Chereads / (Transmigrated in South Korea) / Chapter 15 - Going to America/Pt 2.

Chapter 15 - Going to America/Pt 2.

2008 / Seoul South Korea.

Its been 3 days since i practiced my singing at jyp entertainment and during the other two days i have decided to continue my practicing which i turned into a rehearsal since i have to be at my best when performing at the memorial for the president, on the third day i have been doing photoshoots which I've been doing alot recently since I've been getting requests to model from 4 famous magazine companies, with each paying me 5 million each, which equals 15,500,000, and considering my net worth which is 169,767,743, so if we add 15,500,000, to it I've amassed 185,267,743 , in just 3 days which makes me a workaholic from what I've been seeing from myself so far.

(Daehyun's POV)

"Ok now face this way please." Said a female photographer while adjusting the camara.

I turned to another position and moved the robe a little to reveal a little more skin.


"Ok that's all thank you for coming mr tae." Said the female photographer with a smile.

"No problem." I said with a chill smile and got up from the chair and adjusted the robe and if your wondering, yes i was doing a nude photoshoot.


"DAEHYUN, DAEHYUN." Said manager kim bursting into the room screaming while breathing hardly from running.

I stared at manager kim with a what the fuck face and said seriously "What happened."

Manager kim took deep breaths to calm himself down, feeling like he just ran a marathon and if I knew how short his running to the room we are currently i guarantee you I would laugh to death.

"You need to see this." Said manager kim while shoving his phone in my face which showed thousands of comments on twitter, on one post that had a well taken picture of me at one of my concerts with my head raised uowards and my arms spread out, taking in the energy of my fans, and then a picture of taylor swift at one of her concerts smiling while holding a guitar.

"What the hell is this" I thought with my eyes landing on what the person who posted the picture said.


@OliverCrowley88: if L shades taylor he shades all of us swifties, you faggot fucker go die in a gay man's asshole where you belong.

To @OliverCrowley88: @LoversFanBase No.23: Who the fuck you calling a faggot or gay man you bald motherfucker your just mad because he looks better and more superior to someone like you, if everyone is wondering go check this hippopotamus looking motherfuckers profile page.

To @LoversFanBase No.23: @LoversFanbaseNo.4: Tch, I see what your talking about No.23 thank you for your commitment the president will be sure to reward you well and L will know of your contributions to the lovers fanbase.

To @OliverCrowley88: @chrishemsworth: I admire L and think he's a great singer but saying something like him shading taylor swift is outright disrespectful because I have been to most of his concerts and even follow him on social media and never once have I seen him be disrespectful to another artist and I'm speaking from being a fan and also as my own person since I believe every singer should respect one another and give them their respective flowers since every singer has their own achievement and sound and by the way he has never met taylor.

To @chrishemsworth: @LoversFanBase No. 1: Spoken by a true fan.

To @chrishemsworth: @LoversFanBase no. 45: Damn you even made the president say something.

To @chrishemsworth: @LoversFanBase: no. 2,467: Facts and don't get L twisted he'll whoop oliver's ass before the man can even try to improve his appearance, I've seen L working out when he was live and despite not looking it in clothes most of the time, his body is ripped ass hell.

To @LoversFanBase No. 1: @Swifty No.1: Die for disrespecting taylor you sissy.

To @Swifty No.1: @LoversFanBase No. 1: i will disregard your comment about me dieing and just say that everything you swifties say to us Lovers has no affect on us and also that L's music isn't just for gay people, it's for all people of any sexual community and if you actually listen to his music And understand the pronouns instead of wasting your time commenting about him on social media and actually get a life, you'll understand how much different he is than most artists who only focus on one sexual community which is why we love him so much.

To @LoversFanBase No. 1: @Swifty No.1: Fuck you, go die in his asshole that you love so much.


I read over the comments and sighed while saying "I'm not even gonna respond because it would only escalate things even further than it already has."

"So, do you want me to tell jyp about this or..." Asked manager kim with worried eyes, clearly very anxious since he doesn't want anything to ruin my career over something i never did or say.

"No I'll wait and see how things play out first and go from there but I don't even know what this oliver man is talking about because I've never been or went to america." I said obviously lieing since I was american in my past life while thinking hardly to see if taylor might have been in the audience or something, only to not remember seeing a tall blonde woman anywhere and sighed while handing manager kim his phone back.

"Hahaha, I can't believe the man who will play thor is my fan." I said suddenly laughing out of the blue, which made manager kim even more worried for me.

"He needs a break, he works nonstop" Thought manager kim while sighing since he needs a break to and can spend more time with his wife.

