Chereads / Seven Swords Of Sin / Chapter 8 - Scythe Pandemonium: Event Starts

Chapter 8 - Scythe Pandemonium: Event Starts

The day of the awaited event finally arrives…

"Why you… You've got some nerve to abandon your teammates like that." "Yeah, Amon. I thought we were friends.", Ace tries to emotional blackmail Amon. "It had to be done to put you ungrateful little losers at your place.", Amon replies. "Huh! Did you just call us losers?" "Yup! Sure did.", Amon answers curtly but quickly. "Why am I getting a feeling that you think you are better than us?", Luxman asks while glaring at Amon.

"Think? What is there to think about? I AM better than both of you put together." Luxman investigates, "You talk a big game, but are you sure that you can back it up?" "Whatever do you mean?" "Maybe we place a wager?" "Wager, you say?" "Now, I can understand if you choose not to accept my challenge and instead chicken out like the coward you are, but at least you can listen to the conditions. We're going to have a competition where the person who ranks highest among us in the next event gets to give the loser an order that he has to obey at all costs."

"That's so eas-" "BUT, there is a catch, you don't get to use magic except the physical enhancement one and I don't get to use my trustful sword."

"Huh…", Amon smirks, "That's what you get for not reading the rules of the event beforehand" "What do you mean?" "Magic is not allowed in the competition. Neither are magic weapons, tools, and stones except for the ones that we find in the treasure chests or the organizers provide us with."

Luxman gets humbled quickly and says with a fake confident face, "Uhm… Yeah… I-I-I knew that already! I just thought you didn't read the rules since you are always drunk and all…" "Fine then, I accept this challenge. I don't think there would be a better opportunity to show you your place, you flightless bird." "Come at me with everything you got, you wimpy drunkard!"

They finally enter the place of first selection and it is filled with all kinds of people- big, strong, small, human, non-human, and many more as far as the eye can see.

"BEEP BOOP! A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N, E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! T-h-e f-i-r-s-t r-o-u-n-d o-f t-h-i-s y-e-a-r's s-p-e-c-i-a-l e-v-e-n-t 'S-c-y-t-h-e P-a-n-d-e-m-o-n-i-u-m' w-i-l-l b-e-g-i-n i-n 10 m-i-n-u-t-e-s. B-y t-h-e-n, y-o-u s-h-a-l-l p-i-c-k a w-e-a-p-o-n o-f y-o-u-r c-h-o-i-c-e f-r-o-m t-h-e s-t-a-g-e o-n y-o-u-r r-i-g-h-t. B-u-t f-i-r-s-t, p-e-o-p-l-e w-h-o w-i-s-h t-o s-t-a-y b-a-r-e-h-a-n-d-e-d i-n t-h-e f-i-r-s-t r-o-u-n-d m-a-y p-a-s-s t-o t-h-e s-e-l-e-c-t-i-o-n a-n-d c-h-o-o-s-e t-h-e-i-r d-e-s-i-r-e-d e-l-e-m-e-n-t-a-l s-c-y-t-h-e t-h-a-t t-h-e-y m-u-s-t f-i-n-d i-n t-h-e f-i-r-s-t r-o-u-n-d."

"Huh? Why is she talking so slow?", Ace says with visible annoyance on his face. "And isn't that cheating, they are pretty much getting 10 minutes extra?" "This is the Elemental tower. The words of the executives are the only rules around here.", Luxman gives a straight and simple answer to Ace's question.

"A-n-d n-o-w t-h-e p-e-o-p-l-e w-h-o w-i-s-h t-o f-i-g-h-t w-i-t-h a w-e-a-p-o-n m-a-y c-h-o-o-s-e o-n-e f-r-o-m t-h-i-s b-u-n-c-h w-h-i-c-h a-l-s-o c-o-n-t-a-i-n-s 4 m-a-g-i-c w-e-a-p-o-n-s t-h-a-t c-a-n b-e y-o-u-r-s i-f y-o-u a-r-e l-u-c-k-y e-n-o-u-g-h t-o c-h-o-o-s-e t-h-e-m b-y c-h-a-n-c-e."

