Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 34 - Chapter 34 Financial Access

Chapter 34 - Chapter 34 Financial Access

"You called for me Boss?" Jermaine ask entering Razor's office. "Close the door." Evan had already warned him that Razor knew about the money, so the tone of Razor's voice didn't surprise him. Pushing his chair backwards Razor rises to his feet and walks towards Jermaine. "Why did you give that ass hole your money and not me?" He asks, his tone deadly.

"Sorry Boss, but you weren't supposed to know abo....." "So you're keeping secrets from me now?" Razor growls cutting him off and before he knew it one of Razor's hands was gripping his throat. "Daddy, please....I'm sorry I didn't mean to....." "What is your mission?" Razor barks ignoring his pleas. "Keep an eye on Michael and report back to you."

"I'm yet to get a proper report from you, remember where your loyalty lies. If there is anything else you're keeping from me, now would be the time to tell me because if I hear it from someone else you will regret it." "There's nothing else Boss I swear." "Are you sure about that?" Razor asks tightening his grip on Jermaine's throat. "Yes Boss, I'm sure." "Good, and another thing don't get too close to that ass hole, alright." "Yes Boss." "Now go to your room and stay there until I say otherwise." Razor says shoving Jermaine away from him." "Yes Boss." Turning Jermaine strolled from the office.

He was almost to his room when Michael approached him. "Are you okay?" Michael ask. "Yeah, the Boss is mad as hell but I'll be alright, he sent me to my room so I guess you won't need to guard me today which is a shame, I was really looking forward to learning more of those moves." "Don't worry, there will be other opportunities for you to learn. Blade will be going on the road today and I was told to accompany him, so I will see you when I return." Michael says with a nod before walking away.


"So what was happening when you got there?" Jack asks. "Nothing, he was just standing outside, she brought him a bottle of water so I'm guessing that's what he was waiting for." David snorts. "But what was he doing there in the first place?" Jack asks suspiciously.

"He said he came there to talk to her face to face, but honestly, I don't care why he was there. I mean considering what she went through at Razor's place she's no longer my virgin, so he can have her if he wants." David says.

"Okay but seeing as though you caught him there, couldn't you say that she's cheating on you and use it as an excuse to stop seeing her?" Jack asks. "I don't need to use him as an excuse, the mere fact that she was held hostage in Razor's base for so long is reason enough for me to stop seeing her and I'll deal with all that, but not yet."

"But why do you want to continue going to her house and being around her and her family after what she has been through at the hands of those disgusting perverts? Doesn't it feel weird just being around her considering the sigma that now follows her family?" Jack asks.

"Yes, it does but in a way I pity her, it wasn't her fault that happened to her, no woman would choose to lose their virginity that way?" "Wait, are you saying you still want to be with her?" Jack asks in a disgusted tone.

"Oh hell no, after what those disgusting pigs, although that's an insult to pigs." David laughs. "But after what they did to her and have her do to them, no, there's no way I can even look at her the same again. I feel defile just being near her. I'm just saying that I'll take my time distancing myself from her because as much as it disgusts me, none of what happened to her is her fault, but I do thank her sister for telling me he was there standing in her front yard. She didn't expect me to actually show up because it was so late. She just wanted me to know he was there but I was close by so I got there Within minutes." David snorts.

"Alright, I understand but just know that people have been whispering behind your back saying that you're still with her because you can't do better or she had some secret for you and maybe if you leave her she'll expose you, people are saying a lot of shit man, so just make sure your decision to keep her around don't end up destroying your future," Jack advise.

"Let them talk all they want because I plan to have the last say in all this shit and don't forget just between you and I, in a few months I won't even be in Jamaica." David snorts. "Yeah, but that's still a far way off." "True, but don't worry, I have a plan," David said patting his friend on his shoulder.

Somewhere across the world speaking in their native tongue

"Are you in the U S?" "Yes, your Majesty." "Good, I'm going to give you an address, go there and ask for Lieutenant Garrison, he's head of the F B I and is very good at finding a needle in a haystack which is what my son has now become. We have searched high and low, my son is not in our country, of that we're certain. I have recently found out that a private aircraft left this country from a deserted area around the time my son went missing but we cannot figure out where it went. I know that wherever he is, he's still alive." "Yes, your Majesty."

"You've full financial access, so use it, find my boy." "Yes, your Majesty, we will leave no stone unturned. you've our word, your Majesty," they said before ending the call.

