Chapter 35 - WEAK!!!

"The heck? Titles have abilities? And what's the merger of my Dark attribute? Explain!" Ewaan exclaimed, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Ting~ [The user's new title, ‹Elemental Lord — Master Of None› grants the ability to utilize any Elemental skills through the special skill ‹Aetherial Symphony›, regardless of having no significant attributes.]

With Great Sage's explanation, he adopted a thoughtful expression, calmly pondering the situation while checking his stats and witnessing the significant changes.



〘Level 05〙

〘17 Years〙〘Male〙〘High Human〙


〘Class: Sage/Paladin〙

〘Attribute: Aether, Spirit〙


INNATE SKILL: Great Sage+〙

SKILLS: Stature+, Linguistics+, Appraisal+, Mana Sense+, Advanced Cooking (Level 4), Multiple (Level 1), Spellshield (Level 1), Magic Missile (Level 1), Sword Apprentice (Level 9), Martial Arts (Level 9), Weapon Mastery (Level 9), Special Awareness (Level 3), Aura Manipulation (Level 3), Self Healing (Level 3), Pain Resistance (Level 2), Elemental Resistance (Level 1), Revitalizing Surge (Level 1)〙

ELEMENTAL SKILLS: Spirit Master+, Elemental Lord+, Shadow Claw (Level 1), Shadow Movement (Level 1), Parallel (Level 5), Transform (Level 1), Nightfall Dominion (Level 1), Chaos Vortex (Level 1)〙

SPECIAL SKILLS: Sixth Sense+, Aetherial Symphony+, Teleport (Level 1), Summon (Level 1), Gluttony (Level 1)〙

UNIQUE SKILLS: Sage+, Pro Gamer+〙


With addressing Great Sage again, he exclaimed, "So, if I understand correctly, I can now use any skills, regardless of whether I possess the corresponding attributes."

After a pause, while making thoughtful gesture, "And since I no longer require attributes, my Dark attribute merged within the Aether attribute since the skill Aetherial Symphony belongs to this attribute. Is that correct?"

Ting~ [Affirmative!]

"But why didn't my Spirit attribute merge then?" Ewaan inquired, seeking clarification.

But Great Sage remained silent, not offering further explanation. Despite the confusion, the realization that he could now utilize any skill overwhelmed him.

After a moment of silence, he burst out laughing in amazement. "Now this is what you call Overpowered!"


After some moments of rejoicing, Ewaan thought of using Teleport to shorten the distance, and so he did, thinking the details of the location he wishes to go.

However, to his disappointment, he only managed to teleport a distance equivalent to what his eyes could see.

Then he received a disappointing message from Great Sage, sounding,

Ting~ [With the User's Teleport skill at Level 1, it can only traverse locations within a 10-mile radius clearly visible to the user.]

"Huh? I can't even return to places I've been before? Then it's just useless... for now!" Ewaan exclaimed, his brows furrowed and his tone filled with disappointment.

Ting~ [Upon reaching Level 5 of the Teleport skill, the user can traverse locations which were previously visited.]

Sighing, he continued to walk, but soon a sudden idea struck him. He paused, closed his eyes, and concentrated deeply.

When he reopened them, they glowed with newfound clarity, allowing him to see beyond the usual limitations.

With his enhanced vision, he could now perceive distances of more than 10 miles clearly, with a wide angle surpassing any human sight.

This was made possible by mentally invoking his ‹Sixth Sense› ability and utilizing its power to enhance his vision for a limited time.

From the distance, he clearly saw the start of the riverbank near the mountains, with water streaming down to form the Meadowbrook River.

However, the once-clear water was now murky due to the presence of nesting Reptide Lizards swimming in the area.

Their appearance resembling alligators but with sturdy scales and the ability to walk on two feet. They possess pointy heads and sharp claws, making them formidable creatures to encounter in their own territory.



〘Level 30〙


〘Strength: 580〙〘+200〙

〘Constitution: 620〙〘+200〙

〘Dexterity: 580〙〘+200〙

〘Magic Points: 300〙 


SPECIALTY: Resistance to Water Magic, Claw Attacks, Tail Swing, Aquatic Ambush Predator〙 

WEAKNESS: Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Limited Land Mobility〙 


✥ Possessed By The Demon Artifact ‹Infernal Eye




〘Level 34〙


〘Strength: 670〙〘+200〙

〘Constitution: 750〙〘+200〙

〘Dexterity: 600〙〘+200〙

〘Magic Points: 300〙 


SPECIALTY: Resistance to Water Magic, Claw Attacks, Tail Swing, Aquatic Ambush Predator〙 

