After the 5 day of arduous journey .....
we have reached the Demas, capital of Protista kingdom where beastkin warriors academy was situated .
It is not allowed to fly above the city, so we get down near the city gate and adavanced our journey on the flying horse...which are now running on road like normal horses but they still look hundred times as graceful as normal horses.
After reaching the gates, the captain talked to the guard and the gate has opened.
The city was beautiful, there were rows of trees in both the sides of road.....there was a large tree in every's was as large as ten storey building.....
After travelling inside City for 1 hour we reached our's called worriors mountain range and there are total ten peaks ...and all the peaks are occupied by beastkin warriors academy. Our destination is first peak where new student get enrolled. After ascending the mountain for half an hour, we saw the gate of academy was as magnificent as the gate of king's palace. Carvings of all the six mythical beasts was present on the gate...
Only students are allowed to enter the beastkin worriors, after escorting us to the gate where a teacher of academy was present to receive us ...the flying horse squad return to their kingdom
The teacher was a young and gorgeous women in her 20s. She bring us three to the admission hall and given us identity token, dress and our room's key. To my surprise there was only one key....
"You three are the last ones in the batch so only one room of three bed dormitory is left. In our academy, we do not treat royalty differently, you are all student for us. So do not expect any concession due to your backing" the beautiful teacher said.
" but how can I live with a guy" little kayle ....I mean princess kaylee dragonar said while looking at me.
" as the information written on your documents, you are his niece and second one is you twin brother, and you are all only 5 year old. So, I think he will not cause any trouble for you." She said while looking at me.
I also nodded. Who do not want to live with a beautiful maiden. And in supreme clans, even marriage between relatives is common so I have no problem, if we have same bed.
"Pervert" someone said in my mind.
There is no privacy, I can't even think about anything inappropriate. Life is so unfair.
After saying this, beautiful teacher instructed a guard to send us to the dormitory.
After we entered the dormitory, I told the two siblings "I am taking the bed nearest to window ..and you two kids are free to take any other bed"
Hearing the word kid from someone who is even younger than her the princess kaylee was about to say something but after looking at my eyes, she shivered down like little kitten. Prince Cain dragonar was even more intimated by my look than her sister.
My height is already 2 feet longer than them and with weird eyes as well as muscular physique, even a ten year old kid would be scared of me.
Now, it's decided that I am the boss of this dormitory. I think I should rest now....I jumped on the bed ...then slept till morning. But I did not forget to consume one body strengthening pill before sleeping.