Chereads / Stifled desires / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Stifled desires

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

 The last days of summer, and the still lingering sultriness was even more sharply felt on Friday at the end of the working day. A young guy with nothing much noteworthy was sitting at his workplace and occasionally tapping on the keyboard, creating the look of a workflow. Raising his head, Victor looked at the clock, the hands were lazily counting down the last twenty minutes of the working week. "I don't even know which is better, to try to close the project in the last minutes or to sit my pants like this, not knowing what to do!" - He thought to himself. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a slap on the back, slightly dumbfound him!

- Hey, what plans for the evening? – the scoundrel who scared me started talking, and it turned out that it was none other than Alex, my boss.

- I don't know yet, and the working time is not over yet! – I answered, trying to justify myself.

- Come on, stop pretending to be a stormy activity! I know perfectly well that you have finished your work! - Laughing merrily, Alex slapped me on the shoulder again. – How about going to the bar after work and having a drink?

Actually, there was nothing unusual about his offer. After graduating from university, I got a job at this company. Over time, I discovered that my boss and I had common interests, and soon we became friends against this background. Partly this simplified my life, but, nevertheless, it made some working moments a little awkward.

- As usual, you, me and Serge? Our girls as usually refused to keep us company? – I sighed a little sadly, but the corners of my lips still crept up a little.

- A rhetorical question? Alas, the opportunity to make a fool of yourself in front of the boss not tempting for most, so just the two of you! – Slapping me on the shoulder again, Alex left in the direction of his office. – Oh, yes! You're not driving today, and we can go right after work? – He said, without turning in my direction and left without waiting for an answer. 

He was right, I didn't take my car because it already was a habit! On almost every Friday we went to the bar and threw out stress over a couple of glasses of beer and silly conversations.

 An hour later, Alex and I found ourselves in a small bar, which was located not far from our office, Serge decided to go home quickly and promised to join us shortly. The place was in semi-darkness accompanied by light rock music, together it created an atmosphere of ease. We went to bar counter, ordered drinks and moved deeper into the place to a table standing in the corner. Alex plopped down on the sofa and stretched slightly.

- Freedom! – My boss drawled with undisguised pleasure. – How tiresome it is to be an exemplary estimable man! You know, Vic, being the chief isn't fun at all!

- I'm wondering, every time you call the girls from our office, what if they ever agree? You won't be able to switch to your "rest mode" in their presence and become an ordinary dolt! – Chuckling, I asked him about it, as I had dozens of times before, and, surprisingly, almost every time he answered me differently! 

- Well, for a change, I could be a gallant gentleman and impress my employees even more, besides, if any beauties suddenly come into the bar, I'll switch too! - laughing merrily, he took a glass with an amber drink and drained it in one gulp.

Knowing that I am not very friendly with alcohol, for start I just drank a little for the company and we continued our stupid dialogue. Time passed, Serge still wasn't there, and after the second glass I got a little drunk, and began to behave more loosely.

The door of the bar was once again opened, Alex and I, waiting for our friend, again glanced in that direction to find two young girls entering. Even if it was not what we expected, yet our eyes get riveted on these two persons, dressed stylishly and a little defiantly. Turning my head, I saw my interlocutor attentively watching the girls walk to the bar counter and sit down there giggling merrily.

- What do you think, very pretty young ladies, do you want to switch into seducer mode by chance? – either in an attempt to tease, or to find another topic for conversation, I turned to Alex.

- I will not deny that these lovely girls are pleasing to the eye, but perhaps these are not birds of our flight! Alex chuckled and continued. - Judging by the way they are dressed, their goal for today will be to find daddies and not just a pleasant male company! Besides, there are two of them, and I hope, unless of course Serge has changed his mind, there will soon be three of us!

Agreeing, I continued to watch the girls while sipping a drink. It was a bit of a pity that Alex declined to get to know them, since it was very easy to do with him. Most girls were very greedy for his charming behavior and outstanding appearance, tall, almost two meters, trained body and proper facial features. As for me, I was looking totally dull beside him. I didn't have an outstanding height and impressive musculature, and even my face was somewhat feminine, and so I hid it behind a small beard, which also refused to grow on my cheeks!

