Chereads / (Transmigrated in South Korea) / Chapter 17 - Going to America/Pt 4.

Chapter 17 - Going to America/Pt 4.

"I will make it so that south korea's economy will be even more pro....." Said president lee on stage, giving a presidential speech with a smile.

I watched president lee give his speech calmly after tuning back in and only had one thought durning this moment "Utter bullshit, I can't believe these citizens believe this shit south korea's economy is already this prosperous and your gonna try to make the economy even more prosperous is stupid as fuck you might as well focus on mental health and make that shit prosperous since no one really cares about it in society if you did that I would even lick your feet for your commitment to mental health but this shit is ridiculous and if I remember correctly didn't this man embezzle 26 billion something from one of his company's during his presidential term from 2008 to 2016 in my past life"

One may wonder why I'm currently thinking like this, well for starters one might look at the outer appearance and be oh he looks like a nice man but one hardly looks towards the personality despite what's been shown so far as a mostly calm and collected man which is kinda true but I'm more of fhe egoistic type and not to say that I'm incapable of loving someone or don't care for other people it's just that's what more of my personality leans towards.

"I guess no matter what world your in there will be corrupt people that's just how life is, even if I transmigrated into an anime world I would still have to deal with corrupt people in general not that I have something going on I'm just talking about life in general" I thought while remembering a specific moment in my childhood years in my past life that changed my personality forever.

(Flashback: Jacksonville/ Florida: 1988)


"YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT WHY WERE YOU EVEN BORN I SHOULD HAVE THROWN YOU OFF THE FUCKING BRIDGE AS SOON AS YOU CAME OUT OF ME." Said a sloppy looking woman screaming, hitting a very skinny dehydrated naked boy with bruises all over his and looks to be around 5 or 6 years old with a spikey belt.

The dehydrated boy was balled up on the floor, taking the beating with tears coming from his eyes, not intending to fight back since it would be useless.

The sloppy woman ran out of breath and sat on the couch while grabbing a whiskey bottle off the table next to the couch and said while spitting on the dehydrated boy "Blame you being born on your father you worthless fuck and on the fact that your just useless, you can't even cook or clean."

While the sloppy woman was rambling on the sound of the front door unlocking took her attention away from the dehydrated boy that now had bleeding cut wounds from the spikey belt, a muscular white man with blomde dyed hair, piercings, and tattoos with sagging pants and a tank top walked in from the front door and said while taking the cigarette out of his mouth "Wassup girl."

The sloppy woman got up from the couch with a smile, only to suddenly kick the hell out of the dehydrated boy on the floor that was in her walk way which made him spit out a mouthful of blood on the floor and almost pass out.



The sloppy woman walked up to the white man and started kissing him while he closed and locked the door while groping the sloppy womans thick ass that was blocked by her panties.

"Nnnngh~." Said the Sloppy woman moaning while the man was invading her mouth with his tongue swirling around hers.

The man stopped kissing the sloppy woman and looked at the naked boy and said to the sloppy woman out of the blue "Why keep him if you have no use for him just throw him in the street."

The sloppy woman immediately snapped out of her trance and thought for a moment and said "Do what you want with him he's no use to me anyways."

The man suddenly smiled and pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number and put the phone to his ear and waited with a smile.

"Hello." Said a disguised robotic voice from the phone .

The man smiled even wider and said while groping the sloppy woman's ass that made her blush "Hey, it's me I have a boy about 6 years old for you."

"Is he a virgin." Asked the disguised robotic voice from the phone.

The man took the phone from his ear and asked with a serious face to the sloppy woman "is he a virgin."

The sloppy woman looked at the naked boy on the floor that was shaking and rolled her eyes and said "Unfortunately no I let some of my girlfriends have their way with him."

"What about his ass." Asked the man with a sigh while looking at the naked boy and sighed even more at the money he could potentially earn slowly fade from his grasp.

