Chereads / (Transmigrated in South Korea) / Chapter 14 - Going To America/Pt 1.

Chapter 14 - Going To America/Pt 1.

2008 / Seoul South Korea.

it's been a month since i had my nose job and liposuction surgery done on my face and since then i have been relaxing at home for a week, taking the doctors advice to let my face recover while making sure to not slack on my training and whatnot but overall during this past month I made sure to keep my health in check and take care of myself and make public appearances once in awhile which shocked my fans the most while other sources started claiming i had plastic surgery done but jyp entertainment immediately denounced these claims and said people's appearance can have a drastic change over time as they get older which really isn't a lie, but during this month i been writing songs that i think will sound good but put them to the side for now since i haven't made all of sam smith's songs from my past life yet which means there of no use now unless i want to give them to other artists which i also doesn't want to do yet.

(Daehyun's POV)

"So when are you going to start accepting these Interviews." Asked manager kim while sliding a tablet across the table at me who was sitting across from him.

"Whenever I feel like it because these Interviewer's try to pry to much into celebrities private life's that it may be funny watching it on tv but not funny in person from when you experience it first hand not that it happened to me I just heard this from another artist in jyp." I said while looking at the tablet, only to see one name that stood out which is ellen degeneras.

I stared at the name with surprise and looked back up at manager kim who was looking at the name on a envelope and said "You know what I'll accept ellen's invitation since it'll boost my exposure in america more."

Manager kim nodded and handed me a mail and said "it's from the military."

I grabbed the envelope and opend it and took out the paper inside of it and read it, which stated that I have been graded a 6 by the military which means im incapable of performing mandatory service due to any disease or mental or physical incompetence which also means in general terms im exempt from mandatory service.

"What does it say." Asked manager kim with curious eyes while drinking his coffee.

"Im exempted from mandatory service." I said while still reading the paper only to reach the end and seen a p.s letter which asked if I can perform at the military's memorial that will have the president of south korea there.

"And they want me to perform at a memorial with the president in attendance." I said calmly while putting the paper back into the envelope while manager kim was shocked.

Manager kim suddenly jumped up from his seat and slammed his hands on the table and said screaming "THEN YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THIS."

The other kpop idols in the practice studio looked at manager kim with a what the fuck face with me included and one of them saying while walking up to the table and putting a king size hershey bar in his hand "Dude calm down."

Manager kim took a deep breath and sat back down and said while opening the hershey bar "Sorry."

"I know it's an important event but calm down bro." Said the male artist who gave the hershey bar while patting manager kim on the shoulder, making me chuckle.

All the kpop idols in the lounge shook there heads and went back to what they were doing.

I chuckled again while some trainee kpop idols eyes were shining at seeing me.

"Daehyun are you ready." Asked a pianist, walking to the the piano.

"Yea." I said while getting up and going to the piano and standing by it while all the kpop idols took their seats in the chairs and jyp even arriving and taking his seat in a chair with some kpop idols and trainee idols taking their phones out and started recording live with there phones.

The pianist adjusted the piano while asking "So what song are you going to sing."

"Palace from my album L's Story Pt 2." I said while signalling with my hand at manager kim to bring me some water.

Manager kim understood and went to the refrigerator and opend it and grabbed a water bottle and made his way over to me and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said while opening it and drinking it, not knowing I was being recorded live on some of the kpop idols and trainees phones which consisted of my fans and the fans of the kpop idols that are recording.

"Do you need a microphone." Asked manager kim, seeing no microphone in sight.

"No." I said while taking some more sips out of my water bottle.

Manager kim nodded and suddenly thought of something else and asked with a serious face "Are you rehearsing this song for the memorial."

"No, I'm not performing this song at the memorial I'm just practicing." I said calmly while manager kim nodded and went to take his seat.

I sat the water bottle on the piano and said "Ok im ready."

The pianist nodded and started playing a soothing melody while i also sat my black coat on the piano and ran my hands through my hair that was slicked back with a fashionable simple outfit that consists of a black solid mock neck jumper, black dress pants and black dress shoes, no jewelry, and my makeup done flawlessly.

"WOOOOO L." Shouted a trainee with excited eyes.