Admiring the girls, I began to notice the details, especially I liked the one who was sitting closer to us. A brunette with silky hair below her shoulders, wearing top that allows you to slightly notice her lace underwear, a short skirt that is have length exactly up to the stockings that so elegantly emphasize long legs and, to top it off, stiletto shoes! Emotions were bubbling, arousal bordered with incomprehensible envy inside of me!

- Sometimes I want to be in the place of this girl! - I thought to myself, but then realized that I actually said it out loud!

-I heard you right, you want to be a girl? - Alex stared at me in surprise. – I didn't expect this from you! - he laughed merrily, continuing to examine me with his gaze.

- I don't know... - having lost the ability to speak, I didn't know what to answer at all, this desire of mine was not supposed to become public, I myself was ashamed of these thoughts of mine! – Don't you ever have such thoughts when you look at a beautiful girl? – not knowing how to get out, I decided to go on the offensive and maybe move the topic.

- Honestly, no, never! Looking at her, I just think that I would like to own her, and perhaps love her! – Alex said it in such a serious tone that it simply knocked the ground out my feet even more!

-Maybe I'm just that weird, sometimes I'm just curious about what it's like to be a girl, follow fashion and wear cute clothes, take care of my body to be sexy and attract looks, behave at ease and not be afraid to show emotions! – What the hell am I doing, what will he think of me now! To hell with it, at Monday I'll just pretend that I got to drunk and I remember nothing!

Alex continued to stare at me, then suddenly smiled strangely and began to speak:

- Unexpectedly, but nevertheless a very interesting way of looking at things! Can I ask you a couple of clarifying questions? - His eyes twinkled playfully; he was clearly enjoying the situation.

- I, I probably don't want to talk about this topic... - I hope he won't insist, it's already out of control. I sat there and felt my face turning redder and redder.

Salvation came from where you did not expect, the door of the bar opened again and our friend Serge burst in, loudly greeting us, so that all the visitors turned to look in surprise. With a bearish gait, he broke through to our side, slammed into a chair and began to tell us why he was late! I've never been so glad to see this big guy in my life!

Then the evening passed according to the usual patterns and, to my joy, we did not return to the interrupted topic of conversation.

 Apart from the hangover, the weekend passed as usual, and by Monday I had completely forgotten about the awkward situation that had sprung up. But now I'm faced with a not very pleasant situation at work, shortly before lunch, Lera, Alex's personal secretary, came up to me and said that during lunch the boss calls me to his office. There wasn't much choice, so here I am knocking on the door of his office and walk inside.

Inside, I found Alex talking to someone on the phone. He raised his head and motioned for me to close the door and sit down until he finished. It takes him maybe another five minutes, and I started to get nervous. He called me through the secretary, and even asked me to close the door so that we probably wouldn't be interrupted. Despite the friendly relations, he still remained the boss, and I began to sort out in my head where I could mess up and I screwed myself up to the point that I was about to be fired. Meanwhile, Alex hung up the phone and began speak in a quiet, calm voice:

- So, Vic, all weekend I couldn't get our interrupted dialogue out of my head… - My soul sank into my toes as soon as I heard what was said, damn, it's okay if he just doesn't want to communicate with me anymore, but he's my boss, what if he really fires me! – Victor! Victor, can you hear me? – Alex raised his voice slightly, returning attention to himself.

- Excuse me, I was thinking a little, were you talking about some interrupted dialogue? – I perfectly understood what he wanted to talk about, although I had only partially heard him before! Okay, I'll try to pretend to be a fool, maybe this will help!

- So, what do you think about a small business trip? – He stared at me with his appraising gaze, and I didn't understand at all what he was talking about, how many of his words did I miss?

- I'm sorry, I don't get it, a business trip? – I really didn't understand, my position didn't involve working outside the office in any way.

- Okay, Vic, from what moment did you get so distressed that you stopped listening to me? - He said it in a very gentle tone, and a smile appeared on his face.

- You said something about the distorted dialogue and after that I was lost in thought... - damn, my behavior completely betrayed that I totally remember what exactly we were talking about!