"Seriously… What is wrong with her voice!", says Ace again with an annoyed expression. "Wait the magic weapons are fine and all but aren't there a lot fewer weapons compared to the participants?" "Yeah! There are only about 200 and so weapons." "But there are thousands of us" "Is there a catch or something?" "Could they have miscalculated?"

As the confusion and tension amongst the crowd grow, the announcer announces, "BEEP BOOP! P-l-e-a-s-e, E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e! M-a-i-n-t-a-i-n s-i-l-e-n-c-e a-n-d p-a-y a-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n, y-o-u a-l-l a-r-e p-r-o-v-i-d-e-d w-i-t-h 250 w-e-a-p-o-n-s i-n t-o-t-a-l a-n-d t-h-e t-o-t-a-l n-u-m-b-e-r o-f p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-n-t-s i-s a-b-o-u-t 3000. S-o, i-f y-o-u g-u-y-s s-t-i-l-l d-o-n't g-e-t t-h-e i-d-e-a t-h-e-n… YOU DONKEYS ARE JUST DUMB!"

"Wait, did she just call us donkeys?" "Hey! I am not dumb, take it back" "Someone needs to show her, her place" "Do you even know who I am?" As the nobodies in the crowd waste their time trying to prove their superiority with words, the real superiors decide to take action and rush towards the hoard of weapons with Ace being unexpectedly at first.

"Wait how did you understand that the announcer was trying to waste our time?", Luxman asks Ace as he tries to catch up. "Huh? So, she was stalling for time? I don't know, I was just so annoyed by her voice that I decided to get myself a cool weapon." "Yeah… I should have guessed it, my bad", Luxman gets reminded yet again that Ace is a dufus. As Ace and Luxman reach the hoard of weapons, they find Amon standing there with two swords and 3 to 4 other people too. "Wait I thought I was the first one to start and none of you guys passed me on the way either…", Ace says with confusion and picks a cool-looking sword then shouts with agitation, "Damn! It is greasy!"

"Indeed, we are not allowed to use magic in the event but the event doesn't start till round 1 begins. This is just a selection, A selection to weed out all the small fries like our friend over there.", says Amon as he points at Luxman who was choosing a sword. "Hey small fry, here, take this.", Amon throws a sword at Luxman and continues, "I know a magic weapon when I see one. I don't want you to complain that I won because of using a magic weapon after losing, so have at it."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about it, the fact that I am using a weapon against you is enough overkill as it is. I don't need a magic weapon to kill a weakling like you." "Oh, really huh? Go ahead and try then, not like a SLOWPOKE like you can even scratch me." "Why you little runt… You are dead!", Luxman picks up a sword in a hurry and attacks Amon and Amon defends with his magic weapon, a spear, and a shockwave of electricity combined with wind is produced. Luxman gets shocked and says "Guess fate is not happy with me just killing you, it wants me to massacre you completely, I picked a magic weapon by complete coincidence."

Although Amon knew that this was no coincidence as he was the one who slid the sword right under Luxman's hand before provoking him knowing that he would refuse to accept a sword (which was not actually a magic weapon) given to him by Amon.

"BEEP BOOP! A-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n, a-l-l p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-n-t-s! E-n-g-a-g-i-n-g i-n c-o-m-b-a-t b-e-f-o-r-e t-h-e e-v-e-n-t s-t-a-r-t-s i-s s-t-r-i-c-t-l-y p-r-o-h-i-b-i-t-e-d a-n-d a-n-y f-u-r-t-h-e-r i-g-n-o-r-a-n-c-e o-f r-u-l-e-s w-i-l-l b-e p-e-n-a-l-i-z-e-d b-y d-i-s-q-u-a-l-i-f-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. SO, CALM YOUR NERVES, YOU MUTTS! T-h-a-t's a-l-l t-h-a-n-k y-o-u."

 "Hey! What are you guys, idiots? Just wait a few minutes, will ya?", says Ace. "Idiot? That's the last thing that I thought I would be called by you. But I guess I was at fault too so… Sorry. Hey, angel! You apologize too.", Amon admits and apologizes. "So which weapon did you choose, Ace?", Luxman asks Ace. "What? Do you think you can just ignore me?" "Oh, I? I got… Hihihi…", Ace chuckles and shows them his weapon. "Hey! I am saying someth…" "Wait what? You chose this? Are you… Wait… I forgot… You ARE dumb!"