Hale, Blitz and strum watched the burning of the building from a fair distance. There were too many cops for them to go anywhere hear the building. What sort of monster has done this? asked Hale in vain. Someone with no heart, said Blitz. Many children and women were killed in the bombing. Give me the binoculars said Strum as he looked at the building through an extra lens, as Hale's hands were reaching for a bottle. What are you going to spot? asked Blitz sarcastically at strum. Maybe I see something that your goblin eyes can't see, he commented. This irked the ire of Strum as he put the binoculars down and choked Blitz. Enough! said Hale as he was sweating profusely. What has gotten into you? asked Strum.
My Mother! said Hale. I had put her up in that building, he said holding onto his tears. Go! they said to him. No, he said. I don't want to go there, he said and sat down on the balcony. What do you want us to do? they asked him. Nothing! he replied with a trembling voice. They are looking for us and if I got there, it would put us in great peril, he said. I heard the commissioner has taken a liking to us, said Strum. The commissioner scoffed Hale. He is a two faced no good bastard, he replied. I would rather trust the man who blew this up than that asshole, said Hale. What on earth are we doing, said Blitz. Maybe this whole council is a mistake, he sighed. Shut up, said Hale. We are heroes now and the people need us, he said. Heroes, mocked Strum. We are merely pawns in a scheme that no one wanted in the first place. Hales ego was shook. He caught strum by the neck and ordered him to be quiet. You are no colonel anymore, Hale, said strum. You tasted freedom and power. Now you want it more and more, he said. Hale left him be. He regained his composure. Pity a fool who tastes freedom, he said. For the next moment he is put back in place. Hale tightened his fist and shut his eyes. For a moment he thought that he was free of all pain in this world. But the pain he dreaded came back, in a larger quantity. There he realised that being a hero meant to endure more pain. More suffering! that was the price to pay. No eternal reward on this world or the next. Just a duty to be completed. He got up and jumped down the building. Strum flew there as blitz closely followed them. He ran into the building, looking for injured people. He got badly hurt and he saved a few.
Hale finally came out with bodies of children that needed urgent medical attention. He looked at them and they looked a lot like him when he was younger. He handed the bodies of the children to the medics.
Hale! shouted an officer. Yes, officer, said Hale as he turned to the policemen. You are under arrest, he said to him. For what? asked Hale as his eyes grew sharp and showed anger. His hands were slowly turning to hard bricks. The detective raised his gun at him. Calm down Hale! said the officer. He saw the people were all looking at him, now mostly in despair. He decided that it was best that he surrendered himself.
Cuff me, he said to the officer. As the police officer cuffed him, the crowed raised their voice. Why are you arresting him? they asked him. None of your business, said the officer. Pig! they shouted at him. Who was that? asked the detective pointing the gun at the crowd. Pig! shouted a kid and stepped forward.
How dare you? asked the officer and almost pulled the trigger on the kid. Strum just in that time landed a blow on the officer breaking his jaw. Great! said Blitz as the three of them found themselves behind bars an hour later or so!
These are the fools! said a grimacing man stepping out of the shadows. If you are heroes, then what are we, asked the deputy.
Criminals, replied Hale. The deputy shook the bar in anger. How dare you, you bastard? he asked him. Blitz twisted the bar and bent it out of shape completely. What can you do? he asked him. The deputy scoffed and walked away.