"I know my boy is alive, I know it, I can feel it in my bones. I know he's out there somewhere, hang in there my boy, I'll find you, if it's the last thing I do, I'll find you and bring you home and then we'll find whoever did this to you and rip them apart." He said hugging his phone to his chest.


"Your plan seems to be working perfectly Boss." "It is, isn't it? While that old fool runs around trying to find his lost loved ones, I'm in charge of the day-to-day running of things around here, which is only going to make taking over this kingdom so much easier. That old fool doesn't know it yet but his days are numbered." The man said with an evil laugh.

Back in Jamaica

Michael's eyes flew open and he groaned as he sat up in the bed. Yesterday he had spent most of the day doing pick up and deliveries with Blade. Turns out Razor wanted him to accompany Blade as Blade's bodyguard, along with his whip and knives, he was also given two guns. He told them he didn't need guns but they insisted and so to avoid yet another argument with Razor he had complied.

Today he was asked to accompany Razor and Jermaine on the Road, of course, he was Jermaine's new bodyguard so he wasn't surprised but for some reason, he felt as if he was guarding them both but that wasn't what was troubling him right now.

What was keeping him up was the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about what Liah had said and done to him that night. He could no longer meditate without seeing her beautiful face before him or feeling her lips on his neck and shaft, for a virgin she was very good at that.

To feel that much pleasure coursing through his veins was accelerating. He couldn't put it into context just yet but what she did that night unlocked something inside him, something powerful. He had to see her again, he needed to see her, to figure out what these feelings meant.

As for the things she said to him, would she be able to have a sexual relationship with him, then just be okay with him leaving when he got his memory back? Would he be able to do that? Leave her and return home? And what? Return to his life and try to forget her or pretend that what they shared meant nothing to him. Why did he have a feeling that what she was proposing wasn't going to end well for either of them? He thought with a sigh.

Then she went on to tell him that as long as he was on this Island he belonged to her. So did that mean she also belonged solely to him? What about her relationship with her prince? Yes, he had turned into a toad but did that mean that things were over between them? Or did she have him on standby for future use?

One thing was for certain, he needed answers. It was now one am, and it was too late for him to get the answers he needed tonight, he would go to her tomorrow night. He thought and closed his eyes again.


"What's up with you? you've been moping for three days now." Jody said sitting next to Liah in the rest area outside and placing a bag of St Mary chips in front of her. "I haven't heard from him Jody. What if I was wrong to give him a blow job? What if he has lost respect for me? I mean, he knows I have a boyfriend and still, I gave him a blow job." She said with a heavy sigh.

"He didn't get to say much to me after I did it, so I really don't know how he feels about it or what he now thinks of me." Liah said in a worried tone. "Wait, you were so confident the other day so why are you questioning yourself now?" Jody asks. "Besides, you said his phone was compromise." Jody remind her.

"I know but he still could've called, why hasn't he called?' Liah asks with tears in her eyes. "I moved too fast, didn't I? He must hate me now." She sobs. "Oh stop, Razor probably has him under lock and key. Stop letting your imagination run away with you." Jody said in a serious tone. "I miss him, so badly Jody." "I know but wait, has David been by since the argument?"

"Yeah, he stopped by a few times for dinner, saying he just wants to make sure we were alright, please, as if." Liah sucks her teeth. "Tell me something. Do you still love David in any way?" Jody asks.

"Well, I mean, yeah, I still have feelings for David but they're no where as strong as what I feel for Moses. It's not something I can put into words, it's just what I feel and I've already made the decision to just go with it. I don't want to think about where it's going or how it will end, I just want him to feel the same about me as I feel about him so we can enjoy been together in this moment." Liah said biting her bottom lip.

"Alright, just be patient and remember to keep me posted, okay." "Sure, you're the only person I'm willing to share this with anyway and I know this goes without saying but please keep this between us." Liah pleads. "All your secrets are safe with me as I know mine are safe with you." Jody laugh.

Thank you all for reading

words of encouragement

life goes by quickly, so laugh, love and try new things. Forgive, forget and don't hold grudges. Choose to be happy."

Riddle from last ch: what begins with P and ends with E and has thousands of letters in it?

Ans: Post office.

Come on guys that one was easy, wasn't it? Alright here's another. Why is doing nothing so tiring? Good luck guys.