I chuckled while hearing the melody restart and took a deep breath calming myself while feeling the melody and said singing in a breathy voice, holding the notes a little "My head is filled with ruins."

"Most of them, I built with you." I said singing in a breathy voice, holding the notes a little while gesturing towards the kpops idols, trainees, and some of jyp's executive's which includes jyp who is among them.

"Now the dust no longer moves." I said singing in a breathy voice going up the register just a little while holding the notes a little, gesturing with my hands.

I pointed at the audience while singing In a breathy voice and holding the notes midway and humming at the end "Don't disturb the ghost of you, mmm."

"They are empty, they are worn." I said singing with no notes, gesturing with my hands.

"Tell me what we built this for." I said singing, with no notes.

I gestured in a random direction and said singing, going up the register and holding the notes midway while going back down "On my way to somethin' more."

"You're that one I can't Ignore, mmm." I said singing, holding the notes midway.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said singing in my head voice, holding the notes longly, gesturing towards my audience.

"I still care." I said singing in my head voice, holding the notes longly, gesturing towards myself.

"Sometimes I wish we never built this palace." I said, singing with no notes.

I smiled and said singing, holding the notes a little ehile shrugging my shoulders with a smile "But real love is never a waste of time, mmm."

Suddenly some famous kpop idols stood up and said singing in a breathy voice in sync with me, holding the notes a little "Yea, i know just what you're sayin'."

The other kpop idols, trainees and executives where surprised and swayed in their seats.

I smiled and said singing in a higher register in sync with them, holding the notes midway "And I regret ever complainin'."

"About this heart and all it's breakin'." I said going up the register a little In a breathy voice, with no notes.

I gestured with my left hand In a up and down motion singing in sync with the kpop idols who stood up, holding the notes midway "It was beauty we were makin', mmm."

The other kpops idols watching swayed in their seats, along with jyp and the executives.

"And I know we'll both move on." I said singing in sync with the kpop idols, holding the notes a little.

"You'll forgive what I did wrong." I said singing in sync with the kpop idols, going up a register a little while holding the notes midway.

I walked away from the piano to the middle of the floor and said singing in a high register a little with a pained face, holding the notes midway with control "They will love the better you."

"But I still own the ghost of you, mmm." I said in sync with the kpop idols who came to the middle of the floor with me but was standing behind me a little.

Suddenly the pianist upped the melody a notch.

"I'M GONNA MISS YOU." I said singing in a high register while smoothly transitioning to my head voice, holding the notes longly, with my head titled upward with a pained face, making the audience emotional.

"IM STILL THERE." I said singing in my head voice in a very high register, holding the notes longly, with my head still tilted upward and my right hand moving according to my registers, making the audience very emotional and the trainees shocked.

"Sometimes I wish we never built this Palace." I said singing with no notes.

I looked the audience in the eyes and said singing, holding the notes a little midway "But real love is never a waste of time, oh."

The melody played for a awhile, with me feeling the melody with my eyes closed and the audience enjoying the show and the people watching live not being able to take their eyes off there phone screens.

"I'M GONNA MISS YOU." I said singing in a high register in my head voice, holding the notes longly with my head titled upward with a pained face.

"IM STILL THERE." I said singing in my head voice in a very high register, holding the notes longly, with my head still tilted upward and my hand pointing to the ground , making the audience even more emotional and the trainees and executives shaking their head from the emotional song trying to gather their bearings.

"Sometimes I wish we never built this palace." I said singing with no notes, going back down the register.

I walked back to the piano and said singing, holding the notes a little midway "But real love is never a waste of time."

"But real Love is never a waste of time." I said singing, holding the notes a little midway, ending the little performance.

The kpop idols, trainees and executives along with jyp stood up and started clapping making me smile and bow a little while saying jokingly "That made my throat dry."

Everyone started laughing while I grabbed my water bottle and opend it and started drinking it while thinking "I'll be even more busy now since I'll have to perform at a memorial then head to america for ellen's Interview."

Not knowing that I boosted the popularity of some kpop idols and some trainees that recorded me live, while my fans were swooning over my handsomeness, even so much so that they created an online fanbase called the lovers for me.
