Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 37 - Chapter 37 Destruction and Mayhem

Chapter 37 - Chapter 37 Destruction and Mayhem

He had reached a few meters from the other side's compound when he saw some of Razor's men speeding towards him. He swerved the bike in front of their cars to stop them, when they slowed down he told them to get as far away from there as they could because the cops were on their way. The men wasted no time turning around and heading back in the direction they were coming from. A few of the cars were in front of him and a few were behind him as they all headed back to Razor's house.

On arriving here, he dismounted the bike but as he walked towards the entrance of the house he couldn't help noticing how alert the men were with their high-powered weapons. The men who had returned to the house with him didn't enter the house, instead, they diverted to different parts of the yard with their guns in their hands, armed and ready.

He had already taken out most of the men from the other side so if they were worried about an attack, he didn't think they needed to be but then again these men knew the other side better than he did so he would leave them to take care of their business.

Even inside the house, the men were on high alert. One of the men told him that Razor was waiting for him in the living room. Which to him seems strange, why would Razor be waiting for him in the living room and not his study? As he walked towards the living room he did noticed that some of the men backed away from him, their hands hovering over their weapons.

Something wasn't right about all this, what was up with these men? Razor he noticed was also on high alert. Standing in the living room holding a high-powered weapon. Now this was a lot of firepower. He had thought. At least they were prepared.

Razor ordered him to sit on a chair and after removing his blood-stained coat and gloves he did. Razor then gave him a bottle of cold alcoholic beverage which he placed on the table next to him without even taking a sip. Razor then ordered him to recant in great detail what had happened from the moment he was kidnapped. So for the next twenty minutes, he did just that but Razor still wasn't satisfied and proceeded to interrogate him for another fifteen minutes. Razor then took a call and after speaking on the phone for about ten minutes, Razor then sent him to his room.

As he entered his room the first thing that hit him was the smell of Liah's perfume. 'Here? Was she here? Of course, she wasn't, why would she be? Maybe the lady who cleaned his room wore the same perfume as Liah. This was even more puzzling to him because these ladies had been in his room multiple times over the last few weeks but the only time he had ever smelled this particular perfume was in Liah's presence.

But the chance of Liah being in this house recently was very slim. He reached for his phone to call her but remembered that it had been destroyed earlier, so with a deep sigh, he went to take a shower.

Now here he was, standing before this mirror staring at his reflection, wondering who the hell he was and how he was able to do all that he just did and walk away unscathed. Which brings him to another question. If he was capable of all that, then how the hell did he end up beaten within inches of his life? He remembered the first doctor who was caring for him mentioned something about a drug that was found in his system. He needed to know more about that drug.

He puts a sweatpants on and is in the process of pulling a T-shirt over his head when his door opens and Jermaine pokes his head in. "hey, you okay?" He asks in concern as he came into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, just thinking," Michael says. "About what?" Jermaine asks taking a seat on a chair. "A lot of things but most importantly, how am I not dead right now?" "Because you're a badass, that's why." Jermaine laughs. "No, I'm not, what kind of person am I that I could shoot someone, then toss the gun aside without even blinking and why can't I remember who I am, where I come from, and how the hell I got here but I was able to tear through that place like that. What does that say about me?" Michael asks, his voice choked with emotion.

"Wow, the only emotion I've ever seen coming from you is seething dislike for our Boss, so give my mind time to catch up to what is happening right now." Jermaine laughs holding up a finger, indicating to Michael to wait before continuing. "I don't find this funny Jermaine," Michael said in a serious tone which caused Jermaine's laughter to cease and he coughed awkwardly and cleared his throat before speaking.

"You're right, this isn't funny, it's fucking unbelievable. Some of the men are still on the road gathering information but the ones that are here, are downstairs celebrating, why? Because you just tore the other side's base to shreds. None of us and I mean none, including the Boss have ever gotten close enough to the leader of the other side or his base to do any real damage. For years they have been burning people's houses down, killing and raping and leaving nothing but destruction and mayhem where ever they go and for years we've been trying to bring those fuckers down, and for years we've failed miserably and then you came, and boom! They got smoked, dude, I could kiss you right now!" Jermaine shouts.

