For the first year, we only need to attend only three clasees.
It's been 2 month I came to the academy, and now all the body strengthening pills given by my grandmother are used up. I have heard that academy have store where they sell all types of things ....
The mountain have total of ten peaks ....from first peak to tenth peak....the student of first peak are not allowed to go to second peak in their first year and so on.....
I went into the academy store of first year but to my surprise only 5th year and onwards student are allowed to consume body strengthening pills.
The feeling of growing day by day was very addictive so by not consuming body strengthening pill felt like I am on diet. Student can not go out of academy so I can not go city to purchase pills.
So I asked teacher ciyoni for help but she refused me saying that the body of 5 year old kid is not strong enough to handle the the strong effect of body strengthening pills. I told that my body can withstand side effects but she did not believe me.
As I was pondering how to solve the problem of body strengthening pills, I saw some guard moving towards dormitory with a parcel. So, I thought I should ask someone to send me pills through parcel.
I have written a letter to my grandmother to send me body strengthening pills and I also write a letter to mother ...telling her my experiences in academy. Then I handed those letter to a guard to dispatch.
The life in academy was comfortable but I did not forget my primary target ...princess ellone agasha...
I have tried to start a conversation with her many times but she never responded to me as I am an invincible man.
Both teachers were happy with my progress but no student talk to me in class as they afraid of me. I am also not good at making friends. My roommate .....I mean my niece and nephew are very obedient to they almost do all the work of dormitory. I have nothing to do but enjoy this beautiful life.
Beastkin worriors academy held test in every 3 month, in which they will check the performance of their student....some outstanding students in lower classes have chance to get promoted into higher class while weak student of higher classes will be demoted into lower classes. This is a phase where most of the recommend student lost their position as an elite student.
Today teacher told about the format of will be held in three phase...
One is's written test where questions from history subject will be asked.....and it will be of 20 marks.
Second is practical test where profiency with weapon will be tested and it will be of 30 marks.
Third is actually real combat test...and it will be of 50 marks.
I have confidence that I will retain my position as class 1 student but I can't say the same for my nephew and niece.
After two week from the date of sending letter to grandmother, I received a parcel which held ten porcelain bottles ...I have counted the body strengthening pills ...they are 300 in total .... sufficient for 1 year.
Now , my next Target is to get first place ... because I have to impress my princess ....for that hard work is necessary.