Chereads / (Transmigrated in South Korea) / Chapter 16 - Going to America/Pt 3.

Chapter 16 - Going to America/Pt 3.


Hello everyone it's me the Author I just wanted to let everyone know that you can find the pictures in the auxiliary chapter, characters, and the chapter, surgery, thank you and I hope you enjoy my story.


"Hahaha, so she took my earring." I said chuckling while picking up my recliner chair and Headed to my car.


2008 / Seoul South Korea.

It's been a week since i decided to take a break from work and since then I've enjoyed my free time by going to the beach and also went to private museum's and places i never been to in south korea such as, some restraunts to try a little of there food since I can't eat everything because of my Illness, nami Island, pubs, gyeongbokgung palace, jondeokjeong pavilion which i thought was a beautiful place, olympic park, national museum of korea, everland which I thought was fun, deoksugung palace, seoul city wall hike, and Starfield Library and of course just as i was leaving the library I took off my mask and glasses while getting in the black car that came to pick me up but people not being stupid noticed me and started storming towards the car screaming my name which attracted more people, but my bodyguards stepped in and manged the crowed letting the car get away.

(Daehyun's POV)

I was currently inside a car again heading to the destination for the memorial after coming from my stylists to get ready for the memorial with my outfit consisting of a black customized suit jacket and black dress pants and shoes and my usual piercings with my fingernails painted black and and my makeup done flawlessly, an my hair styled in it's usual messy wet style along with a little jewelry.

I looked out the window and watched the cars pass by and was currently thinking about my little scandal with taylor swift that escalated beyond control with her fans claiming that he shaded her but it became even more dramatic with them now claiming that I called her a skinny ugly bitch and even had a edited picture of me with the words by my mouth and my face matching it.

"This is just funny I didn't know scandals where this fun" I thought chuckling, pulling out my iphone from my pocket and going on facebook to check how many followers i have now since i didn't check it in awhile.

I tapped my facebook profile and looked at my followers which almost gave me a heartattack from the number which use to be 16.9 million followers but is currently 27.8 million now, which I can assume is probably because of how big my scandal with taylor swift is and will likely rise even more since scalndals also gives artists huge exposure but is always not a good thing since it also taints reputations but i could careless about my reputation since jyp handles that part well and the only reason jyp didn't do anything about the scandal even despite me not telling him about it is because he wlso knows the benefits of it.

I got off facebook and tapped on twitter and went to my profile page and seen the number was the same and thought while taking a deep breath "I'm guessing all my fans follow me on every social media"

"Mr tae we are almost at the memorial." Said the male driver while turning the steering wheel.

"Ok." I said while looking back at my phone and clicked on messages and sent a message to my mother to see if she was doing all right and then sent another one to my cousin to check up on her since i haven't seen them in awhile because I've been busy.

While I finished sending text messages to my family i looked out the window at the view of the city only to feel my iphone vibrate and look back down at it and only to see one word from my cousin with a middle finger emoji ehich was, loser.

I chuckled and sent a middle finger back along with a laughing emoji and felt my phone vibrate again and seen a message from my mother who was asking how I was doing and if i was eating well and making sure to stick to my diet for my health and felt warm in my heart from my mother's concern, but immediately thought of my trashy ass slut of a mother in my past life and almost gagged from thinking of her since she was the worst mother anyone wouldn't want to have but i was fortunate to be born from someone like her, lets not get into detail.

I sent a message back, saying that i was doing fine and was making sure my health was in check and that I was on my way to perform at the military's memorial that will have the president in attendance.

"Mr tae we're here." Said the driver while pulling into a parking lot and got out of the car and opened the door for me who put black an gold shades on and got out of the suv and looked around and spotted a korean man who looks to be in his late 50s walking up to me.

"Are you tae daehyun." Said the man with a welcoming smile.

"Yes." I said, wondering who this man is.

"My name is Kim taeyoung I'm the chief of staff for the president and will be showing you the way to where the memorial will be held, this way please." Said chief kim with a warm welcoming smile while shaking my hand and gesturing to follow.

I nodded and and followed behind chief kim with my driver who is also one of my bodyguards that following along with a female staff management following to while looking around to make sure the place was safe.

TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.

I arrived at the place that the memorial will be held and seen it was actually the war museum of korea, that had a lot of chairs lined up with important people and soldiers sitting in them and a big stage in front of the building with a big orchestra band on it and a man who appears to be in his mid 60s talking, that also happens to be the new president of south korea, lee myung bak.

I followed chief kim to my assigned seat and of course while i was doing so lot of politicians where staring at me since i obviously don't look like i belong at a place like this and my outfit was decent but my piercings caught the politicians eyes.

I took my seat with his bodyguards standing next to me, not bothering to sit since it would prevent them from saving me faster since anything could go wrong.

While I was sitting down I listend to the presidents words that talked about the importance of giving thanks to the brave men who served there country and about some other stuff but after that I tuned him out and just spaced out which actually looked like i was listening to the other people around me and to the people watching live with my fans surprised that I was here.

After a long speech president lee concluded his speech with a warm smile and said "Now let's all welcome the award winning icon, L."

The audience clapped with me coming back to reality and got up after hearing my name and made my way to the stage and walked up the stairs.

After i made it up the stage and went to the president and shook his hand with a smile and said "Thank you for what you've done for this country."

