Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29 Proof

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29 Proof

Michael took the money from her hand and tossed it on the bed. "Come with me." He said taking her by the hand and walking towards the bathroom. He steps inside pulls her in and closes the door. "Please…please don't' …do this…please." She pleads her entire body trembling with fear as he turns on the shower, pulls the curtain shut, and sits on the edge of the tub.

"Shh, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. Are you alright? Did that man…touch you?" He asks his eyes raking over her. She shakes her head no. "Good, now help me figure out how to get you out of here and back home to your family." He said in a soft tone.

"You're really not going to hurt me? You promise?" She asks in a hopeful tone. "Yes." "You're one of the good guys?" "I am." "Oh thank God." She sighed as her knees buckled and she sank to the ground. "Thank God." She said again. "So you beat those men to protect me and not because you want me for yourself?" She asks.

"That's correct." "Thank God." She whispers again clutching her chest. "But…but why are we in your bathroom? And why is the shower running?" She asks looking around. "Well I might be very good at detecting the cameras he keeps putting in my room but there's a possibility that I might have missed a listening device and I don't particularly wish for him to be a part of this conversation." He said with a small reassuring smile.

"Oh, okay, but about getting me home, that might not be as easy as you may think." She said her head down. "Meaning?" He asks but five minutes later he realizes he was in no way prepared for her answer.

"Wait, stop for just a second, are you seriously telling me right now that whether I touch you or not I'll still be labeled a pervert for as long as I'm in this community?" He asks his brow raised. "Yes."

"And how far will this news travel?" He asks. "Throughout the entire community." She replied. Great, that means Liah will definitely hear about this. He thought with a groan. "The other thing is, you can't tell anyone that you didn't, you know, do the deed."

"Of course I can't, if I do then the tyrant will give you over to the same men I'm currently trying to protect you from." He says with a heavy sigh. "Where's Rohan? I can't see him anywhere?" She asks. "Rohan? Is that the young man, of clear complexion with a tattoo on his upper arm?" "Yes, that's him."

"He went out of the community with two other men," Michael says. "He said he would protect me from Razor, he said that's the only reason he joined this gang." "Where is your family?" "My mother and brother are both dead and I never knew my father, I live with my grandmother." She explains.

"Rohan is my boyfriend and he joined this gang so that I wouldn't end up like one of these girls in here but now look what happened." She cries. "I guess I'll have to protect you until he returns." "That may not be as easy as you think," she says biting her bottom lip nervously. "I know that I will regret asking but please elaborate."

"For you to keep them permanently away from me you'll have to keep me in here for over three days and announce to everyone here that I'm your property only then will most of them stay away from me but for what it's worth I am sorry because on one hand my virtue will be intact but your reputation will be destroyed." She said wringing her hands together.

"I really appreciate all you have done for me so far, I'm so sorry." She cried. Was there no end to this day? He thought as he began pacing the floor. His morning began with someone's life being taken because of him, then he was in a shootout and a high-speed chase, Jermaine was the one person he knew he could use against Razor so he couldn't just stand there and let him be shot: after all that he was still able to assemble multiple weapons and beat the crap out of thirty men and now this?

He was now going to be labeled as someone who defiles innocent young maidens because he was trying to save one, at least he now knew what Liah meant when she said no good deeds go unpunished. This was one of the longest days of his life, well at least the one he remembers. He thought with a snort.

"There's one more thing." She said in a small nervous voice. "Of course there is." He chuckles shaking his head. "What is it?" "Razor is going to demand proof of what he wants you to …do…" She says her voice trailing off.

"What kind of proof?' He asks and immediately regrets asking when he hears the answer. "Blood proof." She said as fresh tears ran down her face. "Blood proof? Do you mean the blood from your…? After you lose your….?" He couldn't even bring himself to say the words. "Yes." She says as she knows exactly what he was asking.