"I definitely need a break" I thought while heading to my dressing room, to get dressed.

I opened the door and went into my dressing room while closing the door and locking it behind myself and took off ny robe and started changing my clothes which consisted of, a black button up long sleeve shirt tucked in my black skinny jeans, black leather calivar chelsea boots and a silver wrist bracelet an one long chain cross earring on my right ear, with my makeup done flawlessly and my hair layerd down messily which one would describe as a bad boy appearance which was what I'm going for.

"What a sad life the former owner had." I said with a sigh since the body I'm in now is so handsome in my opinion i even thinks that this body looks better than me in my past life which was average but i will say it was mid average not fully to be considered average but still a face one would forget as soon as they're done talking to me.

I grabbed my things and unlocked the door and left my dressing room and seen manager kim was talking to a pretty middle aged woman who seemed to be very comfortable around him.

"HAHAHA, I can finally take you to Hawaii and enjoy our time alone together." Said manager kim laughing loudly, While i was just staring at his smug face.

The middle aged woman noticed me and adjusted her throat which made manager kim snap out of his fantasies and turned around and seen i was behind him and said awkwardly with sweat immediately coming from his forehead "Haha, Sorry Daehyun I didn't see you there sorry."

"I have to go give me the keys." I said while looking at the time on my iPhone.

"Ah, ok." Said manager kim an stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out car keys and handed it to me.

I grabbed the keys and said to the middle aged woman behind manager kim "who are you."

"Nice to meet you my name is chunhwa I'm changmin's Wife." Said chunhwa with a sweet smile.

"You to and enjoy your time in hawaii." I said with a smile and walked passed manager kim and his wife, intending to head to a private beach to relax for the day and enjoy some fresh air and possibly get laid or a girlfriend since what's the point of just working all the time and not enjoying what life offers and spending the money I'm earning.

"Uh...thanks." Said manager kim awkwardly while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"Honey next time be careful you almost got fired and his smile towards me was obviously fake." Said chunhwa with her hand on her chest from nervousness.

Manager kim nodded but suddenly smiled which immediately lightened the mood and said "It's ok, now let's go and enjoy our time in hawaii."

Chunhwa smiled and nodded and followed manager kim.

TIMESKIP: 30 minutes later.

I pulled into a parking lot and turned the car off and pulled out my phone and seen a message from jyp which mentioned about the arrangements for my performance at the military's memorial and sent a message indicating I understood.

I got out of his car and closed the door behind myself and locked it and started walking on the sand by the water while thinking oh how my new life as tae daehyun was going so far and what I've experienced which wasn't anything bad at all but you can never tell what the future holds and who might hold grudges which is something I have no control over and will just have to let life run it's course.

"At least I didn't end up in hell" I thought while stopping and Looking at the clear water while taking in the fresh air with a smile.

"HAHAHAHAHA, YOUR SLOW." Said a woman's voice screaming, running past me with a man chasing after her laughing who seemed to be a married couple, Which made me look at them weirdly since they where to close to me and had all that space on this beach.

"Whatever" I thought and made my way to a restaurant i seen on the way to walk by the water.

TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.

I sat down at a open table on the dock outside the restaurant where it was peaceful and you could feel the cool wind, only for my eyes to wonder to some beautiful Woman in bikini's and thought "The one in the black one has a nice ass"

"Pervert." Whispered a voice from behind me.

I looked behind myself self and looked straight at the person who called me a pervert which happened to be a Beautiful girl around my age sitting at the table behind me.

The girl was surprised and looked away while i just stared at her with a neutral expression.

"Stop staring at me." Said the girl with a pissed face an glared at me which obviously was not scary at all, but thought it was cute that she tried.

"Apologize." I said calmly while still staring at her which made her even more annoyed because her whole day has been bad.

"Why should I you where obviously staring at those girls asses." Said the girl straightforwardly while slamming her smoothie on the table.

I smirked and said calmly "And how do you even know if I was I could have been looking at the water."

The girl rolled her eyes and said while sugar coating with her fingers "Typical answer from a pervert of your kind."

I smiled and turned back around while saying "Stop wasting your time analyzing where my line of sight is landing and worrying about what other people are doing and perhaps your personality would improve."

The girl was even more pissed and angrily threw her smoothie at me who reflexively dodged, with the smoothie smacking into a frail old man who was about to sit down at the table in front of mines.



I watched the old man smack into the ground with his family screaming from shock and calling for help and looked back at the girl behind myself amd said with a chill smirk "Nice try, now look at what you've done perhaps you should be a kind person and go admit you hit the old man on purpose."

