Chapter 39 - Shadows Of The Past…



〘Level 06〙

〘16 Years〙〘Female〙〘Human〙 


〘Class: Mystic〙 

〘Attribute: Light, Water, Psychic, ???〙 


SKILLS: Extent+, Linguistics+, Subspace+, Mental Resistance+, Special Awareness+, Cooking (Level 3), Rapid Assimilator (Level 1), Waveshield (Level 1), Light Resistance (Level 4), Water Resistance (Level 3), Pain Nullification (Level 4), Mana Sense (Level 5)〙

ELEMENTAL SKILLS: Advanced Psychic Control (Level 2), Basic Water Control (Level 5), Basic Light Control (Level 5), Psionic Shield (Level 1), Psionic Blast (Level 3), Bubble Bomb (Level 1), Heal (Level 2), Aqua Cutter (Level 1), Mist Veil (Level 1), Luminous Shield (Level 1), Psychic Distortion (Level 1)〙

SPECIAL SKILLS: Telepathy (Level 4)〙

UNIQUE SKILLS: One-sided Love+, Amokinesis+, Love Empowerment (Level 1), Potion Creation (Level 1), ???〙


As Ewaan pondered Maya's unexpected and rapid level increase, Great Sage chimed in with an explanation,

Ting~ [Due to Hero Maya Tempest's Passive Skills ‹Extent› and ‹Rapid Assimilator›, she gained a significant experience boost, resulting in her sudden level increase.]

With Ewaan lost in thought, Ayami spoke up, "What about you? Did you defeat those lizards?"

Snapping back to reality, Ewaan raised his hand to shoulder height, and in an instant, numerous Reptide Lizard corpses materialized on the ground.

Ewaan remarked, "This should be proof enough, right? The area should be safe now." He shifted the weight of Yuuna on his shoulder slightly, feeling the eyes of his companions on him.

Witnessing the scene, Ayaka and Maya were shocked yet amazed. Ayami smirked, as if she had expected Ewaan to succeed without any consequences.

"And what about her?" Ayami asked, glancing at the unconscious girl again.

Ewaan sighed and was about to respond when the old lady from the town approached them.

"You don't know how grateful I am," she said, breaking down into tears. "Even though there were some losses, I'm really glad that those girls are safe. And you also helped restore our source of water!"

Maya approached the old lady, gently holding her. "It's the duty of those with power to help those who can't defend themselves," she said softly.

Ewaan chimed in, "Don't fret, granny. If you want to thank someone, thank the kid who posted the commission to the Adventurers Guild in time."

Whipping her tears away, the old lady smiled warmly and said, "You're right, but you young heroes were the ones who came to our aid when nobody else did, so let me thank you all on behalf of everyone in this town."

Maya, Ayami and Ayaka exchanged bashful glances with warm smiles.

With a genuine smile, the old lady added, "Even though our town isn't like what it used to be right now, I would be really happy if you heroes stayed in our little town for a while."

With a nod of agreement, the group decided to accept the old lady's invitation and stay in the town for the night.

Ewaan glanced at the horizon and remarked, "Then we'll take you up on that offer. It's getting late anyway, and this one here," gesturing towards Yuuna's unconscious form, "is still out cold."

With that, the old lady gestured to offer lodgings for them to stay.

Before leaving, she expressed, "In a moment, we will celebrate the safe return of our young girls and the triumph of our heroes over those evildoers. So, please, the townsfolks and I would all like it if you all joined in our little festivity."

Responding, the group nodded with smiles, except for Ewaan, who remained neutral.

Ayaka spoke up, "We definitely will, granny."

With that, the old lady left.

Maya yawned, saying, "Let's get inside and rest a bit before joining the festivities."

After everyone nodded, the girls went to a single room, leaving Ewaan and Yuuna alone.

Not minding it, he also went to a room, settling Yuuna on a bed. As he stared at her unconscious form, he muttered to himself, "Now what shall I do with this problem lying before me...?"

Ting~ [Yuuna Kanon has fallen into a temporary coma as a result of the penalty. To awaken her, the user must transfer ownership of Yuuna Kanon to himself.]

Pondering for a moment, he muttered, "Sigh... I really don't want to do this, but I guess I don't have any other choice here..."

Then, he questioned, "How do I do this then? Injecting my Mana into the tattoo behind her neck to repel the previous and mark my own ownership?"

Ting~ [Affirmative.]

Surprised, he exclaimed, "Damn! It's really like that? I was just hypothesizing! Guess those numbers on my Wisdom aren't just for show!"

