"You're next!" said the young woman.
After picking up a sizable pebble beneath her, Rozer stepped forward onto the field and began drawing a magical circle with the pebble in his hand, just like the previous student. Five magic symbols and his name were inscribed in ancient magical script.
that was Rozer's name in ancient magical letters. The real name.
After completing the magic circle, Rozer glanced back at Zerenia for approval before proceeding to the next ritual. He had a bad memory of summoning Khodam in the Boszeven forest.
When Rozer was 7 years old, he performed this ritual with Zerenia. However, it wasn't Khodam who appeared in the magic circle but another creature. Only its head emerged, and they believed it was an immensely large being. Zerenia managed to thwart Rozer's ritual, leaving a lasting trauma.
After preparing his magic wand, Zerenia nodded in approval to continue the ritual.
Rozer clapped his hands and exclaimed, "By the power of the Almighty, come forth and praise the name of the Lord under my commands!"
The magic circle expanded, the wind rustled, tousling his long hair as dark power seeped across the entire field. The ground trembled beneath his feet, and blue flames ignited around the magic circle. In the midst of the magical chaos, a horrifying portal began to form, spewing black smoke and the stench of sulfur.
Some spectators screamed, swearing to their friends if they saw a black shadow among the audience. However, most of them did not witness the mentioned shadow.
For those with a sixth sense, they could see numerous human shadows in every empty space among the audience. The shadows stood with glowing eyes, countless in number.
Zerenia, with gleaming eyes, emitted a green aura that filled the air. With courage, he tapped her magic wand three times on the ground. Energy waves surged around her, cleaving the air with thunder. The audience was mesmerized by her magical power, but before they realized it, the green aura attacked them with full force.
As if a magical sweep, they became limp and collapsed, their consciousness carried away in the enchanting flow of magic. Zerenia, the ruler of this green magic, gazed into the distance while controlling the newly unleashed power.
After gently placing Tania down, Zerenia, with her magical power, instantly moved to Rozer's side, who was still fixed within the magic circle.
A shadow dramatically appeared in the center of the magic circle. The shadow, as tall as an adult man, gradually took on a human form with a blank expression, long unkempt white hair, red eyes, and clad in a black robe. Adorning a badge with a moon and star, large black trousers with a golden belt, and a large gold chain as a necklace.
After the appearance of the creature, all the black shadows in the form of humans surrounded Rozer, Zerenia, and the summoned creature.
"I am Esh Qadosh, meaning Holy Fire, the King of all khodams, they bow to me," uttered the creature in the magic circle named Esh Qadosh.
Zerenia touched Rozer's shoulder and said, "Ask that Khodam, Rozer, what is its purpose here."
Looking at Esh, Rozer asked, "Why have you come to me?"
"I, sent by my holy Lord, have come to accompany you, Rozenvandehemel, and pledge allegiance in the name of the Lord, supreme Lord who controls all power, the Almighty God over everything." said Esh politely. "Please guide this world to the right path." He added, then bowed to the ground before Rozer.
Other shadows also followed Esh and bowed before Rozer.
For a 12-year-old who was new to the outside world, Rozer did not understand the meaning of Esh's words.
In a dark room, candlelight flickered among the shadows, creating a mysterious atmosphere. Nine figures sat along a long table, their faces shrouded in darkness. Zerenia, with gleaming eyes, tried to explain the events that happened at the academy earlier that day.
The sound of whispered winds colored the dark room, conveying hidden secrets. Zerenia described the events with twisting words, bringing a magical atmosphere among them. While the candlelight moved in a shimmering dance, the room was filled with curiosity and fascination for the unfolding mystery on this dark room.
"Can Khodam be trusted?"
"What is your opinion, head of the Academy?"
"I don't know."
"Should we accept Rozer into this academy?"
"What do you think, Lord Zerenia?"
"Rozer has lived with me in the Boszeven forest for 12 years; he lacks manners and knowledge, only magic and martial arts. Please guide him."
"I don't believe it."
"That's what Lord Zerenia said. For the knowledge test earlier, Rozer scored below average."
"But he has magical knowledge equivalent to Lord Zerenia and combat skills like the former Staal commander."
"It's quite confusing."
"In which academy should we place him?"
"With magical knowledge equivalent to Lord Zerenia, we should admit him to the wizard academy."
"No, we should place him in the knight academy."
"But what about his incomplete knowledge if he enters the vocational academy?"
"That's true, the vocational academy focuses on a single field of knowledge."
"Where should we put him, then?"
"I think Rozer is suitable for the basic academy, let him learn from the basics."
Silence for a moment.
"Alright, if that's Lord Zerenia's will. We'll provide basic knowledge at this academy."
"Basic academy? In which class should he be placed? Class one with four-year-old children? That's not possible."
"In class 6, children start focusing on magic and martial arts, so it doesn't fulfill Lord Zerenia's wishes."
Silence for a moment.
"I decide Rozer in class 4. And make Rozer a special student."
"What do you mean, head of the Academy?"
"Rozer will be free to study according to his wishes."
"But what if he feels isolated and leaves the academy?"
"No, Rozer won't feel that way. He entered the academy of his own accord, and with his nature, he will continue to learn on his own."
"If that's what Lord Zerenia says."
"Alright, it is decided. Rozer will enter the fourth grade of the elementary academy."
After that, they discussed the appropriate reasons to cover up the events earlier in the academy.