Chereads / Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning / Chapter 38 - I Missed The Part Where That's My Problem!

Chapter 38 - I Missed The Part Where That's My Problem!

"I need your help in saving my mother," Yuuna requested, with a firm and resolute tone, her gaze unwavering as she fixed her eyes on Ewaan.

"Look, cat girl, I'm no Hero. Find someone else," Ewaan retorted sharply, his tone tinged with impatience.

Without waiting for a response, he swiftly employed Shadow Movement, disappearing from Yuuna's view, and descended near the river.

There, he began collecting the corpses of the Reptide Lizards into his Inventory, with efficient movements.

– Even though technically I'm a Hero, I didn't transmigrate to do charity but to defeat the bigger threat of this world, such as the Demon King!

"[In The Veiled Embrace Of Shadows, Cloak And Transport — SHADOW MOVEMENT]," Yuuna chanted urgently, appearing beside Ewaan. "I know you're not the Hero because I've witnessed the Hero summoning failing with my own eyes!"

His expression turned a mix of surprise and curiosity as he heard.

– Huh? There was a ritual to summon Heroes? When Akwan said he played a part in it, did he mean this?

Ewaan, however, remained focused on his task, continued collecting the corpses of the Reptide Lizards.

But Yuuna wasn't ready to give up. "But you're just as capable as a Hero," she persisted, her voice carrying a hint of desperation. "I'm sure you can save my mother from the clutches of those bastards!"

Not paying attention to Yuuna's pleas, Ewaan approached the riverbank with determined strides.

He then raised his hands shoulder-width apart, with his palms facing forward. With a commanding tone, he chanted, "‹HYDROKINESIS›."

As Ewaan gestured, the filth in the water left behind by the Reptide Lizards floated in the air, swirling and coalescing into a spherical shape.

Surprised by his utilization of a Water-type spell, she remarked with intrigue, "You're a dual attributes wielder?"

With precise movements of his hands, he directed the filth, while clear water cascading from the mountaintop swept away the murkiness, purifying the river in its entirety.

With a glance at Yuuna, Ewaan retorted, "I missed the part where that's my problem!"

He then invoked Shadow Movement once more, disappearing from her sight as he moved towards the plains, and began his journey to return back to the Riviera Town.

Despite her frustration at his silent casting, Yuuna persisted, determined to keep up with him. Swiftly chanting another Shadow Movement, she followed Ewaan as they walked along.

With a determined expression, Yuuna asked, "What'll it take for you to help me?"

Ignoring her, he kept walking forward.

Persistently, she continued, "I know for a fact that with that strength and mana of yours, you're not an ordinary person... I'm a spy, I know many things... Even many nations' secrets which I haven't even told the Lucania governor... yet! Help me, and I'll disclose all of it to you..."

Hearing her, Ewaan stopped.

Yuuna couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, sensing that she might be on the right track. She looked at him nervously, waiting for his response.

But it was simply a powerful sneeze "AAAACHOOO!" that made him pause abruptly.

– Must be the girls thinking of me! I should hurry back so they don't worry.

With that, he utilized Teleport to put some distance between them, hoping she wouldn't catch up and eventually give up on pestering him.

But to his surprise, Yuuna dashed to close the gap swiftly.

Frustrated, Ewaan kept utilizing teleport to put distance between them, but every time she closes in.

This continued until they were near the town, with Yuuna persistently keeping up with him.

"WAIT!!" Exhausted, Yuuna yelled from behind, "Haah... help me... Aah... or else, I'll leak your secret—"

Getting fed up with Yuuna's persistence, Ewaan snapped, his voice laced with irritation, "Look, cat girl," he turned sharply, facing her with a piercing gaze, "even though you saw me doing many things, out of courtesy for your good heart and that name, I let you live, but it doesn't mean—"

Desperate, Yuuna interjected, her voice trembling with emotion, "If nothing else... I'm even willing to be your slave!" Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued, "I just want my mother to live, is that too much to ask?"

Sighing, Ewaan pinched the bridge of his nose, then said, "Tell me something, you're a spy for the Lucania Republic, who even dares to hurt your mother?"

Glancing at him with hope, she uttered with a serious expression, "It's the Luc-AHHH!!!" But she couldn't finish as the tattoo at her neck glowed ominously and sent a surge of electricity coursing through her body.

