Chereads / Rymari / Chapter 2 - Chp.1

Chapter 2 - Chp.1

Seleen grunted as she hauled the bucket of fresh fish unto the slab of stone in front of a dilapidated mud house. She pushed back her dirty pale hair from her face, sweat running down her spine. "Jeima! The fish is here!" She called out.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps and a shaggy curtain was shoved aside as a brown-skinned woman emerged. She glanced at the full bucket and smiled. "Oh, dear. Thank you so much!" She flung her arms around Seleen who fought hard to not grimace at the contact. Fortunately, Jeima moved back to inspect the fish. This would last longer, as long as I smoke it well. Well done, child." Jeima fumbled with the pockets of her dress and produced 5 bronze coins which Seleen took. "Thank you. Have a nice day and enjoy your fish!" Seleen called out as she hurried away. "Oh, I sure will!" Jeima called out in return.

Seleen wove through the packed, pitiful market streets of Beria. Also known as the Less District of Amanith. Filled with all the poor, maimed, forgotten rejects of Amanith. The gaunt faces of the people around her never stopped to affect her. How could a whole kingdom leave them to suffer and die within a drawn out space of land? Seleen couldn't remember the last time she ate warm bread. The one bursting with healthy dough that melted like butter in your mouth, not the stale ones that were prevalent in Beria.

Her stomach rumbled. The last time she'd eaten was 2 days ago. But now, she had 5 laris and could buy a bowl of pottage to eat and have some change to spare. She spotted the sloping tin roof of Shadee's shop and ducked in. Shadee looked up at her as she ducked in and smiled at her.

She never really knew Shadee's story as he never really told anyone. But the buff man had a lot of stories circulating him. Some said he had been a Lord, or a member of the Kings Court but had betrayed him and had to hide. Some said he had been part if The Thirteen but had escaped the Gold Palace. Some said he was from a far away land, over the seas from far South. All she knew was that he was the man that found her 15 years ago on the bank of the muddy Berian River, and had taken her in. Had raised her as his. Had given her the name Seleen, meaning Gracious Protector, in Haindi, a language she had never heard of, and that no one in Beria knew of, except him.

Shadee frowned at her as he studied her form. "Where's have you been these past 5 days, Seleen?Look at you, you're all sticks and bones." Seleen snorted. "Don't shade the general public, Shadee." She snorted again. "Get it?"

He rolled his eyes and pulled her into a patronly hug. "Ugh. You stink of fish guts." He remarked, pulling away. "That's cause I've been down at Nero's River looking for fish for Jemia. I caught her a full bucket." Seleen beamed.

Shadee frowned as she revealed the coins in her hand. "You've been away at Nero for the past 5 days, catching fish for Jemia and all she gives you is 5 laris? " Shadee growled. Seleen rolled her eyes. " I'm okay. I know how to avoid the towns patrol. And besides, she's a lonely woman. That's the least I could do for her. "

Shadee blinked slowly. "You shouldn't have to creep around to get fish, paela. Not you." He said quietly. Seleen frowned. "What?" Shadee merely shook his head. "Come. I got back from the town yesterday. I have croissant and grape juice."

A wide smile found its way to Seleen's mouth. "Really?" Shadee sometimes took these secret trips out of Beria. No one else knew apart from her. She didn't know how he got out of Beria because no one else could. Not with those wicked soldiers that were posted at the borders.But Shadee did, occasionally but rarely. And he always came back with new things, food, objects, etc, that were normal things up there. Things she'd never heard of or seen.

As she settled down and ate, Shadee told her stories. About the Amanith cities outside Beria. He educated her, she noticed, of who was who, what was what. Of things going on in Amanith. Like as if, he thought she'd ever get out of Beria one day.

She, however, never pointed it out, but sat and listened. Always listened and stored information. Imagined what he was saying in her mind. She hoped for a way out of Beria. She'd take Shadee with her. Maybe they'd even leave Amanith as a whole and sail across the oceans to a land where they could start anew. They'd live in a house. A real house, with hearths and bathtubs and beds made of the clouds.

One day, she told herself. One day.


Rishan was staring quietly out the window, when the door to the library was flung open and the angry form of the Crown Prince of Amanith stalked in. "Really?!" Tamim growled. "Really, Rishan?!"

Rishan closed his eyes for a second, summoning inner strength to manage his friend before looking lazily towards him. "Yes, Your Highness?" Tamim plopped down on the chaise opposite him, his form utterly unlike a Prince as he threw Rishan a dirty glare. "You told Lenara the banquet wasn't holding." A statement, not a question.

Rishan nodded. "I did." And said nothing more. The dirty look on Tamim's face intensified. "And why would you do that, Rishan Wolfshed?"

Rishan sighed. "Because Amanith's Court has started arriving at the capital. And some would deem it a chance to make an attempt on the Crown Prince's life. So frivolous parties that hold no official meaning whatsoever, are highly dangerous. And as your guard, I deemed it fit to cancel it."

Tamim glared openly at him before sighing and looking away. "I wanted to let off steam before they all got here. I've been...worried...." He trailed off.

He'd been anxious about his official Entrance to Amanith's Court. One he Entered, he'd be able to put in his voice in matters concerning Amanith. He'd no more be a decoration, but an official figure. Rishan could understand him. After all...

He shook his head. "You will be fine. I just know you'll take the Court by its horns and steer this kingdom the right way." He said quietly. Taming merely stared at him, agreement in his eyes, with no mention of the almost-treasonous statement He'd just made against the King.

They stayed like that for a few minutes on silence, merely enjoying the quiet companionship before Tamim broke it. "He wants a Gathering."

Rishan's heart thudded to a halt. "What?"

"My father..." Tamim squeezed out, bitterly. "He wants a Gathering. Whether its for the Courts entertainment or for some sick plan of his, I don't know. I tried to talk to him, but my voice is not recognised by the Court, and when it will be..."

It would be far too late.

Rishan shuddered a breath. A damned Gathering? They hadn't had one in years. And for good reason. That barbaric act..."People's daughters..." He muttered, his gut roiling. And sisters and nieces, and mothers and sister-in-laws.

"Duke Jiphran. He's been whispering in the King's ear for a while now..." Tamim commented, distractedly. Rishan gulped. "He's going to make me do it, isn't he?" He asked Tamim, though he already knew the answer.

The King would put no one else in charge of such an operation except him.

And he was right. The following morning, he was called before the King with the order to retrieve 22 girls, 2 from each Amanithian province, and bring them to the palace for Eäjelle, the popular Amarithian festival in honor of Eände, the god of Success and Prosperity. Along with Selvia, the goddess of Fruitfulness and Homes.

The news spread like wildfire, through out the kingdom of Amanith and far beyond. The following day, Rishan set out with some trusted soldiers to Gather.

And on a plane of existence far different from theirs, a faceless woman hummed and began weaving.