"Please don't and I didn't bring them down, I only slowed them down. They're going to retaliate and it's going to be worse than it was tonight." Michael points out. "And we'll be waiting for those fuckers." Jermaine said in a cold tone. "What? Like you were tonight?" Michael snorts. "Four people from this community are dead Jermaine."

"Yeah, I know, but they also got theirs didn't they? The last report from over there was thirteen dead and twelve injured and that's only who the police could catch. The rest fled, and their leader, well that fucker is in the hospital fighting for his life under police guard, not to mention, the police are currently combing through their base as we speak. Trust me, I know they'll be back but it won't be any time soon. This community can finally have a few weeks of peace, do you have any idea how long the Boss has been trying to protect this community from those assholes?

And another thing, those fuckers kidnapped you off the fucking street and dragged you over to their base and they would've gutted you like a fish if they could when you rejected their offer. Everything you did over there was to save your ass, so I wouldn't be too cut up about it if I were you, but let me ask you something. You hate the Boss, so why did you reject their offer?" Jermaine asks.

"I choose the lesser of two evils." Michael snorts. "Besides you men are beginning to grow on me." He said turning away from Jermaine. "But now I need to ask Razor a question," Michael said taking up his whip and the long sword he had found while going through the other side's base and walking towards the door.

" are those for?" Jermaine asks in a nervous tone. Michael's eyes slowly travel down towards the weapons in his hands, then slowly back up to meet Jermaine's gaze. "Workout." He said before turning towards the door again. "Um...wait, the Boss wanted me to give you your new phone since those assholes smash the other one," Jermaine explains while holding the phone out for Michael to take.

'That one is probably bugged as well.' Michael thought looking at the phone. "Leave it on the table." He said turning towards the door again but then stopped and turned back towards Jermaine. "Was Liah here eariler?" He asks. "Not that I know of, why?" "I sense that she was here." "Well seeing as though she couldn't get out of here fast enough the only way she would come back here is if the Boss dragged her here at gunpoint or if you were on the brink of death." Jermaine laughs. "Good point," Michael says leaving the room with Jermaine right behind him.

Three men plus Blade were standing at Razor's office door when Michael approached it and on noticing the weapons in his hands the three men reached for their weapons but Blade held up his hand indicating for them to stand down.

"What's up, man?" Blade asks in a nervous tone. "I need to speak to Razor." "Oh, he's kind of busy right now, can I help you instead?" Blade asks glancing at the weapons in Michael's hands. "Is something wrong?" Michael asks observing Blade's nervous behavior.

"Why do you ask?" "You all seem to be on edge." "Oh, well I guess we're all a bit rattled by tonight's events, I'm surprised you're this calm." Blade chuckles nervously. " how can I help?" Blade asks. "I need to speak to the doctor who first attended to me when I got here. I've some questions about the drug he found in my system." "Oh, alright man, I'll get on it and have him here as soon as I can but um.. what's up with those?" Blade asks glancing at the weapons again.

"I did things tonight that I didn't know I could, I need to try out a few things to confirm to myself that it wasn't an illusion," Michael said, then with a slight bow he walked away from Blade and Blade let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Michael was on his way down the stairs when one of the men approached him. "The verdict is out, you are not human, you are a G M O, A Genetically Modified Organism. Someone constructed you in a lab, then send you out into the world to make us mere mortals look inadequate, and to think, after you kick my ass in the yard the other day, I made a vow to get even with you but seeing as though you took out some of those ass holes that were plaguing our community consider your debt to me paid.

I have mad respect for you and your skills, so, some of us were trying to come up with a name for you, you are either a Universal solider or the Terminator, I think you're the Terminator, indestructible, so good work Terminator." The man says patting Michael on his shoulder before walking away. Michael snorts but says nothing as he makes his way out into the yard.

A few minutes later Blade walks up to Razor's office door and knocks softly. "Um...Boss, sorry to bother you but you really need to see this." Without saying anything Razor got up and followed Blade. Moments later Razor was rooted to the spot in disbelief.

Thank you all for reading

words of encouragement

God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggles, and a gift for your faithfulness, so don't give up.

Riddle from the last ch: what do you get if you cross a banker and a goldfish?

Ans: A loan shark.

Wait, a what now? How the hell did they get a shark from an itty bitty goldfish? The world may never know.

Alright so here's another; what do you give a sea-sick elephant? Good luck guys.