Alex laughed happily and then sat for a minute with his elbows on the table and just smiled.

- You said that you would like to try to feel yourself like a girl! And don't try to deny or pretend that you don't remember anything! – His voice in the second half of the sentence became so strict that I would not even have thought of trying to lie to him. – The thing is, my curiosity got the better of me, and I want to see it with my own eyes!

What was said stunned me even more, he wants to look at... what exactly?

- Alex, I'm sorry, but I probably don't understand something, how is everything connected at all!?

- I'm going to give you a month of paid vacation, during which you will live with me as my wife, and according to the papers, we will pass it as a business trip! – The smile on his face became more and more malicious with every word he said, or at least it seemed so to me. All his explanations made the situation even more confusing.

- You want me to be your wife for a month!? – I wanted to shout it, but I said it quietly enough that no one could hear us outside the office. – Are you crazy? Do you even know that I'm a dude?

- Of course, I am aware, but I want to note that you quite petite and have a cute face behind your goatee! Don't worry, I looked at the information, everything is quite realistic to do! – Alex said this with such a strange pleasure that a chill ran down my spine.

I was sitting in a chair in shock like a deflated balloon, my brain desperately could not grasp the logic in the words spoken by my boss.

- Alex, tell me that this is all just a joke, and you decided to just screw with me after that awkward drunken conversation! – I probably voiced my last hope for a normal way out of this situation!

- Sorry, but this is definitely not a joke, I really want to find out what might come out of this! But don't worry, I don't expect you to go out in public like this! I also don't count on the intimate part during our cohabitation! Although who knows, I'm open to experiments if we both want it! – he said it so confidently as if everything has already been decided and I don't even have a choice!

Wait, is he really even thinking about having sex with me? Unwittingly, I immediately imagined how he leans on top and inserts his penis into me! 

How did it all come to this!? I've been struggling with my hidden desires all my twenty-five years! Yes, as a teenager I took my sister's clothes and posed in them in front of the mirror, but I've grown up! Now sometimes, during sex, I imagine myself in the girl's place, and it really excites me! But what Alex is offering now is beyond reasonable!

I clasped my head and swore quietly, then got up and headed out of the office.

- Vic, everything I said is serious, think about my offer! - Said Alex to me before I left and headed to my workplace.

I spent the rest of the day at work as if in a kind of trance, attempts to put information in my head did not lead to anything intelligible.

I came to my senses only at home, while completely not remembering how I came home from work, I hope I didn't screw up anything at work and didn't do anything stupid while driving home! After taking a cold shower and brewing fresh coffee, I sat down in front of the computer hoping to distract myself from the events of today on some video game. But before I could do anything, I saw a message in the messenger from Alex. Videos attached to the message immediately returned me to the depths of despair.… I didn't understand why I clicked on the link and started watching how a seemingly cute girl explained how she was able to achieve such an appearance and that with due diligence, the viewer can also do the same! After watching a few more minutes, I finally realized that the girl was not a girl at all and after looking at the annotation to the video, everything fell into place. I just watched makeup lessons for crossdressers! I watched the rest of the videos on automatic, they showed how to hide a penis or what kind of silicone breasts should be purchased depending on the figure, what kind of clothes can hide a man's figure and make the forms more feminine, and so on in analogous theme. 

When I finished watching, I leaned back in my chair, my head was throbbing terribly, my heart was pounding furiously, and all this was accompanied by a strong boner that I had not had for a long time. I realized that I was damn curious and I would really like to try it myself! I felt the urge! So, I wrapped my hand around my penis with the firm intention of relieving the tension that had arisen. But at that moment I became disgusted with myself, what am I doing, I'm a man, I shouldn't be turned on by this!!! I went to the shower again in the hope that the cold water would wash away my arousal, but the effect was short-lived, and soon the pictures from the video surfaced in my head. I spent the rest of the evening trying to overcome the inner pervert, closer to night I tried to fall asleep, but every time I closed my eyes, the whole situation brought me back to the day I had experienced, and therefore I could not fall asleep at ll.

