Chereads / Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning / Chapter 34 - Bandits At One Side, Reptides On Another...

Chapter 34 - Bandits At One Side, Reptides On Another...

Ayaka, frustrated by Ayami's impulsive action, shouted for her to wait. But she marched forward anyways.

Sighing, Ayaka reached behind her and unwrapped the staff strapped to her back.

It was long and slender, with a dark green coloration suggesting it was made from a mystical wood.

Near the top, there was an intricate twisted design that wrapped around the staff, with a prominent purple orb embedded within the twists, serving as the focal point.

Then pointing it towards the sky, she began to chant, "[By The Crackling Fury Of Reijin's Might, Let Bolts Dance From The Heavens To Obey My Command!]"

As she cast her spell, the sky began to crackle with thunder, and black clouds gathered around her staff, the orb glowing brightly as it resonated with her mana.

One of the major bandit, affected by Maya's spell, shouted in panic, "Stop that blonde-haired mage!" his voice shaking, "If she's successful in casting that Advanced spell, we're all dead!"

Another bandit, locked in combat with Ayami, struggling to hold his ground as he responded, "We can't! This crazy bitch in front is slaughtering us with no... UGH!!!"

Before he could finish, Ayami swiftly pushed him back and sliced his throat, doing so, blood spattering everywhere.

The bandit, clutching his throat in pain, stumbled backward. Suddenly, he burst into flames, engulfed in fire, perishing gruesomely.

Another one came from behind and attempted to attack with his spear, but his yell gave away his intentions.

She swiftly dodged the attack, but still received a cut on her arm.

"Ugh!" Ayami grunted, feeling the pain, but remained steadfast. In one fluid motion, she slashed the bandit's chest, and immediately bursting into flames, perishing swiftly.

Ayami, becoming more cautious wielded her blazing sword with precision, cutting down foes effortlessly.

With each strike, she sliced through hands, throats, stomachs, even penetrating their hearts, while the flames from her sword burned them upon contact, leaving a trail of burning destruction in her wake.

Witnessing the bloodshed and dismembered bodies, Maya getting overwhelmed, couldn't maintain her concentration and started vomiting where she stood.

With her Telepathy ceased, some of the bandits who were affected by it stopped feeling pain in their heads but instead of fighting, they began to flee in fear immediately.

Desperate to save themselves from the wrath of these girls.

But as Ayaka's incantation completed, she released her spell, "[CHAIN LIGHTNING]" aiming her staff at one of the fleeing bandits.

Immediately, purple lightning descended from the crackling sky, striking the bandit along with others, passing through their hearts one by one.

At that moment, a woman with messy brown hair and a scarred eye wearing a patch, as she half-naked the scars on her body clearly seen.

As she emerged from the cave, she shouted casually but rudely, "Ey! Quite down, you bunch of maggots! Why are you yelling so—AHHHHHH!!!!"

Little did she knew, the Chain Lightning passing through penetrated her heart as well, killing her immediately.

With passing through other bandits, all the bandits were killed, mercilessly.

Except one, clashing with Ayami. Shocked and scared, the bandit attempted to flee. He screamed in fear and tossed his sword aside in desperation.

However, Ayami swiftly caught up to him and delivered a fatal blow from behind, ending his life with a single strike.

With that, all met their end either burned to crisps by Ayami's Flames or struck down by Ayaka's Lightning.

Ayami and Ayaka approached Maya afterwards, who was visibly shaken by the violence she witnessed, not being accustomed to such brutality as coming from a more peaceful side of another world.

"Are you okay, Maya?" Ayaka asked, her voice filled with concern.

On her knees, holding herself together, Maya responded with a trembling voice, "No, I'll be okay. Just give me a second..."

– I know... Even though they were humans, they were still bad guys causing harm to innocents! It was necessary and I need to get used to it...

Maya gathered her resolve, realizing the necessity of their actions despite the discomfort it caused her.

She knew that in this dangerous world, she might find herself in a situation where she'd have to take similar actions.

