Chereads / The Demon's Fated Bride / Chapter 40 - Unlike other humans

Chapter 40 - Unlike other humans

Inside a room, faintly illuminated but well furnished with a dark theme and pungent stench of alcohol could be perceived as well as a faint stench of blood and blaring music in the background but somehow, inside here, it was mild. Lilian frowned when she was brought here. She didn't know where she was, but she was certain that she was no longer in Maple Ridge.

"Have a seat and wait, Miss Lilian," the phantom who had now taken the form of a man said. He walked to a sofa at the corner sat down and pointed to the one beside him, but she refused to sit.

"Where have you taken me?" She seethed but received no reaction from him and no words as a reply. "That is daylight kidnapping," she mumbled but walked to sit where she was instructed to.

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