Her father and mother were bent over a large, mapped out table, their gold, rubied crowns glinting, even though they weren't standing in the sunlight.
Rymari sat on a chaise, creating little fiery graphics in her palms. First, a chariot, then a willow tree, then a puppy, then a crown..."Rymari?" Her mother called softly, a hint of reprimand in her voice. The flames died out in her palms immediately and she clasped her little hands together, her cheeks tinting pink. "Sorry. I was bored." She mumbled.
The Royal Guard were also gathered around the table. Her father leaned forward and shifted a piece, muttering, "They'd send more forces to Dargy's borders. That'd weaken their forces at Enlevi." The Captain hummed his agreement.
Rymari's mind wandered off as she thought of little mountain cubs, with golden fur and squealed internally. She'd always wanted a pet, but Mummy and Daddy wouldn't agree, and her stuffed mountain cat, Lyon, wasn't the same...No offense, Lyon.
Just as her governess, Lady Amora, chastised her for getting distracted, there was a sudden rumble that shook the earth and jolted Rymari back to reality. Her parents exchanged wide-eyed looks, horror dawning on their faces. "No..."Her mother gasped.
Just then, the door flung open and a soldier rushed in, fear painting his face so much, he forgot to bow. "The wall has dropped, Your Majesties. Amanith is in Solei." The panic in the room was also so much that no one noticed.
Her mother was already at her side, scooping her up. "Listen to me, Rymari. You're going to run with Gavriel now, okay? Till you reach Old Herbo's Tree, don't stop. And wait there with him till we come for you, okay?"
"But what about you?" She asked, fear gripping her heart. She was just 4, but she was smart enough to detect that something was very wrong. "We'll be fine. We'll come for you. But you will run and NOT stop no matter what. Don't let them get you, okay?" Rymari nodded. The queen nudged her gently. "Your words, Rymari."
"Yes, Mummy. " She said. Her father came over and gave her head a kiss before handing her to the Captain, Gavriel. Her father stared at the man. "With your life, Gavriel." The man nodded, grim determination and grave loyalty etched on his face. "Till my last breath, my King."
The King nodded. "Take the tunnels, and use the merchants exit to leave. Abir, you go with your Captain too. We will handle the Palace and city." Gavriel gave a last nod before sweeping aside a tapestry and pressing against the stone wall beneath it. The stone wall slid apart, exposing a dark stairwell leading under the castle. Rymari cast one last look at her parents. Her parents had kept aside their crown, dangerous looking weapons in their hands. Her mother gave her a watery smile and mouthed, "Fireheart.", to her, just as the stone wall slid back in place, shutting them out and trapping them within the darkness under the Palace.
Fireheart, Rymari reminded herself. Fireheart.