 Overexcitation and lack of sleep in the morning turned into a severe headache, I had no strength or desire to cook breakfast for myself, and after drinking analgesics, I went to work. Having realized that I got to the office much earlier than usual, I decided to sit in the car in order not to meet Alex once again, who usually came earlier than the others. Leaning back in the driver's seat, I began massaging my temples in the hope of calming my aching head. Suddenly there was a knock on the car window. I've opened my eyes, and to my bitterness, I've seen a man I wouldn't want to meet right now, and especially in private. I got out of the car to say hello. Alex stood there, smiling broadly and was the first to start a conversation:

- Hi Vic, why are you sitting here, and even so early? - The amusement was slowly replacing into slight concern in his voice. All yesterday events resurfaced in my head and realizing that I was starting to blush, I turned away towards the front door of the office and mumbled:

- That's, is just a headache today, I took a pill and wanted to lie down in silence for a while. – a lie mixed with the truth is always more convincing, at least I hoped so.

- Yes, you really look a little shitty, maybe you could take a day off for today? - There was no falseness in his voice, but when I turned to him, I noticed how the corners of his lips crept up.

- Everything is fine, the drug should take effect soon and I should be fine by the morning meeting! – Oh, if only it could help from a sleepless night!

- Well, look for yourself, but if it doesn't get better, then take a day off! – Alex turned around and headed for the office, but after taking a few steps he turned towards me and added. – Besides, this way you will have more time to think about my offer! – adding a small laugh, he left.

I got back in the car. "Damn it, why he should have reminded me about it? And how is he able to keep his cool in such a situation? Even though he wants Me to pretend to be a woman! Such proposals make him a pervert no less!" - I thought to myself, but it didn't make things any easier.

Fortunately for me, the working day passed quietly and I didn't stay alone with Alex anymore, and, to be honest, I didn't see him after the meeting. At the end of the working day, I quickly went home without even saying goodbye to anyone. When I got home, I collapsed on the bed exhausted and fell into a restless sleep without even changing my clothes. I woke up only in the early morning, when darkness still reigned on the street, reminding of the imminent approach of autumn. There was an indignant rumbling in my stomach, accompanied by a sucking pain, which was not particularly surprising considering that over the past couple of days I had completely forgotten about the need for nutrition!

While the water was boiling on the stove, I decided to go to the bathroom and fresh up a little. from the mirror, something looked at me with disheveled dark brown hair, circles under the eyes and a three-day sparse stubble on the cheeks that looked shameful, like a youngster whose facial hair had just begun to grow. I quickly shaved my cheeks and estimated the length of my goatee, which I was quite satisfied for now.

Returning to the kitchen, where the pot was already boiling, I quickly figured out my breakfast. Having had a bite and calmed my stomach a little, I looked at my watch, realizing that there were still a couple of hours before work, but it was pointless trying to fall asleep, I decided to sit at the computer for a while.

The recommendation feed greeted me with videos with tips for crossdressers. "Damn it, it looks like I won't have a chance to relax," - I thought and turned off the monitor out of harm's way! "Perhaps it's worth ordering the events that happened to me a little in my head!" – I said it out loud, deciding that maybe this way it will become more real!

The scariest thing about the whole situation was that after all this there would be no road to normal friendly relations. How am I supposed to communicate with him now knowing that he doesn't mind fucking me in the ass at all? I did not suspect that he has such inclinations, Alex seems to be an ordinary man, not once did we stick girls together with him. Although if you think about it, he didn't say that he wanted to do me, only that he didn't rule out the possibility if we both wished for it. Partly, of course, it's tempting... wait, since when can it be tempting, I'm not gay, I prefer girls! Yes, maybe I would like to be a woman, but only if I was born as one, and not to change my gender! The most logical thing is to refuse Alex's offer and probably start sending my resume in search of a new job, but for some reason the opportunity to pretend to be a girl for a whole month excites me! "Okay, Victor, stop doing nonsense, go to your boss today and say that you are not interested in this and that's it! Sexual fantasies should remain just fantasies!" – Having said all this out loud, I even calmed down a little, come what may!