"Like hell I'll do that, now leave me alone." Said the girl while angrily pulling out her iPhone.

"Your the one who called me a pervert so technically your the one who spoke to me first." I said while getting up from my seat and tipping my male waiter a 100 dollar bill for basically no reason, and left to go grab some things from my car and then head back to the beach.

"Grrahh." Said the girl pissed and stood up and followed after me intending to give me a ass whooping, obviously forgetting about the old man who was now on his way to the hospital from a severe concussion.

TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.

I made my way up to the trunk of my car to grab my recliner chair out of it and popped it open and grabbed it out of the trunk while not forgetting to grab a bottle of water from a case of water in my trunk an closed it back and went to the beach, not knowing a girl Kicked my car out of anger, which didn't even leave a mark and ran after me to the beach.

I set up the recliner chair and was about to lay on it but heard an incoming scream.

"DIE YOU ASSHOLE." Said the girl screaming with her fist heading towards my face.

I doghed her fist reflexively which made the girl surprised and threw another punch, which I in turn blocked by grabbing her small fist tightly.

"Gahhhhh, Let go of me you damn asshole." Said the girl with anger, trying to get her hand out of my grip.

"You still haven't apologized to me and now you want to assault a good citizen of this this country, what should I do with you." I said with a smirk, really starting to like this feisty girl.

"Damn stud, I hate your kind." Said the girl with disgust and threw a kick towards my manhood, only for my right leg to block hers which made her groan in pain from the impact of my leg.

I put my leg back down while letting go of the girl's small fist and asked with a smile "What's your name"

"Why would I tell someone like you, men like you make me feel sick just by looking at you." Said the girl gagging dramatically with her hand on her chest, heaving.

I chuckled and sat on the recliner chair and opend my water bottle and drunk it while looking at the clear water of the beach.

"My name is taeyeon, remember it stud." Said taeyeon, finally calming down.

I almost choked to death on my water because I know who she is very well, she is apart of the famous kpop girl group girl's generation, if i remember correctly from my past life memories.

"Nice to meet you mean girl my name is daehyun." I said calmly while closing my water bottle.

Taeyeon's mouth was open from surprise and pointed at me and asked with shock " are L."

I nodded and layed on the recliner chair, intending to enjoy the wind only for a small figure to block my view and shove a phone in my face.

"So this is you, right." Asked taeyeon examining, comparing my face and body to the one on her phone.

"Can you move." I asked with a sigh, shoving her hand away.

"Hey, don't get irritated with me it's not my fault that your kind always attracts attention." Said taeyeon while snickering at her own comment, laughing hardly on the inside from my annoyance.

I wanted to roll my eyes but restrained myself and closed my eyes to take in the wind but only smelled a scent of crushed fresh leaves, unripe fruit and a glint of citrus peel grapefruit, the aroma is neon bright, green and tangy and opend my eyes again and seen taeyeon was standing on my recliner chair between my legs with her face close to his.

"So, you are L what a surprise." Said taeyeon with surprise, while looking back at her phone that had a recent picture of me nude.

I snatched her phone and got off the recliner chair while picking her up which made her yell in surprise and set her down and said with a smirk while looking at her phone "your the pervert."

"GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK." Said taeyeon screaming, trying to grab her phone, but the height difference was so apparent that it was sad to look at for other people at the beach.

I chuckled and started scrolling on her gallery and seen pictures of her in her underwear, like modeling pictures and said while whistling "Damn."

Taeyeon blushed and quickly snagged her phone back and said while pointing at me "This isn't over you stud I'll rid this earth of your kind."

"I'll be waiting mean girl." I said with a smirk, watching taeyeon leave with anger.

Suddenly i touched my ear and felt that my silver cross chain earring was missing and started looking around on the ground for it by my recliner chair.

(Taeyeon's POV)

Taeyeon was currently inside of a black suv on her way back to sm entertainment and looked down at a silver cross earring in her hand and said with a smile under her breath "hehehe, good luck finding your earring stud this is just the beginning."

"Did you say something Taeyeon." Said a beautiful girl next to taeyeon.

"No tiffany." said taeyeon immediately while putting the silver cross chain earring in her purse that didn't go unoticed by tiffany who in turn smiled.

"So are the others waiting for us to arrive or did they start rehearsal without us." Asked taeyeon with a serious face.

"Their waiting for us." Said tiffany while pulling out her phone to notify the others that they will be there soon.

"Ok." Said taeyeon and looked out the window at seoul while smirking at the thought of making my life hell, which she didn't know Will prove to be hard.
