The Council of Heroes had a large headquarters. The heroes were all assembled there in the top floor of the building overlooking the large park that have its city much needed fresh air. The figures of Hale, Blitz and Strum hung around in important corners of the building, as well as the first villain they ever caught. Juanfrang Kook. The Painting of Hale smashing Juanfrangs head, breaking his skull hung above them now, where they were seated.
Storm breaker, said Agon. The leader of the heroes now. Andruil had named him
Agon after the great flying warrior from a galaxy far away.
There is a man from somewhere near Russia. He said as an image projected on the walls. This right here is Ogedei Khan. A mercerenary who is hell bent on ending the world who has found himself an army in Alaska. How big an army, asked Stormbreaker. 10 Nuclear warheads, said Agon. Now who convent has changed his name to Brock. 10'warheads, said Stormbreaker. I'am afraid that will be too much for me, he said. The next image flipped and Ogedei was seated in a iron chair with a coat fur on. You won't be going alone, he said. He pointed at Theodon, a sword yeilding warrior who has supposedly been living in the Amazon for thousand years. He was a large man covered in warrior clothes with a sword that could kill any man on earth. Ok! said Stormbreaker now seeing that he had Theodon for company.
Stormbreaker and Theodon had one thing in common. Both were capable of producing Sonic Booms. One from just his hands where his booms could turn water into ice and ice and sharp objects capable of mass destruction. The other could produce a sonic boom from his sword causing the enemies to fly distances far away, most often breaking their bones.
There was a craft on top of the building they waited for them. You go now! Said Agon as he handed over some files to Stormbreaker. These are the intel we have, he said to them. Ok Boss, said stormbreaker. Be careful, the enemy is not to be treated lightly, he wants them. Theodon grunted and dragged his heavy sword along the hallways causing marks all around. He never learns! said Agon!