Chapter 20
Narrator Pov:
Every single person, rushes to pack all the essentials. Lets start with Snotlout, in his room he packs his Laptop, seven sets of clothes, a Sword he had? He also grabs his personal effects and more, putting them all into a hiking backpack. He doesn't have a footlocker.
Hunter packs his Laptop, four sets of clothes, eight hoodies, personal effects, and a Lego Star Wars X-wing? He puts them all in his Dark blue hiking backpack he got from his deceased father. He proceeds to pack a stove that's the shape of a Brief case and some food. He doesn't know how long he will be out there.
Hannah packs her Laptop, eight sets of clothes, a Jacket, personal effects, and a picture of the group. She puts them all in her Purple Backpack she got from Jake as a gift. She also grabs some books from the library.
Astrid packs her Laptop, six sets of clothes, a Jacket, personal effects, and a Axe? She puts them all in her Light Blue Hiking backpack she got from Hiccup. She also grabs a picture of her uncle?
The twins just grab some random stuff that no-one knows what it is.
Jake packs the most out of Everyone. He puts his book collection into his first footlocker. He puts eight sets of clothes and his laptop in his Green Hiking backpack. He puts on a full set of Forest Camo clothes and puts his Jacket in his backpack. He grabs his CPU's Motherboard and Hard-drive, putting them in a safe box that won't damage them before putting them into another footlocker.
He heads into his secret room and wipes everything from the computer. But not before he sends a message to SVH about what is happening. But it won't send! The people Jammed all communications from the area.
Hiccup puts his Laptop, nine pairs of clothes, two Jackets, personal effects, and puts them in his Hiking backpack. It was a gift from Jake.
Emma needed help packing so Jake helped her pack what was needed. After that it was 6:35, over the next ten minutes, Jake wipes every single computer. The twins arrive and head inside with their stuff.
And Mia is already packed.
Hiccup Pov:
"We all here?," I ask.
"Yeah," They all respond.
"We have fifteen minutes to get out of this vicinity. We could split up as to not be found as easy. But we might not find each other as well. Leave your phones here so we can't be tracked as well as anything currently on," Jake says.
"Ok, other than that, Does your father care about this house, Hiccup?," Jake asks me, why would he ask that.
"No, not really, why do you ask, Jake?," I ask back.
"Well, just so it would be harder to find us and anything with intel, I was going to blow the house up. If your father didn't care, the bomb is set, just needs a timer," Jake tells me, left hand behind his head.
"Sure, I guess, stay with your families if we split up though. Now Mia, explain your situation," I ask.
"My father is Alvin the treacherous, though he doesn't care for me nor my brother. So we were forced to work for Eugene to keep him safe under threat of death. Which happened to my brother as you can see. Though SVH contacted me and told me to come here this morning and they will stop pursuing him, until he commits another crime," Mia tells me.
"Well that plan has gone to Hell considering he is attacking soon," I respond.
"Well, he said he would still keep me safe if I met up with you guys either way," Mia finishes.
"Alright," I say, and get a question from Tuff.
"By the way, who is Hiccup and Jake, Jackson and Harry," Tuffnut asks.
"Yeah," Ruffnut agrees.
"Well, witness protection program means alias's. So we kinda had to have something that didn't relate to our actual names. No—," I was saying, but then the door got blown up and us thrown back.
Narrator Pov:
The people had started the operation sooner than expected. It was 6:50, and they had just shot a rocket launcher at the door, blowing it up. "That's it, time to go, Jake, permission to blow this house up, I don't care what my father says," Hiccup yells and with that, they all split up.
Jake takes out a gun he was hiding and starts shooting out the door as everyone else heads down stairs. Though, Emma and Hannah stay with him. "What are you waiting for? Go!," Jake yells as they start to return fire.
"Fine, but you better meet us at the location!," Hannah yells back.
"You don't need to worry about that, I am a expert in all types of combat and maneuvering," Jake says as he shoots a guy dead that entered.
All of them head downstairs, and through the tunnel. "Now, the exit in the Cove is permanently closed. But there are other paths, we will take one of those," Hiccup says. But as they are running, the ground shakes, and the tunnel caves in, in different parts.
"Hiccup!," Hannah yells.
"I'm fine, everyone, sound off!," Hiccup yells. One by one everyone calls, and they are safe. But there is a problem, they are split up into small groups.
"Stick with your group and head off into one of the branching tunnels. They lead into the forest, when you get there, run and keep on running. Do not regroup at the village as it will expose it, head to your designated safe spots. But do not head to the same as another group, it will expose them if you are followed. We all have our computers, when Covid ends, we will regroup, you will get one Email from me. Follow those instructions, now we have wasted enough time, Go!," Hiccup yells and everyone splits off.
The groups are as follows: 1. Hiccup and Astrid, 2. Snotlout, Mia, and the Twins, 3. Hunter, 4. Emma, Hannah, and Jake? As Hiccup had been Yelling Jake had caught up.
"Whatever you all are gonna do, you better do it fast. That bomb is going off in no time with enoguh force to destroy the house, and these tunnels, along with filling them with Fire!," Jake yells. With that, they all run as fast as they can.