"This seriously can't be happening." He said as he resumed pacing. "If I ever regain my memories and get out of here, I'm going to have this tyrant locked away at the very depth of the Bermuda Triangle." He swears angrily.

"Don't, I mean as disgusting as he is, at least he doesn't require that you and whoever wants to join in take me in front of him and his men like what the leader of the other side did to a girl they kidnapped from our community. They then post the video on the internet." She said still wringing her hands together.

"If you get rid of Razor, then the other side will take over our community, which would be very, very bad for all of us." She ads. "

"Great, so you all hate and fear Razor but you hate and fear the leader of the other side even more?" He asks and she nods her head yes. "Okay, then I guess I'll have to take down the other side before locking this disgusting creature in the pits of hell." He said in a firm tone.

He then grabs a big towel and lays it on the floor. "I know I promise that I wouldn't hurt you but it seems that I have no choice, for that I apologize, lay down." He orders. "Take this." He said handing her another towel.

"Now put it in your mouth and bite down hard, this is going to hurt." "Wait what are you doing?" She asks in a trembling tone. "Giving the tyrant the proof he requires." He said with a sympathetic smile.


"He's the one you're checking on, right?" David demanded to know when he stepped through her gate and saw her with her phone in her hands. Liah glanced up at him as he put the Ting bottle he was holding to his lips but she said nothing.

"Well if you were worried about him before you must be freaking out now that you heard he was in a shootout at your gate today, I mean of all places he had to have a shootout here? What was he doing here Liah? Are you seeing him behind my back?" David asks angrily.

"No David, I'm not seeing him behind your back and I have no idea why he was here or what happened to cause a shootout, I was just wondering if he was okay." She said in a worried tone.

"Oh please, he's fine, or did you not hear that he beat the shit out of Razor's men after that so he could get his hands on a fourteen-year-old girl?" He snorts in disgust. "What are you talking about?" She demands.

"Oh, so you didn't hear? Well as it turns out Razor set up a few men to fight, the winner gets the girl, and guess who the winner was? Yup, you guessed right, the same one you're now worried about," He says with another snort.

"That would explain why he isn't answering his phone. He's probably busy enjoying his prize." "Don't talk about things you know nothing about. Michael wouldn't do something like that…." "You see that's what I don't get. You know nothing about this man yet here you are defending him to me of all people, your boyfriend.

He's one of Razor's men now, even if he was a good person at one point I guarantee he isn't now. Razor is going to break him and mold him into what he wants him to be, soon there won't be anything he won't be capable of. For god's sake, Liah snap out of this damn fantasy world you've been living in and get back to reality." He snaps.

"Now are we going to watch this movie or should I just turn around and go home?" He asks in an I don't care either way tone. "I guess you're right, let's go watch the movie." She said turning away from him and walking towards the front door. "Get the popcorn and put in the movie, I just need to use the bathroom." She said over her shoulder.

She enters the bathroom, closes the door, and leans back against it. "This isn't true, there's no way this was true. Michael wouldn't be intimate with a child, not the Michael she knew. He was too full of integrity for that.

Yes, he was indeed living in Razor's house but he was in no way one of them and yes Razor was going to do all he could to break him but again the Michael she knew was not easily broken. Yes, she knew how it all looked to other people but that was because they didn't know Michael, they weren't locked in a room with him for over two months.

But as much as she knew this situation wasn't what it looked like, she also knew what this was going to do to his reputation, how torn he must feel right now. She wishes she could be there for him but good things come to those who wait and wait she will.

In the meantime, she will pass the time with her judgemental, opinionated, know-it-all boyfriend. She thought taking a deep breath as she stepped from the bathroom.

Thank you all for reading

Verse for Thought

Every word of God is pure, he's a shield to those who

Puts their trust in him (Proverbs 30 vs 5)

Riddle from last ch: How does a monster predicts the


Ans: With a horror scope, hmm I wonder what that one

Looks like? Ha. Alright here's another.

How does a handbag kiss? Good luck.