An uncomfortable silence immediately fell over the group of four. It was so thick that Damien felt as if he had taken a wrong step and sunk into a particularly slimy swamp.
However, the only one to blame for such sinister stillness was none other than his little sister. Sophie glared at everyone with a deadly icy stare, even though she had dark circles under her eyes that made her look like a raccoon.
After examining Nephelia up and down for a few moments, the traitor herself pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed a number in front of their disbelieving eyes.
"Hello? Police? Look, it's just that my brother brought home a loli and..."
Before she could even finish the sentence, Damien had already snatched the phone out of her hand with lightning speed. Luckily, when he looked at the screen, he realized that his sister hadn't actually called anyone.