.

like The moment my fist connected with the wall, it instantly stopped, with the wall completely completely unmarked and undamaged. i pulled my fist back and looked at my knuckles, just to make sure aaaand yep. no damage "nice" 

then i felt that i had gained some kinetic energy, it moved all the way from my fist, through my body and right next to heart. the energy then formed into the shape of a and stayed still. it felt weird but not painful. just weird. (having something move in your body is not normal, yet you are now in a quirked society so . . . 🤷‍♂) 

"well, i think i can use it now." i punched once again but this time using the stored kinetic force and punched the wall. and on impact the wall cracked, the force from the punch felt like it was double that it was before, which was awesome.

buuuuuuut sadly, i forgot that my body was a normal one and un able to handle that kinda stuff, so my knuckles kinda hurt like hell cause I basically slammed it into a solid wall. with no technique, and no worry for my knuckles safety. (knuckle abuse)

the second i felt the pain i reeled my hand back and cradled my fist. I checked the damage and saw that my knuckles were bloodied. i obviously start to curse like hell as i was a piss baby that did not like feeling pain

"fuck, fuck, AH, damn it, i don't know first aid. fuck, ow fuck" i left the alleyway with the trail of not so friendly words following, i tried to find a pharmacist or a store, or something so i could at least bandage or cover it up. it took a while but thankfully I found one, it was a bit broken down. but it'll work.

I got in, bought a first aid kit and left quickly. I then went back into another alleyway and tried to bandage my fist. I quickly went onto YouTube and found a few tutorials, and a few minutes later i had a functional bandaged fist that stayed nice and secure.

"if it works, it works" i muttered as i got up again. "it still hurts but atleasts it will now heal. . . hopefully. . . now, time to get some energy." i used my working hand and punch the wall again and again to collect kinetic energy. (i would call it wall abuse but there is no damage to the wall so 🤷‍♂ )

after about 25 ish punches i felt that i was at the maximum compacity "i see, not that great but good enough. weak thugs would get absolutely trashed"

now, next idea. jumping, but extra high.

i looked up towards the top of the building "hopefully i don't break my legs" i used 2 punches worth of kinetic energy and let it course through my feet and jumped. i was sent up into the air by about a meter before gravity grabbed hold of me again and brought me back down.

i landed back on the ground and absorbed around half of the force being slammed into my feet before i was at the max again. but half was enough as it only felt like instead of dropping off a meter high wall but a 1 foot drop.

i steadied my self as abruptly stopping was kind of disorienting, after a few second a huge grin grew and spread upon my face "YES, I CAN NOW SAY FUCK YOU TO FALL DAMAGE" i shouted in excitement as now, i could jump of a building and be completely fine. and, look cool in the process

but i should test it first, just in case,

so i jumped again using just enough kinetic force to get onto a tall 1 story building near by (3 meters tall), that jump used about 20% of my reserves which told me that, if my calculations were right. i should be able to jump down from this hight and land with out needing to roll, or do anything that needed any other input, just landing while bending my knee's. 

"well, i pray to god that i don't break legs" i prayed as i took a small jump off the side and . . . . . . . . . . . . i landed onto the ground completely unharmed. yippe

"good good, now i don't need to learn falling or landing techniques, very nice. anyway time for my final experiment. before my body decides that it cant go on anymore" 

my energy reserves were full so i wanted to test something. could i replicate a speed quirk by using a small amount of kinetic energy in the tip of my toes to launch my self forward? that question was going as well as Deku trying to learn full cowl during the internships. . . i kept slamming into walls. like mostly every single time. ITS HARD, STOP JUDGING

now, after the 25th time of slamming my body into a wall. i decided that, i don't have the bodily control for this. "i am giving up for the day"

now, with my face filled with sorrow at my failure's and a new grudge against walls. i dragged my self down to a populated area, flagged over a taxi and got into the back seat. i paid the fair to the taxi driver who looked 100% dead inside. but i didn't care as i wanted to get my nice comfy bed waiting at home. maybe a hot shower. yeaaaaaah

after a 10 minute drive i was at my front door to tired to give a shit. so i swung it open took my clothes off and hopped into the shower to wash away my grim and dirt. then i decided to not leave the shower because haha warm water. so i stayed in the shower for an extra 20 minutes "ahhhh~"

A/N boring right? no action. well i need to add this because . . . because fuck you

also, i realised im not the best at writing with only just one character on scene, soo might be a shit chapter.