Seleen watched Shadee pace incessantly, his brows furrowed in deep thought. "Why are you so worried?" She asked him as she popped a luscious grape into her mouth. He merely glanced over at her, away, muttered to himself and resumed his pacing.
News of the Gathering had spread already. The Head of The Thirteen, one Rishan Wolfshed, was already on his way, they said. To Beria. The process was to Gather from the edge of the kingdom, and make way towards the Capital. That meant he would be riding through 9 other provinces before he reached Beria. That'd be almost a week or more than, depending on the journey.
Seleen snorted at the fact that someone as uppity as The Head would step foot in Beria. It was ironic and well deserved. Let him come and see the state of his kingdom. No matter how much they'd like to pretend all was well in their gilded homes, he, at least, would witness the harsh conditions the people of Beria had been left in.
Yet, Seleen couldn't understand Sadee's restlessness. It was a good thing, wasn't it? To be Gathered? She would leave Beria after all, and even stay in the Gold Palace! Imagine that.
Seleen wished she could care more about the Kings stupid Gold Palace. All she wanted to do was leave Beria. Help Beria. Leave Amanith. Do all three. She didn't know how but she wished.
"I'd get to leave Beria, Shadee. I'll win the Kings favour then come back and get you. Then we can leave Amanith together." Shadee paused. "Or I'll try to smuggle you out as we leave and..."
"There is no we! " Shadee snapped. Seleen jerked back, as hurt hit her chest. Shadee sighed and released some tension in his shoulders then said, "Whatever you think of this Gathering, paela, I can guarantee you that it's nothing good. The King has his twisted reasons for doing this, but you can't go with The Head. I need to think of an escape plan for you..."
Escape plan? Seleen got up and went over to him, placing a gentle but firm hand on his bicep to make him still. "I am adrift here, Shadee. If you say the Gathering isn't good,then I believe you. But you need to tell me why. "
Shadee sighed heavily and in that instant, he looked like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looked so worried for her, it moved her. He didn't owe her anything. Not after saving her and taking her in. Infact, she owed him her life. Yet, he was worrying 10 years off his life because of her.
He slipped into a wooden chair and she took the one opposite him. "Long ago, like a really long time ago, Dynisius, a former King of Amanith started the Gathering ritual. It was originally designed to find wives for the sons of the Royal Family. The women were to go through, some tests of a sort, which would determine whether they possessed certain qualities that the King sought. Over the years, as more rulers took the Amanithian throne, the concept of the Gathering was severely...dehumanised. Amanith took up slavery, and the women taken...were brutalised, and the Gathering became a sick sport for Amanithian nobles. Its been...years, since the last Gathering, and that was because Amanith was in a period of war."
Seleen frowned. "So, women are taken to the Gold Palace and go through some Tests." Shadee replied, "Which could be potentially dangerous. That's if the other Gathered women, your competitors, don't kill you first. "
Seleen sat back, her mind racing. "So what's your grand escape plan? How do we get out of Beria before the Head is here?"
Shadee gave a sad smile. "It's still underway. But we will leave the day before the Head is to arrive. For now, just go about your days the way you usually are. You will meet me here 2 days to the Head's arrival in Beria, okay?" Seleen gave a small nod before getting up. "I need to get to the market now. careful, Shadee. Please."
He nodded and gave her head a fatherly pat. "I'll be fine, kid. You go now,okay?" She gave him a small hug before she made her way out of Shadee's shop. She paused outside, face turned towards the horizon and imagining the Head on his way to Beria now.
She rolled the tension out of her shoulders, hoping that things worked out well in the end before starting towards the market.
The Head arrived at Beria two days before the expected date. Beria was thrown into a state of panic as everyone scrambled to hide. Maybe not everyone though. The ones with good sense tried to hide their daughters before it was too late, while the others had their daughters stationed in the town square, perhaps hoping for a better fate for them.
Rishan was shocked at the state of Beria. Though he supposed he shouldn't have been. Everyone knew how poor Beria was, how forgotten it was by the King. But hearing was one thing and seeing was another completely different thing.
Beria reeked. And not just because of its huge garbage heaps, littered streets or blocked sewages, but of poverty. Astute, total poverty. He felt a pang of guilt and regret. For forgetting about these suffering people the way the rest of Amanith had. These people had nothing else left. And now, he was here to take their daughters and sisters too.
As the carriages drew to a stop, he dismounted his horse and looked towards the few people who were standing in the square. "You all know why I am here today. The King requires two ladies from here, between the ages of 17 to 20. Please cooperate with me and make everyone in this town here within 2 minutes."
Sure enough, within 2 minutes, a crowd had formed in the square. Rishan's eyes rovers over the pitiful forms of everyone living in Beria and gulped. Long necks, gaunt faces and protruding ribs all stared back at him, unease and distrust in their faces. Rishan wanted to waste no more time, and began studying all the female faces.
He spoke out loud, "Anyone who wants to be a part of the Gathering, step out now. " There was silence in the square as everyone shared uneasy glances. Rishan clenched his jaw. He needed them to volunteer. He couldn't bear ripping these girls away from their families like a monster.
Hesitantly, a dark haired girl stepped up, a basket of laundry clutched in her arms. She darted a glance at him and Rishan gave her a little nod. He turned to the rest of the crowd, who were still talking hushedly among themselves. Then, Rishan felt a little itch at the back of his neck. He cracked his neck to the side. The itch continued so he reached up and gave it a small scratch. Something was tugging at him, and before he could think about it, he turned to look behind him and his eyes immediately caught on a hooded figure creeping past the oblivious guards and slinking its way towards the gate. Before he could think again, he bellowed out, "STOP!" The figure freezed and every eye swiveled towards the gate.