Claiming to be the direct descendant of Genghis Khan, Odegai was hell bent on clearing the world of its smoke and smog. He regarded all humans as the same, a virus that has to be removed. He stood before the warheads, each pointed at the different parts of the world. One of them was even pointed at Antarctica. When someone asked him why? he simply said, "There must be someone, there."
Stormbreaker and Theodon arrived to no fanfare. The soldiers hated them and the colonel loathed them. "There, they are!" smirked the colonel as he smoked a cigar in the freezing Alaskan winter. Storm and Theodon came with T-shirts and a jungle vest. This irked the colonel even more. Good day Colonel! said the Heroes. Ah! Scoffed the colonel and handed them a document as the cold temporarily froze the fag end of the cigar. Dammit! said the colonel and he put the cigar down. He went to stub it usual, but the snow took it in. Do we have d add one coffee? asked Storm. Yes, we have some, he said and walked them into the hanger. The hanger shut them in and there was a large platter for them to indulge in. Theodon handed his sword to a soldier who completely succumbed to the weight. A couple of soldiers had to come in and help him off the sword.