The sloppy woman chuckled and said "That was also explored by one of my girlfriends who rimmed him while milking his cock but he never had a dick in his ass only tongues from my girlfriends if that counts."

The man sighed even harder and put the phone back up to his ear and said with his jaw clenched as his potential racks of cash slip away from his grasp "it was touched."

"Then is he suitable for labor." Asked the disguised robotic voice from the phone.

"Yes he is very suitable for labor." Said the man with a flattering voice, putting a few lies to keep his money in his grasp.

"Very well then I'll give you 3 grand for the child and will send someone to take the child and you will have your money when the person arrives get the child." Said the the disguised robotic voice from the phone, and hung up.

The man put the phone in his pocket and smiled while kissing the sloppy woman and said "We can use this money to live how we want."

The sloppy woman chuckled and started rubbing the man's crotch area with her leg which made his breath hitch a little and said while picking up the sloppy woman "You horny slut."

"Hehehe." Said the sloppy woman giggling while wrapping her arms around his neck.

While the sloppy woman and the man where getting it on, unbeknownst to them the naked little boy on the floor with bruises and wounds all over his body, eyes where devoid of emotion with tears.

(2008/ Seoul South Korea: Present)

"M...." Said a unknown voice.

"Mr t...." Said a woman's voice this time.

"MR TAE." Said the same woman's voice loudly, clapping her hands loudly in front of me who was in a trance with scary eyes.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at the staff management woman in front of me who breathed a sigh of relief that nothing was wrong with me and said "Mr tae the memorial is over and the president wants to formally meet you."

"Ok." I said and got up from the chair while adjusting my outfit and followed the staff management woman to go meet the president and if your wondering yes I was used as a sexual relief by my mother's best friends and was sold off to a human trafficking organization which was by no means fun but at least i can thank my mothers horny best friends since they taught me how to please woman even if they basically raped me since i never gave my consent.

While I wss lost in thought I arrived at where president lee was and came back to reality and walked up to him and said with a smile and my hand held out for a handshake "Nice to meet you president lee my name is tae daehyun known as L by the mass."

"Nice to meet you to my name is lee myung bak ." Said president lee with a smile, shaking my hand which was caught on camera and made my fans almost have a heartache from my scary looking disgusted face while some were blushing and swooning.

President lee's had fanboying eyes and asked while still shaking my hand while the smile on my face was frozen "I'm such a fan of your music i even listen to it while im working."

"Thank you so much." I said with my frozen smile, swiftly slipping my hand out of his grip.

"Do you have any new music coming soon." Asked president lee with famboying eyes, stepping a little closer while my bodyguard having to step up a little which blocked the cameraman's view which made him and my fans watching frustrated.

I stepped back a little which made the cameraman happy and said calmly "I don't have have any new music coming anytime soon."

President lee's and my fans watching faces we're disappointed and suddenly rememberd something and asked "If you were the president what would you focus on to better this country."

"Ha, he actually asked me this question" I thought while chuckling internally but had a calm face on the outside.

"I would focus on mental health since this country especially needs that if you look at the suicide rate." I said calmly which made president lee shocked and suddenly looked like he was thinking of something and smiled.

Before president lee could say something I said with a smile "And you can also legalize kpop idols as workers."

President lee had a confused face and said with a smile "I'll look into to that and thank you for your time."

"No, thank you." I said with a smile while shaking his hand that was held out.

I tried to let go but president lee's grip tightened and continued shaking my hand which made my smile freeze again and pulled away from his grip forcefully which almost made him fall buy his bodyguard caught him.

While president lee was to busy getting his bearings back I swiftly slipped away from him with a disgusted look which was caught on camera and thought with a little throw up trying to come up from my stomach "He must have been fantasizing about me."

"Here's some water sir." Said my bodyguard, noticing the look on my face.

"Thank you." I said and took the water bottle and opend it and drunk it while making my way to the black suv not noticing my disgusted face would become a popular meme.
