Odegai was out in a van as a couple of other army vehicles fled across the snowy terrain of Alaska. Follow them, shouted Mongol, the leuitenant of Odegai. An entourage of vehicles trailed the vehicle carrying Odegai. Stormbreaker and Theodon were sat in the vehicle. The Chase continued for long. Suddenly.
Wait, said Stormbreaker, I'am a superhero, he said. Here we again, said the seals who knew that he was never known for his humility. Stop the vehicle, he said. The vehicle stopped.
He got out and lashed a sonic boom at the vehicles. The heavily armoured vehicles did not budge, they continued in their route. Damn! said Stormbreaker. Theodon walked out of the vehicle himself and lashed out a sonic boom himself. The vehicle, f tilted and fell down. He laughed at Stormbreaker.
The mercenaries got down from the vehicle and took out semi automatic machine guns and lashed out at the superheroes and the vehicles. The convoy with the seals were bullet proof. The bullets that came towards the superheroes were deflected by the sword of Theodon. Again saving your ass, he spoke in Amazonian. What? asked Stormbreaker in his thick New York accent. The other vehicles came thrusting forward. They opened their top and missives opened up. Damn! said storm breaker and ran towards the vehicle. Theodon get in, said stormbreaker. No! Gruffer stormbreaker. He poked his sword in the sword and twisted it. There was a large crack in the snow now. The vehicle tilted but the missile launched. Shit! said Theodon and ran inside the truck. The vehicle jolted forward as the missile came flying towards them. And by now! The crack was so large that the ice was splitting underheath them.
Press the damn shit, man! shouted stormbreaker.