Chereads / Rymari / Chapter 4 - Chp.3

Chapter 4 - Chp.3

She was fucked. Fucked, fucked, fucked. Seleen debated throwing it all to hell and still making it for the gate, even with the Head's eye and that of literally everyone else on her. It seemed she didn't make her decision fast enough because she heard the sound of oncoming footsteps of, no doubt, the soldiers. She gulped and turned slowly just as the soldiers reached her and took hold of her arms.

"Bring her. " The Head called out and Seleen was led towards the crowd, her head slightly bowed, her pulse racing. Was Shadee watching? Was he seeing how she'd messed everything up? She'd failed him. Failed both of them.

She was deposited in front of the Head. She looked up slowly to meet the unreadable and aloof eyes of the most dangerous and skilled fighter in all of Amanith. He stared at her, cold calculation in those grey eyes. He seemed to come to some sort of conclusion because he looked to a soldier beside him. "We'll take her." Her breath hitched. What? No.

The soldier nodded and led her to stand beside a woman standing not too far off as the Head turned back to the crowd. "That will be all. " And turned around, merely strolling up to the horses and carriages waiting near the gate. The Berian citizens watched on as the woman slipped into a carriage. Seleen hesitated and turned back to scan the crowd of bony faces looking back at her. No sign of Shadee. Had she disappointed him? She was sure she had.

So she gritted her teeth and obediently climbed into the carriage and sat opposite the woman. The sound of the armed soldiers mounting their horses was heard from outside the carriage and soon, the riding party began to move. When Seleen dared to peek out of the carriage, Beria was already behind them.

She sat back in disbelief and fear. She had really gone with them. She-She should've fought back. She should've tried, at least. Maybe if she had...

"I'm Kalifa, by the way." The woman opposite her said. Seleen startled and turned red. She had completely forgotten about her already. Where were her manners? She cleared her throat, "Seleen", she offered.

Kalifa nodded, wringing her hands together. She opened her mouth as if to say something then shut it. Seleen watched her try to gather her words. "I didn't expect you...anyone, try to escape while the Head was actually in Beria." She pursed her lips. "I thought it was brave. Stupid, but brave nonetheless. "

Seleen didn't know what to say. She supposed she could take the half compliment, right? "Well..."

"I don't have anyone. " Kalifa said suddenly and Seleen clamped her mouth shut. "I mean, I have an aunt. But she doesn't really like that I'm leaving with her. She tried to marry me off to some man..."She grimaced. Seleen couldn't imagine that. The poor marrying into more poverty.

"That's why I volunteered to leave today. I'm sure she was pissed and everyone probably thought me very stupid, but I'd prefer my fate at the capital to life in Beria. " Her voice lowered. "At least, if I died, I'd know I made it out and got to see the wonders of Amanith with my own eyes."

Seleen wished she had Kalifa's strength in that moment. The optimism and strong mindedness. "I think it is you who is brave." She said with a smile. Kalifa gave her a little one back. "We're both stupidly brave then. In our own ways."

Seleen let out a laugh. "I guess we are." They fell into companionable silence. "We're going to be riding with daughters of earls and dukes in a few weeks." Kalifa stated quietly. Seleen let out a puff of air. It seemed hard to believe. To ride with ladies?

"Let's hope they don't chuck us out the carriage then." Seleen mumbled and Kalifa let out a sharp but humourless laugh at that. More silence. "I have a...foster father, if you will."Seleen spoke up. "He was worried sick about the news of the Head coming to Beria to Gather. He..." She hesitated. "He wanted me to escape." She said the last part quietly. Too quietly as that statement alone could be considered treason.

Kalifa gave her an understanding nod and Seleen saw that the woman would keep her mouth shut. "I feel like I've disappointed him. I managed to not escape and get chosen. I don't know if I'll ever see him again." She sniffed at the thought of not seeing Shadee ever again. He was surely worried sick of her.

She sucked in a sharp breath and tried to steel herself. What's done is done. She had got chosen and there was nothing she could do now. She had to keep a clear head and plan an escape from the riding party. She still had her cloak and the coins Shadee gave her tucked in the bodice of her dress and a little knife in her old and worn boots.

There was still hope. All she needed to do was think. So Seleen sat back, releasing a breath as her mind raced.


Tamim groaned as he stumbled into his chambers, running hand through his disheveled hair. He was in the process of kicking off his boots when he noticed the figure lounging on the chaise near his fireplace. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "What now, Mother?"

The Queen Consort merely watched him with distaste in her eyes as her eyes rovers over his form, taking in his appearance. Tousled hair that looked like it had been pulled all night(cause it was), disheveled shirt, wrinkled trousers and boots that weren't fully buckled. Plus the bite marks adorning his collarbone. And she could probably smell the alcohol on his skin, so yeah, he wasn't a nice image. Not like he gave a fuck.

"I do not see any trace of the Prince you're supposed to be. " She sniffed. "You reek and look utterly horrendous. Where were you last night and early this morning? " She demanded.

Tamim got to work loosening his cravat and tugging off his shirt as the maid who just filled the bath for him hurried for the door, her cheeks tinted pink. Tamim gave her a lazy smirk and she blushed harder, disappearing through the door. He turned back to see a glare from his mother. Oh well.

"You'd have slept your way through half of Amaniths female population before your engagement is announced." She stated. Tamim chuckled dryly. "Not quite. " But his mother wasn't done yet. "I assume you felt you could waste your time entertaining numerous females last night and drinking your God-given sense away just because Rishan isn't here to direct you? "

Tamim scowled at her. "Rishan doesn't direct me, Mother as I am his superior. " It was common fact that Her Majesty mighty wished her son had ended up Rishan and not him, Tamim. Rishan was the responsible one. The clear-headed, disciplined and quiet one. Tamim was the careless Prince. The irresponsible and childish one. Rishan was like a brother to him and honestly the only person he'd trust with his life. But being compared to him every time? It was getting old and annoying.

"Is that all you came here to say, Mother? Give more unwanted comparisons of Rishan and I? If so, I have to tell you that I'm terribly uninterested."

Her eyes narrowed. "Your Father wants you present at the foreign representative meeting tomorrow afternoon. Be there and please, show up sober and neat. We don't need other nations knowing the Crown Prince can't keep it in his briches for all the world." She said snippily as she swept to her feet and headed for the door.

Tamim grounded his molars together, forming fists at his side. She paused at the door. "Oh, and do be available for an evening with Lady Estvan, will you? I'm sure you can spare an hour or two of your mindless pillaging for a sensible conversation with a noblewoman?" Without waiting for his reply, she left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Tamim was vexed as he had a long soak in the bathing room, his mind racing. His father, the King, rarely invited him to foreign meetings. He had been regulated to council meetings only where he served as a decoration. Which would change soon, thankfully.

He had to start planning his next course of action. Rishan wasn't here to give his much needed advice so he'd have to brave this on his own. He prayed his Father didn't have any more wicked ideas forming in his head, which would, no doubt,be planted by his advisors.

He sighed and let his head drop back, resting it on the marble tile. He'd face that later. One step at a time.