" In Old Tounge"
1 year B.C. 22th day of the 1st moon
Brandon Snow POV
After preparing his travel route for his tour around the north before departing to Essos. After 3 sennights in Winters fell Library, Brandon decided that with permission of his brother to send ravens to all the lords with word of his plans on starting a new life in Essos and that he would be departing from White harbour on the beginning of the next year, in his raven it would mentioned about seeking glory and fame in the new land and that he would take anyone willing to go.
Knowing that many sencond and third sons of lords would take this oportunity of a new life and many smallfolk would also join so that their famillies could have a better chance of surviving winter.
While he had his own saved coin for his journey some 3,000 gold wolves, His brother decided to gift him 50,000 gold wolves so that he could be well established. With so much gold to his name he decided that his first course of action was to travel to White harbour and secure a small fleet of 5 galley at the cost of 500 gold dragons each. And so he departed Winterfell with a heavy heart but with a promising future and mission to help the North.
*One week later* 29th day of the 1st moon
Arriving at White Harbour he was received by Lord Edrick Manderly the 4th son of the Lord of White Harbor, William Manderly, Edrick being a robust man of a 5'11" height with brownish blonde hair and a goatee escorted Brandon to New Castle where he explained his plans to it's Lord and asked for help in finding ships and provissions such as food and weapons for his travels. In doing so he was taken to the harbour where he succesfully aquired a small fleet of 10 trader galleys and provissions for a thousand people at a cost of 3,000 golden wolves. During his time in New Castle over 400 people volunteered to join his journey including Lord Edrick with this many people joining already he came to the realization that he did know how many would join and of he could support it all by himself, so he sent word to the lords stating that any type of help would be aprecciated.
After securing safe passage for at least 2 thousand people and with word spread out to all the North he decided that it would be best to continue his journey and head beyond the wall. For this he would leave White Harbour with his small fleet and the first 400 people which he with help of locals would turn into his first sailors, would leave the Harbour and head to closest known Wildling or "FreeFolk" as they prefer being known settlement.
* 4 Weeks later* 2nd Moon of 1 year B.C.
Spotting the smoke coming from the settlement known as HardHome Brandon was starting to feel cautios about how tjey Freefolk would react to him and his propposal and so he decided to skiff on his own to shore leaving his fleet and people anchored and prepared to defend in case they try to take the boats.
As he landed he was greeted with dozens of men and women with arms out;
"What do yer fucking want kneeler"- said a woman with a bronze axe on her hand
"My name is Brandon Snow, and I come here with a proposition for the people of HardHome"- he shouted for all to hear
At this the freefolk started murmuring, they did not expect for a kneeler to know Old Tongue and where curious about was this propsition.
The people of HardHome were interested in this because the only people beyond the wall other than other freefolk, where slavers or crows. Hardhome was mainly a fishing village with many small and primitive wooden/pelt huts it had a small populance of 600 hundred people of which 400 were fit to fight and defend what they had.
At hearing this Brehild a 6'0" tall spearwife with blonde hair and blue eyes otherwise known as Brehild "twoskins" who was a powerful warg bonded with a Mamut and a snow owl responds;
" I am Brehild and I lead this village, how do I know yer not going to kill us with those people on them fancy boats"
" I swear by the Old Gods that I came here with no intention I will even take guest right"- answerd Brandon
At this the Freefolk lowered their weapons and offered guest right, after doing so he was lead to what he figured was the main hut of the village.
In said hut sat 6 people people including their leader Brehild,
"¿Well then what the fuck do you want with us?"- she asks him witha distrustful gaze
" A moon ago I had a greenvision of some sisterfuckers that want to conquer Westeros and make everyone kneel under their leadership. Now while I may a kneeler by your standards, I refuse to kneel to some Valyrian cunts so I have decided to gather as many people as I can and travel to Essos where we can find a new life and a better purpose"- said Brandon with angry yet inspiring tone
At this he could hear them muttering about him having the sight and about how the fucking kneelers were coming for them.
After many hours of discussing he was given a hut and promised to speak more of his proposal the next day, however while heading to his hut he was stopped by one of the other 5 that was in the tent,
" Yer know kneeler I like yer idea but if you wanna have us all yer gonna want to steal Brehild and take over the clan"- he said before leaving
Steal her, he had heard about this term from the visiting Umber Lords, it meant to take a women and bed her, if succesful he would basically wed her in the Free folk customs. So he decided he would take his chance.
And so at the hour of the Bat he snuck into her hut with a dagger and rope but to his surprise she was already waiting for him,
" I knew you was gonna try something"- she acused.
At this he lunged at her, she dodged and laughed at him,
"You know I thought yer was just a stupid kneeler, and here you are trying to steal me, I'm Impressed"- she said somewhat seductly
"Once I steal you I'm going to enjoy you and take over your clan"- he said very impressed and intrested by her
After some time fighting he succesfully stole her and took her, by morning the next day he was awoken by the feeling of being groped,
" I really enjoyed that you know, you stole me but I want yer to know I've never been stolen and I don't plan on being some fancy southern woman"- she told him sternly
"You just keep doing what you like my little snow bear"- he answers honeslty
While watching her smirk at the name, he stood and helped her getting dressed, after so they called a meeting for the village where he stated his long term plan and his vision.
Many people didn't like him at first but once word got out of him stealing Brehild they fully accepted him.