With that, she collapsed into Ewaan's arms, her unconscious form limp and vulnerable.

Ewaan, taken aback and puzzled, could only manage, "What just happened?" He quickly consulted the Great Sage for answers, his voice tinged with urgency and confusion.

Ting~ [Yuuna Kanon is bound by a slave contract and has incurred a penalty for uttering restricted words.]

– Slave contract?

He looked at her unconscious form draped over his body, continuing to ponder,

– So she wasn't simply exaggerating about becoming a slave...

"Is it possible for a slave to choose another master when there's already one they're serving?" he asked the Great Sage.

Ting~ [Negative. Unless the second contractor is more powerful than the first, the second contractor can nullify the slave contract and impose their own if they so wish.]

With a puzzled expression, Ewaan muttered to himself, "If it's about strength, mana, or skills, I'm probably the strongest among whoever her current master is... It must be someone from that Lucania Republic, as she was also about to say Lucania... maybe!"

Ewaan looked at her and continued, "But... what am I supposed to do with her now?" then he sighed.


Ewaan soon neared the Riviera Town's main gate, bearing her weight on one shoulder, he muttered, "Sigh... What am I doing, carrying her all the way with me? Just my luck!"

As he approached closer, Ewaan noticed Maya, Ayaka, and Ayami, surrounded by a bunch of teenage girls amidst the cries of the townsfolk.

There were tears of both joy and sorrow, laughter mingled with sobs, creating a discordant mixture of emotions that echoed through the streets.

Ewaan glanced at the scene, murmuring to himself, "Looks like they've succeeded in rescuing those girls. Hope they're okay too..."

Maya, noticing Ewaan from afar, exclaimed with a smile lighting up her face. "He's back!" Her voice rang out with excitement as he hurried towards Ewaan.

With Ayaka and Ayami approaching as well, seeing Ewaan safe and sound, Ayaka spoke up, "Oh thank Gods you came back... Soundly??"

But the sight of a unconscious girl on his shoulder confused all three of them.

With a furrowed brow, Ayami's eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the unconscious girl. "Wait... She looks kinda familiar..." she murmured.

Ayaka exclaimed, "She looks kinda like that A-rank adventurer, Mao..." Soon, eyes widened with realization, "No, it is her!"

"What did you do to her, Ewaan—no, why is she even with you in the first place?" Ayami questioned, her concern evident in her tone, but suspicion lingered in her eyes.

Ewaan replied, a hint of annoyance in his voice, "First of all, I did nothing. She collapsed on her own. Secondly, she approached me to join our party!"

– Good thing I cooked this up on my way back...

"You really want me to believe this story of yours?" Ayami questioned skeptically.

"You'll get your confirmation after she wakes up!" Ewaan remarked with a straight face. Then, looking behind them, he added, "Enough about this, how did it go at your end?"

Maya answered, "We managed to defeat all the bandits and rescue those girls but..." Suddenly, her expression changed from neutral to sorrowful.

Ayaka chimed in, saying, "Unfortunately, we couldn't save 2 of them, and 3 of them were badly injured, but," Glancing at Maya with a smile, she continued, "Maya here healed them as if the injuries were never there!"

Ewaan was surprised, pondering whether the Blank Basic Spellbook he gave her before departing was the reason for her sudden healing ability.

As he utilized Appraisal on Maya and saw her stats, Ewaan couldn't believe the significant growth.



〘Level 06〙

〘16 Years〙〘Female〙〘Human〙 


〘Class: Mystic〙 

〘Attribute: Light, Water, Psychic, ???〙 


〘Strength: 1190〙 

〘Constitution: 1850〙 

〘Dexterity: 1200〙 

〘Intelligence: 4100〙 

〘Wisdom: 3750〙 

〘Magic Points: 75000〙 


〘Affiliation: Adventurer from the Adventurers Guild, Member of the Adventurer team ‹Ordained End›〙 

〘Criminal Record: None〙 

SPECIALTY: Quick Adaptability, Versatile Spellcasting, Silent Spellcasting, Strategic Thinking, Keen Sense of Danger〙 

WEAKNESS: Limited Physical Resilience, Emotional susceptibility, Lack of Combat Experience〙 


Favoured By The Goddess Of Love

✥ Currently, 50+ Deities Bestow Their Divine Gazes Upon Her

✥ Currently In Possession Of The Holy Armor ‹Luna's Grace

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