It's been 1 month since kuru got the recommendation letter from king....
In this one month kuru visited royal library frequently..which is also one of the building inside king's palace. Now he knows about the enemy of beastkin's demon empire. This Empire is in the east of beastkin empire. Demon empire situated in demon continent while beastkin empire is in somran continent.
They called themselves demon, they have humanoid form just like beastkin but they do not have blood core. So they could not aborsorb spirit energy naturally.....they consume spirit core of spiritual beasts and beastkin to became powerful. Some of them also consume blood to get spirit energy.
All the six kingdom became one empire to stop the invasion of demon empire. It's a powerful empire which only aim is to conquer all the world.
There is also a dark continent which is situated north of somran continent. There is no light in the dark continent. The species which lives there are weak to light, so they never leave dark continent.
A powerful clan also lives inside the sea, it's called themselves sea god clan.
There is also a land of fairies which situated in some other realm. And No one knows where it's is.
Sea god clan is a ally of beastkin empire while dark continent is a ally of demon continent.
Other than this, there is also a continent in the west which is not connected by land to any of these continent, They called it forbidden continent. No one came back after going there.
There is also a continent in south but due to very high temperature, it's inhabitable.
Today is the day....I am leaving anelam kingdom .....this is first time in this life, I am going to any other kingdom. I along with crown's prince daughter and son, who also got the recommendation letter of king are escorted by flying troops....yess ..they are flying troops which using white horses who have wings..they called them flying horses. There are 20 men in soldier outfit who are riding 20 flying horses...
When I saw son and daughter of first prince, I recognized them immediately, they are one of the 3 kinds who were wearing extravagant clothes during blood awakening ceremony.
"They are twins ..both are them look good but not as good as me....."I said while evaluating them.
Queen nathiya along with the mother of twins came to send us off....
Queen nathiya handed me a bracelet and said "grandson, keep this bracelet it will protect you during emergency and it is also your birthday gift"
Ahh ..I forget tomorrow is my 5 th birthday.
Then she hugged me and told me to write her letter weekly to share my life in academy.
Then we set off for new adventure on flying horses ....
I sat with a shabby looking knight....while prince kale dragonar was sitting with captain of squad and princess was sitting with a beautiful lady in armour.
" I am from older generation. Still the treatment I am getting is worse than my nephew and niece" I said in frustration.
These flying horses are awesome...I think I should purchase I asked the shabby looking knight who is sitting with me.....but due to speed of horse is more than 200kmph, he was not able to hear anything.
The stamina of flying horses was also great. They can fly 10 hours straight...
After four days of flying ...we have crossed many cities, we have visited four cities for stay....otherwise we were always on flying horses ..