WEAKNESS: Earth Magic, Fire Magic, Limited Land Mobility〙 


✥ Possessed By The Demon Artifact ‹Infernal Eye




〘Level 40〙


〘Strength: 800〙〘+200〙

〘Constitution: 850〙〘+200〙

〘Dexterity: 800〙〘+200〙

〘Magic Points: 300〙 


SPECIALTY: Resistance to Water Magic, Claw Attacks, Tail Swing, Aquatic Ambush Predator〙 

WEAKNESS: Earth Magic, Limited Land Mobility〙 


✥ Possessed By The Demon Artifact ‹Infernal Eye


"Possessed by a Demon Artifact? As I suspected, someone must have deliberately summoned these monsters. This land shouldn't be infested with them otherwise!" Ewaan muttered to himself.

Disappointed, he sighed, realizing there are only twelve to fifteen of these monsters, none of them particularly powerful. "They're just too weak," he muttered, cancelling his Appraisal skill.

"Huh?" As he was using Sixth Sense, his Special Awareness also enhanced, allowing him to detect a presence in the distance to his left side, someone following him stealthily.

Recognizing the individual and sensing no malicious intent, he decided to ignore that individual for the moment and focus on the task ahead.

With a grin, he softly uttered, "‹TELEPORT›," and in an instant, he vanished from his current location, reappearing behind a tree near the Reptide Lizards.

But he forgot that monsters possess heightened sensitivity to Mana, even though he previously supressed his aura with Mana Sense, the Reptide Lizards noticed immediately regardless and started grunting, approaching the source of the Mana in their vicinity.

Facepalming himself, he emerged from behind the tree, facing the Reptide Lizards. He Sighed, muttering, "There's no point in hiding now that I've been found! Is there?"

The Reptide Lizards immediately dashed towards him with ferocity, emitting black aura from their bodies, visible even to the naked eye.

He, however, remained composed and focused, uttering, "‹SHADOW CLAW›." Dark energy surged from his fingertips, enveloping his palms and forming elongated claws made of shadows.

With a swift leap, he lunged forward, his Shadow Claws slicing through with deadly precision, severing the heads of the Reptide Lizards in a single fluid motion.

Blood sprayed in all directions, staining the already murky water crimson.

With killing two Reptide Lizards, his body became enveloped in a shroud of dark red energy, accompanied by the resonant voice of Great Sage.

[Notice: Taking lives for the first time has triggered the activation of ‹Gluttony›! Initiating life force absorption.]

[Notice: The User, Ewaan Tempest has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Shadow Claw› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Shadow Claw› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Shadow Claw› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The User has gained new skills!]

As the skill leveled up, the Shadow Claw gradually expanded from his palm to halfway down his ankles, making the claw slightly bigger.

Surprised, Ewaan exclaimed, "What? I thought this Gluttony was one of my normal skills, but it turns out to be one of the deadly sins! Wait!"

Realizing the implications, he continued, "Then do I have to kill monsters every day in order to satiate this skill, and if I don't, it'll drive me to kill anyone around me? Damn it!!!" Frustration was evident in his tone.

More were coming towards him as he swiftly approached, forming an 'X' with his claws around one Reptide Lizard's chest, killing it in an instant, with blood spattering everywhere.

[Notice: The skill ‹Shadow Claw› has leveled up!]

Amidst the slaughter of the monsters, Ewaan couldn't shake off the concern about Gluttony and what it meant for him forward.

[Notice: The skill ‹Shadow Claw› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Shadow Claw› has leveled up!]

[Notice: The User, Ewaan Tempest has leveled up!]

[Notice: The skill ‹Gluttony› has leveled up!]

With the lifeless bodies of the Reptide Lizards scattered around him, Ewaan begun pondering his dilemma, making a thoughtful gesture.

"Hmm... Perhaps I could utilize Pro Gamer to master Gluttony and rectify its flaw. If that doesn't prove effective, I can always create a new skill to surpass this insatiable hunger of mine..."

[Notice: Successfully contemplating a solution to the flaw in the skill ‹Gluttony›, the User's Wisdom Level has increased by 500.]

With a wide smile, Ewaan acknowledged Great Sage's notice. "Haha, this confirms it then! I can indeed correct or suppress its flaws. No need to worry about indiscriminately killing every time!"

Ting~ [An evolved King-class Reptide Lizard has appeared nearby! The user should remain cautious.]

With a quick leap backwards, Ewaan turned his attention towards the cave, his Special Awareness also alerting him to potential danger lurking within its depths.

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