He approached the sleeping Yuuna, sat beside her on the bed, and then gently positioned her to rest on his shoulder. With her in this position, he gained access to the tattoo on her neck.

Then, after muttering ‹SPELLSHIELD›, a semi-transparent energy shield shimmered with a faint blue hue enveloped around them, forming a protective barrier.

It seemed to blend seamlessly with the surroundings, almost invisible to the naked eye but providing a solid defense against unwanted intrusion or detection. "With this, I hope we won't alert anyone..."

As Ewaan concentrated on his Mana, he guided it to flow through his fingertips. With precision, he raised two fingers and tapped the tattoo behind Yuuna's neck.

Immediately, swirling Mana was injected into her, causing her to scream out in pain.

The tattoo began to change color, transitioning from black to white, signifying the transfer of ownership, matching his Aura.

[Notice: The ownership of Yuuna Kanon has successfully transferred to the User, gaining the Skills ‹Control›, ‹Command›, ‹Telepathic Communication›, ‹Enhanced Awareness›, ‹Magical Reinforcement›, ‹Protection› and ‹Revocation›.]

As the ownership transfer completed, a square-shaped tattoo materialized on the back of Ewaan's hand, mirroring the circular design of Yuuna's.

[Notice: The user has gained the ‹Owner's Crest›, causing the newly acquired skills to be bound within the crest. Additionally, the user has gained the skills ‹Life Link› and ‹Dual Power Amplification›.]

[Notice: The bonded, Yuuna Kanon has leveled up!]

This ordeal surprised Ewaan, and curiosity led him to glance at the new Crest, pondering if it was similar to the Hero's Crest he and Maya possesses.

Suddenly, with a dissonant sound, his unique skill Pro Gamer activated, showing glimpses of Yuuna's past directly in his mind. Shocked, he looked upward, trying to process the unexpected influx of memories.


Amidst the destruction of a Beastnoid village, black aura emitting Ogres slaughtering everyone mercilessly, while resistance fighters struggling to fend off the demonic monsters.

In the chaos, a child, barely six years old, sat on the ground, terror etched on her face as she stared at her deceased father, "...Baba..." was none other than little Yuuna.

Her mother, a spitting image of Yuuna but with ginger hair covering one eye, rushed over and took her child to hide in the remnants of a destroyed house.

Both mother and daughter cried silently, the mother's hand covering little Yuuna's mouth to muffle their sobs of terror and grief over their fallen loved one.

"It's alright, Yuuna, the sun will shine on us again..." Yuuna's mother whispered in her ears.


After slaughtering everyone in the village, believing no life forms remained, the Demonic Ogres moved on to their next target.

After a day passed, a group of humans arrived with carriages carrying cages filled with captured Beastnoids and Elves. They searched the destroyed village for any remaining survivors and found Yuuna and her mother.

The captors took the Kanon mother and daughter, along with the other caged captives, and sold them to a merchant who auctioned them off in the black market.

Eventually got bought by an aristocrat from the Lucania Republic, they were branded with Slave Crests, the marks burned into the skin around their necks.


Afterwards, little Yuuna was confined to a cage in the kitchen of that aristocrat's house, while her mother was taken elsewhere by that aristocrat.

Receiving food only once a day, Yuuna's health deteriorated rapidly.

Eventually, on the brink of death, she heard the ethereal voice of the Goddess of Darkness resonating in her mind.

"[From Above The Heavens, I Felt The Rage, The Sorrow, The Desire For Revenge That Burning Within Your Heart,]" the ethereal voice of the Goddess whispered.

"[Accept My Power, Child, And One Day You Shall Fulfill Your Desires And Exact Your Revenge.]"

"I... don't want... just let me die and this suffering... will end." Little Yuuna muttered, her voice choked with despair.

"[Live. Not For Yourself, But For Me And Your Mother, Who Was Taken From You Despite Surviving The Catastrophe In Your Path,]" the voice of the Goddess urged, echoing in Yuuna's mind.

"Mother..." Little Yuuna raised her shaky hand, signaling her acceptance of the Goddess's power.

Dark purple energy surged from her hand, enveloping her body in an intense glow.

With a crackling noise, her Mana Circuit expanded, causing excruciating pain to course through her entire being, with her scream echoed through the house.

The servants rushed to the source of the sound, only to find the cage empty.

Their confusion turned to shock when they discovered little Yuuna munching on food in a corner of the kitchen.

It was unbelievable that an ordinary Beastnoid child on the verge of death had not only escaped the cage but also managed to do so without leaving a trace of damage behind.


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