Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 30 - Chapter 30 Dead Wrong

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30 Dead Wrong

A loud crash caused Michael's eyes to fly open. It took him only a few seconds to figure out that the sound that woke him up was thunder. A thunderstorm before daybreak? He wondered. Oh yeah, he was on a tropical Island, so this made sense. His body tensed as he became aware of two arms wrapped tightly around him. He turns his head and realizes that the young girl is next to him, very close to him.

He had given her his bed and taken the big sofa in his room that replaced the bed Liah was sleeping on. The room suddenly became illuminated by a bright flash of lightning followed by another deafening crash of thunder which caused the girl to press closer to him, her hands wrapping even tighter. He tried to loosen her grip but she wouldn't budge.

"Hey wake up." He said shaking her gently. "I'm not asleep." She mumbles. "What's going on here? Why are you off the bed? And why are you trying to strangle me?" He asks softly. "As if I could strangle you with my spaghetti arms." She giggles softly.

"Good point but why are you here?" He asks again. "I'm afraid of the thunder." She said burying her face under his armpit. "Oh, and this makes you feel better?" He asks in an uncertain tone. "Hm-mm, I used to snuggle next to my brother or my mother during storms like this but then they both died in a car accident. So I began snuggling next to my grandmother but since I'm here I can't so…." Her voice trails off and she buried her face again as there was another loud crash of thunder. "I understand." He says and allows his body to relax next to her.

A few hours later when he was finally able to pry her hands off him, he did his exercise routine and took a shower. He came out of the bathroom to find her sitting on the sofa. "Would you like to freshen up and go get something to eat?" He asks. "Yes, I would like that." She says slowly getting off the sofa and walking even slower towards the bathroom.

"That asshole acts like he's better than us, turns out he's not. He's just another perverted asshole like the rest of us." Michael heard one of the men say when he entered the kitchen where breakfast was being served. Most of them were wincing as they moved because of the blows they had received from him the previous day, two of them had their arms in slings, but it was a relief to see that there were no broken bones. "You're all dead wrong about that," Michael said loud enough for all of them to hear.

"I'm nothing like any of you. I'm a hundred times worse than all of you put together!" He growls as he loads two plates with food and hands one to the girl. He then handed her a bottle of orange juice and took one for himself.

"And this little bitch right here, she is now my property and I'll behead anyone who so much as look in her direction!" Michael growls. He then indicates to her with his head to walk before him and after fixing everyone in the room with a deadly glare he followed her up the stairs.

She puts her plate on the table and he does the same, but this time it was she who took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom, as he did before he turned on the shower. "Holy one up in heaven." He said with a long sigh. "Do you think they bought it?" He asks sitting on the edge of the tub and running his hands over his hair.

"Hook, line and sinker." She said with a bright smile. "Razor did look rather smug when we passed him on the way down the stairs. So yeah, I guess they did, right?" "Definitely, and I heard one of the men say that judging from the way I was walking it looks like you did a number on me last night." She said.

"That's good, right? Yes, that's good." He said answering his question. "Let them keep thinking that." He said with a heavy sigh. "Now I know why you asked me for forgiveness before we went downstairs." She giggles. "Well you told me to make it as believable as possible, so I did." He said raking his fingers through his hair nervously. "Well, good job, now what?" She asks.

"First, how's your thigh?" He asks in concern. "Well I would rather take a cut on the inside of my thigh than let one of those pigs touch me, but it really hurt though." She winces. "I know it did, sorry again." He said softly.

"You're forgiven, at least my virtue is still intact." She said giggling. "So, I guess the next step will be to sell it for the next few days. Then I'll try and get you back home to your grandmother." "Thank you for lending me your phone so that I could call her last night, she would've been so worried." "You're welcome, Now let's go have something to eat and another thing, don't leave this room, okay." He said getting up and turning off the shower before opening the door. "Okay, you don't have to tell me twice." She says as he adjusts his pants for emphasis just in case they were being watched.


"I guess your boy ain't so righteous after all huh?" Blade asks with a smug smile. "Righteous my ass, no one can say no to virgin pussy or just pussy in general." Razor snorts. "But he has been saying no to the girls we keep sending to his room." Blade points out. "Yeah but their cunts are overused, so they don't count but that fresh ripe little peach is a whole different story." Razor laughs.

"Let's see how much good his integrity does him when he's labeled as a pedophile. Try as he might, he will never live that down." Razor snorts again.


"What is that?" Michael asks Jermaine as he comes to stand before him. "Hmm, this here is Casava cake," Jermaine said with his mouth full. "Casava?" "Yep, it's grown underground in most tropical countries and should never be eaten raw, it will kill you," Jermaine said shoving another piece in his mouth. "Is it a fruit or vegetable?" Michael asks. "It's a vegetable," Jermaine said.

"Want to try it? It's very good." "Okay," Michael said and Jermaine handed him the plate he was holding. Michael put a piece in his mouth and chewed slowly. "Good yes?" "Yes," Michael said nodding his head as he took another piece. "Alright, stay right here, I'll be right back." Jermaine then ran in the direction of the house, a few minutes later he came running back out with two huge pieces in a container and two bottles of juice.

"Dig in." He said taking out a piece. "Thank you, now explain to me why you panicked yesterday?" Michael said biting into another piece of the cake. "The question is, why didn't you? Are you that used to having bullets flying at your head?" "I wouldn't know, what I do know is that nothing good ever comes from panicking," Michael states.