President lee nodded and said with a smile "No, thank you for bringing people confidence regardless of their sexuality, which shows there's hope for respect and equality and that people can be treated as equals."

I was still amiling while thinking "Yet again perks to sam smith"

I walked up to the microphone while president lee got off the stage and took his seat next to his wife in the front row.

"Thank you president lee for having me at this beautiful occasion that celebrates the memories of the soldiers who fought for this country and have fallen with honor and has now gone to a peaceful place where they may rest knowing that we live on remembering they left a mark." I said with a smile while fixing the microphone since it was by my chest and adjusted it to my mouth, because im obviously not short.

The audience clapped loudly while i smiled and put the ear piece moniter in my ear and took the microphone off the stand as que for the orchestra behind me to start.

The background singers in sync started going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway, while snapping their fingers in sync.

"HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE , I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE." Said the background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway while snapping their fingers in sync.

"HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE." Said the background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway while snapping their fingers in sync.

Suddenly a piano melody came in, making the soldiers surprised.

"Holy father, we need to talk." I said with an emotional face singing In a breathy voice, with no notes.

I looked at the soldier's and said singing in a breathy voice with no notes, with my left hand out and my other holding the microphone "I have a secret that I can't keep."

"I'm not the boy that you thought you wanted, please don't get angry have faith in me." I said with a smile singing In a breathy voice, holding the notes a little while slowly taking the microphone away from my mouth.

The politicians where by my display of artistry and clapped loudly.

I walked slowly to the left side of the stage and brought the microphone back up to my mouth and said singing a little higher in the register with my left hand out, holding the notes a little "Say I shouldn't be here but I can't give up his touch."

"It is him I love, it is him." I said In a low register, holding notes a little, gesturing towards the sky at god.

I walked to the right side of the stage and said singing a little higher in the register with an emotional face, holding the notes a little "Don't you try and tell me that god doesn't care for us, it is him i love, it is him."

"I Love." I said singing in a low register, holding the notes a little, with me slowly taking the microphone away from my mouth.

Suddenly a smooth violin beat came in effortlessly merging into the sound of the piano which made the soldiers groove in there seats and the politicians where shocked, thinking that this muat be what they are missing out on from indulging in to much political stuff.

I had my eyes closed and savored the sound of the orchestra while fixing my earpiece monitor and moving side to side enjoying the sound.

"I walk the streets of mississippi, I hold my lover by the hand, I feel you staring when god is with me how can I make you understand." I said singing In a desperate tone, remixing the lyrics and holding the notes midway.

Suddenly the beat went up a notch, which almost made the grooving soldiers crazy that they started cheering "AHHHHHHHHHHH."

"Say I shouldn't be here but I can't give up his touch, It is him I love, it is him." I said singing a little higher in the register with my left hand out, holding the notes a little.

I walked to the middle side of the stage and said singing a little higher in the register with an even more emotional face, holding the notes a little "Don't you try and tell me that god doesn't care for us, it is him i love, it is him."

"I Love." I said with a dark face singing In a low register, holding the notes longly.

"HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE." Said the background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway while snapping their fingers in sync.

"OH, I LOVE NO, NO, I LOVE I LOVE." I said singing in a high register going up into my head voice a little bit, holding the notes midway.

"HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE." Said the background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway while snapping their fingers in sync.

"I LOVE, I LOVE, I LOVE." I said singing in a very high head voice dramatically, holding the notes longly, with my head tilted back with a emotional face while slowly taking the microphone away from my mouth.

"HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE." Said the background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway while snapping their fingers in sync.

"AHHHHHHHH." Said the audience cheering loudly, giving a standing ovation, with the president smiling with emotion.

" YOU KNOW, I LOVE, mmm." I said singing In a very high register in my head voice in the mid 4 octave with a little obvious sign of strain that only professional could catch, holding the notes longly while descending back down to the low register, while grooving back and forth to the beat.

"HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE, HIM I LOVE, I LOVE." Said the background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway while snapping their fingers in sync.

"Him I love." I said singing in a low register, holding the notes a little, which made my fans watching live go crazy from my voice.

Suddenly the piano melody came back in while I walked back up to the microphone stand and put the microphone back on it while licking my lips since it was dry and said singing in a breathy voice, holding the notes midway "Holy father judge my sins, not afraid of what they will bring, I'm not the boy that you thought you wanted."

"I, LOVE, HIM." I said singing, climbing very high Into my head voice, holding the notes very longly while turning the away from the microphone with my arms spread to look at the orchestra but is still heard which made the audience scream and cheer loudly.

"OH, I, LOVE." Said The background singers in sync, going up and down on the registers, holding the notes midway, with me making the silent Motion with my hands and them stopping on point.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Said the audience cheering loudly giving a standing ovation.

I smiled and bowed a little while turning back around and saying into the microphone "Thank you everyone and god bless you all."

"Not like he cares for me anyway" I thought while still smiling on the outside, since obviously I was about to be sent to hell but by luck transmigrated which I'm happy about and wouldn't care what world I'm in at least im alive.

President lee was clapping while making his way back up the stage and saying "Wow, just wow everyone give L another round of applause."

"AHHHHHHHHH." Said the audience cheering loudly, giving another standing ovation.

I nodded as thanks while president lee gestured towards the orchestra, with the everyone giving them a round of applause to.

President lee took the microphone off the stand and started talking about how he would better south korea while I tuned that out and started leaving the stage, intending to wait until the event ends, so as to not appear disrespectful.
