In the last 2 month, kuru visited slums on the regular basis....
He has collected more than 300 physical souls for Silaris.
Now his mental power is two times more powerful than before. Now, he is able to move object which are 200 kg of weight.
Kuru also find out that due to epidemic, the death rate of slum area was very high.
And now, due to frequent visit of a prince, this matter is highlighted and king of Anelam, himself took note of the situation.
King has ordered to remove the slum to provide proper housing to the slum dwellers.
Due to this, everyone knows about the name prince kurugami dragonar who changed the destiny of slum dwellers. Everyone knows that a kind prince who lives in the king's palace of dragonar city has changed the waste land into paradise.
Today, kuru was informed that no one died in the slum and the problem of epidemic has solved with the assistance of royal physicians.
Kuru still has more than 40000 gold coins left with him.
"I think, I should find another way to collect physical souls" while kuru was ponderimg over the solution, he heard the footstep coming towards him.
"My lord, the fourth queen has came to visit you. She is waiting for you in the guest room" butler Eon said.
"Atlast someone came to visit me" kuru said while moving towards guest room.
Kuru already new someone came to visit him because of his super hearing.
When kuru reached the guest house, he saw a beautiful middle age lady. Though she looked liked forty years from the standard of earth yet her deep blue eyes and blue hairs along with slender waist told that she was world shattering beauty in her younger days.
All of sudden she started running towards him....then she hugged him forcefully.......
"Oh, my dear kurugami, I am your grandmother. I wanted to meet you the very first day , you came here but due to some reason, I could not. I have heard all the glorious thing you have are such a cute and kind prince that everyone loves you. Even the king of anelam became fond of you" kuru felt suffocated but could not help due to gap of strength between them. He knows that he is no match for her.
"Grandmother, I am suffocating" kuru squeezed the words with difficulty
Fourth Queen Nithya isawa released him, on hearing those words
"I am sorry, my dear kurugami, in excitement I could not able to control my strength" fourth queen said apologetically.
In reality Queen Nithya was checking the strength of her grandson, she was stunned to see the bodily strength of kurugami. When she held him, she felt like she is holding a piece of metal.
"My dear prince, I have something important to announce to you in behalf of king of Anelam kingdom" queen Nithya said while showing a letter to kuru
" kurugami dragonar, as a prince you have done great service to the kingdom by providing help to the poor citizen of the kingdom. Because of your great service the king valor dragonar has given you the recommendation letter of the beastkin warriors academy." Queen Nithya said while smiling.
"What is beastkin warriors academy?" kuru asked.
"It is best academy in whole of beastkin Empire. It's jointly created by six kingdoms. Only 1000 student get admitted into it every year. And all the six kingdoms can recommend 3 outstanding students to the academy every year. These students will be exempted from admission test." Queen Nithya explained kuru.
" when I have to go" kuru asked helpless tune.
" next month. But why are you look sad hearing about it?" queen Nithya asked
"I don't like to go outside" kuru said.
" you little rascal, you will appreciate the kindness of king when you will find out difficult it is to get admission in beastkin warriors academy" queen said while stroking the head of kuru gently.
" you look just like your father, when he was your age" queen then told him the stories of kyaashi.
For 2 hours, grandmother and grandson pair talked to each other about everything. Queen Nithya has told him the stories of kyaashi when he was young. She laughed when she remembered the cute little acts of her son when he was young.
"Grandson, always remember that you have a grandmother who will always with you so don't feel lonely and come to meet me in castle when you have time " queen said while kissing kuru on his forehead.
Then she handed over a porcelain bottle to kuru " there are 100 body strengthening pill in this bottle. Consume one pill everyday. It will help you strengthen your body. This is a little gift from your grandmother"
Body strengthening pill is very dangerous for a 5 year old kid but after seeing the bodily strength of kurugami, she decided to give him....
"And I also recommend you to go to royal library to know the history of beastkin empire. it will help you during academy" After saying that she departed from the villa.....