"Lucky you, you know, I think your subconscious is suppressing your memories on purpose," Jermain said taking a sip of his juice. "Why would it do that?" Michael asks. "Maybe it's giving you a chance to live a normal life," Jermaine said. "There's nothing normal about the way you people live." Michael points out.

"True, but considering the kind of life you must have lived before for you to be capable of doing all the things I've seen you do, this might just be normal for you." Jermaine snorts. "I cannot dispute that, but you said that you are a sniper, so why panic? Shouldn't you have been prepared for a situation like that?" Michael asks.

"You don't really grasp the meaning of the word sniper, do you? Yes, I'm a sniper and even though I specialize in different weapons, I mostly specialize in sniper rifles and in shooting people from two hundred yards away. That situation yesterday was way too up close and personal for my taste." Jermaine snorts.

"Have you ever shot someone from two hundred yards away?" Michael asks. "No," Jermaine said smiling proudly. "It was two hundred and fifty yards away to be exact and it was either them or me so don't expect me to feel guilty about it." He huffs.

"Okay, no guilt necessary, so tell me, why did the tyrant return the girl to me last night?" Michael asks. "Seriously dude, you really need to stop calling him that! It's either boss or sir." Michael snorts and folds his arms across his chest. "He's not my boss." He states narrowing his eyes at Jermaine.

"Actually, he is, as long as you are in his house, he's your boss, now accept it and stop making waves." Jermaine orders. "Anyway, he returned her because I begged him to, as a way of saying thank you for saving my life." He adds.

"Now come, I want you to teach me a few of your moves," Jermaine said getting up. Michael put his plate down and followed him.

"Why am I your new bodyguard? What happened to the men that were guarding you yesterday?" "Oh, the boss killed them," Jermaine said removing the shirt he was wearing over his white undershirt. "Pardon!" Michael asks, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Yeah, it turns out they were working for the other side. They were the ones who told those men where we were yesterday. Speaking of which, you do realize you were in a shoot-out at the gate of the woman you like, right?" "Yes." "Well. I'm sure she must have heard about it by now and is probably worried sick, so did you at least call her and let her know that you're alright?" Jermaine asks.

"Not yet, but I will, soon." "Okay then, anyway I heard that the leader of the other side is itching to get his hands on you because he heard what you're capable of, not that I can blame him, what I witnessed yesterday, wow, you're an exceptional fighter. You know Tai Chi, and martial arts, and I don't even have names for some of those moves.

You took out thirty men in twenty minutes and I can count on one hand how many times someone's hand actually touched you and when they did, it didn't even seem like it hurt, it just seemed to annoy you. Your moves were precise and as sharp as those fucking knives you carry.

You fight like you have eyes in the back of your freaking head, absolute perfection. Now teach me." Jermaine said poking Michael's chest but instead of focusing on the finger poking his chest, Michael was more focused on the teenager who was glaring at him as he walks pass.

Jermaine follow Michael's gaze and snorts angrily. "He wasn't even a part of the fight yesterday, so why is he giving you the stink eye?" Jermaine asks with an annoyed snort. "That's her boyfriend." Michael says. "Who's boyfriend?" "The girl that spend the night in my room." "Oh shit, for real? How do you know?" "She told me." "And you still spend the night with her?" "Did I have a choice? Okay, so, I being your new body guard and all that, what's on your agenda for today?" Michael asks turning his attention back to Jermaine.

"You do know that he will be coming at you right?" "I know." "Well after what happened yesterday, I won't be leaving this house anytime soon and you being my bodyguard means neither will you." Jermaine said poking him again. "What about your classes?" Michael asks. "Online man, online." Jermaine laughs.

"Speaking of that girl, I didn't think you would actually go through with it, you know, sleep with someone her age." Jermaine said teasingly. "And what would be the alternative?" Michael asks in a serious tone. "Yeah, you're right, it was either you or several others." Jermaine said making a sour face.

"Exactly, but on a different topic, if you're a sniper, shouldn't your alias be sniper instead of ice-pick?" Michael asks. "That's because you've never seen me use an ice-pick. Lets just say that I'm to ice-pick as you're to knives." He laughs. "I thought you didn't like up close and personal fights?" "I don't, but if I have no other choice then me and my ice-pick will walk through those motherfuckers like a hot knife through butter." Jermaine said in a cold tone that sound strange coming from him because at first glance Jermaine wasn't what you would call threatening but then again Liah always said not to judge a book by it's cover and by book she wasn't really referring to actual books.

"I understand, you also said that you're good with computers, so can you use your computer knowledge to try and find out who I am?" Michael asks. "Excellent idea, now why didn't I think of that before?" Jermaine asks in a serious tone before rolling his eyes. "That was sarcasm, right?" "Well duh? Trust me dude, there are more people working on finding out who you are right now, than there are people looking for Osama bin Laden." Jermaine snorts.

"Well seeing as though he is been accused of bombing the twin towers, I seriously doubt that." Michael snorts. "Believe it or not, doesn't make it any less true. Now teach me to fight." Jermaine order.

"I will, but can you give me a few minutes first? I need to check on something." Michael said looking in the direction where the young man went. "Or someone." Jermaine teased again. "Go ahead and hurry back." Jermaine giggle.

Thank you for reading

Verse for thought

(A brother wronged is more unyielding than a fortified city. Proverbs 18 vs 19).

Riddle from last ch. What do you get if you cross a mean cat and a mean dog? Good luck guys.