With that, Maya picked up her Wand and rose to her feet while Ayami and Ayaka gestured to help her.

She then suggested they go inside to check on the kidnapped girls.

Nodding in agreement, they ventured inside the cave with remaining cautious. As they entered, their worst fear were realized as they were met with a scene of horror.

Two girls lay lifeless on the ground to the left side of the cavern, their forms twisted like a broken doll, with torned clothes and bearing the scars of unspeakable torture.

In the middle, three others were bound to a piller-like rock, their ripped garments barely clinging to their bodies.

Chained wrists and ankles, tear-streaked faces filled with despair and full of bloody wounds all over their bodies. Their eyes filled with hopelessness.

With more girls huddled together in a cage to the right side, scared, their cries echoing off the cavern walls, some with wide eyes darted fearfully as they awaited their uncertain fate.

Sensing no other threat, they relaxed their defensive posture and approached each side swiftly, determined to help the girls.

Ayaka knelt beside the deceased, her hands trembling as she gently closed their eyes. "Sorry we couldn't save you in time," she murmured softly, a look of sorrow etched on her face.

She retrieved two pieces of clothing from her shoulder bag and wrapped them around the deceased.

Maya moved swiftly to the chained girls, "You're safe now," she reassured them, her voice firm yet gentle.

Searching the ground, she soon found the keys tucked in a discarded dress. Realizing it must belong to the one captor who were inside, she retrieved the keys.

With steady hands, she set to work unlocking the metal binds. With deliberate and careful movements, she freed the three captives.

Though Maya remained brave in front of these girls, the sight of their wounds still overwhelmed her.

Controlling herself not to burst in tears, she resolved herself and raised her hands in front towards one the girls, with her softly uttering, "‹HEAL›"

After, she made appear her previously bought clothes in her hands as she utilized Subspace, "Put these on." with a warm smile, "We're taking you home; you don't have to suffer anymore," she said, her voice filled with reassurance.

Feeling hopeful again, the girls hugged Maya and thanked her as tears fell from their eyes.

Not able to control herself, she embraces the girls and burst into tears.

Meanwhile, Ayami approached the cage, her heart aching at the sight of the frightened girls within. "Don't worry," she reassured them with a gentle tone, "we're here to help you."

With a swift strike of her sword, she broke the lock on the cage, freeing the captives from their confinement.

After gathering everyone and calming them down, they were ready to leave the cave.

But before that, Maya collected the bodies of the deceased girls in her Subspace, and with that, they swiftly made their way toward Riviera Town, not wasting anymore time in the wilderness.


On the other side, as Ewaan walked a distance, far from the girls, he retrieved the ‹Blank Advanced Spellbook› from his Inventory and asked Great Sage, "So, what kind of skill would I get after using this thing?"

Ting~ [Upon pouring and resonating Mana inside the Blank Advanced Spellbook, the user will instantly learn three Advanced Spells according to the user's attributes.]

Intrigued, Ewaan closed his eyes, focusing intently on his mana as he poured it into the book.

Suddenly, a golden glow enveloped him, along with the book evaporating into glowing particles, filling his mind with knowledge of three advanced spells, accompanied by a sharp sting in his head.

[Notice: Upon successful usage of the Blank Advanced Spellbook, the user gained the skills ‹Chaos Vortex›, ‹Nightfall Dominion›, and ‹Aetherial Symphony›.]

[Notice: Gained the special skill ‹Aetherial Symphony›, the user has achieved the ultimate title ‹Elemental Lord — Master Of None›.]

[Notice: The title's ability has led the special skill ‹Aetherial Symphony› to reach its maximum level.]

[Notice: The user's ‹Dark› attribute will now integrate within the Mythical Attribute ‹Aether›.]

Shocked and surprised at this unexpected outcome, Ewaan exclaimed, "Wait, wait, wait! What's happening?!"

[Notice: The attributes have successfully merged. The User can now utilize the special skill's ability to its full extent.]

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