After kuru reached his villa, he told butler Eon, to put the bag on his room and leave as he wants to meditate...
After emptying the bag
" I am rich, it's 58000 gold coins." Kuru started jumping with happiness
" are you became mad, just seeing that much of money" Silaris said in disgust
"No, but it's not okay to celebrate after earning money?" Kuru said while hiding his joy
"Earning? are lucky that you born in royal family otherwise you would not be able to earn this much money your entire life " Silaris said with contempt.
"I am happy because with that much of money, I can solve you food problem" kuru tried to handle the matter tactfully
" ohh..then when are you going to do it?" Silaris asked
"Might be Tomorrow " kuru answered vaguely
In the morning....I called Butler Eon
"Butler Eon, as you know I have 58000 gold coins. This amount of money is more than that I can spend. So as a royal prince of dragonar clan, I want to do something for the poor citizens of city" kuru said while trying his best to look sincere and determined noble
" what to you mean by this , your highness ...please elaborate " butler Eon said while looking doubtful.
"The grief and pain of loosing one's family is something is irreversible. Nobody can heal the wounds of heart. But as a prince, I can atleast try to sooth their wounds by providing them monetary assistance." Kuru tried the acting skills he learned recently and knowledge of both the worlds to complete the emotional statement.
" your highness, you want to donate gold coins to the poor family members of deceased" Butler eon could not comprehend the change in prince attitude.
" no, not only I want to provide monetary benefits, I also want to do this personally. As a prince, it's my duty to stand with my subjects at their most desperate moment. " kuru said while looking like a person with high moral.
" So, butler it's your duty to inform me if anyone died in dragonar city....I will give 2 gold coins to every family member of deceased and I will not stop donating till I have a single penny left" kuru said while looking at the city emotionally.
'Will he believe me ?...I have practised whole night to say those words' kuru said to himself while looking nervous inside
" your highness, kurugami dragonar .....I have never seen a prince like you in my whole life who wants to give all his money to poor people. Who can beleive that you are only 5 year old.....I will do my best to assist you in this noble cause." Butler Eon said with determination.