Chapter 2 - Truths Hurts

Yeah no, I'm not dealing with that shit right now. How the hell is fucking Deku a girl yeah,  I have no care to deal with this. As they tried to offer thanks amongst other things I just ignored all of it. I just quickly walked out the door, shutting it loudly behind me. My head is pounding and I feel very weak. I just want food and a nice shower. Then I need to make a list about everything that's important in my life at the moment. 

Ironically my apartment is located right next door. It's like the world is forced to be close to the main character. I just don't get why.  Sigh, I quickly unlocked the door before going into my apartment. It was pitch dark, though I felt something was wrong. I don't know why. My apartment is a decent size for a one bedroom. My living room had a TV on the wall connected to the bedroom. A large chair in one corner  of the room and a bending couch that takes up the other wall near the window. 

The kitchen is separated by a wall from the living room. With two doors down from there one from the bathroom and one for my bedroom. I turned on the lights and instantly felt something wrong. I quickly began to gather some energy into my hands. I have no idea what it is but I'll learn to control it after today. I  saw no one in my living room.  But my bedroom door is ajar and I'm sure the one who had control of my body shut this morning. 

I was beginning to make any way past my couches when the person walked out of my room. It being All Might himself. Interesting still holding up my to look intimidating. My hand glowing with dark red to match my anger huh neat. 

" What the hell are you doing in my apartment Yagi?", I asked, making my voice deeper in hopes of being scary. 

" Honestly kid, do you think you could hurt me if I felt you were a threat to me? Don't answer that", he quickly finished before I could even open my mouth. Quickly made his way from the bedroom to my chair across from the couch. Quickly sitting down he started to get comfortable. 

I just looked as he hunched forward and he just looked at me. 

"Honestly, you know how weird you are in the system. Parents have good jobs and decide to stay here by themselves. Top of the class and supposedly quirkless too. Tell me kid, where did you get your information? Only 5 people even know about my damage but yet you do. So tell me where you got the information"

"Truthfully, I need to get your attention anyway I possibly can. In this case I used information I already had." 

Yagi said straight up and looked at me hard. "How did you get this information?" he asked me again. 

Honestly I was truly debating on what to say here, I could lie. Then he finds out that causes more issues. Truthfully I didn't think it through how to get his attention. I should have just waited and befriended Deku(I refuse to call Izuku by a female name period.)  My best choice here was telling the truth. Even now he might not be as happy as before, Yagi is still All might. In his head is a hero, though I feel as a buzz is going, like someone else is in the room. I wonder if he brought someone else. 

"Alrighty I'll explain everything only in this case ask your friend to get the fuck out my bathroom." I told him. 

Without even looking back I heard the door open and someone started walking towards. I tried not to show how tense I was as he walked past and I caught a glimpse of his face. 

NAME - Naomasa Tsukauchi

ALIAS - True Man

AGE - 36

QUIRK - Truth Telling 

BIO - Not only is he close personal friend Yagi, he also knows about one for all. 

Huh interesting information, I always wonder his name in the anime here he just seems so tired. Average looking man with black hair and brown eyes. He seems to fit more on the slim side.  It's his eyes that make him look exhausted. Makes you wonder what truly is going on in this world. 

Breaking out of my thought, the detective took a seat on the couch farthest from me. I don't have any other chairs available in my apartment. 

So I made the choice to tell them the truth of everything from start to finish. From dying to why I needed his help. At some point tears start falling from my eyes from the stress, finally understanding that somehow I died. 

Honestly I feel even more exhausted, but it was worth it just so super dick can help.  Yagi and the detective look at each other with the detective nodding. 

"Kid , look I'm sorry", he began

"I'm sorry too since I still want to kick your asses for breaking into my apartment. Literally couldn't want wait a day I'm so exhausted", I sarcastically interrupted 

"Yeah not our brightest decision, but Yagi needed to know if you were with All for One or not", Naomasa stated. 

"Ya ya kiss my ass you hid in a boys bathroom. Isn't that slightly weird, like even if I'm with All For One did you expect I wouldn't try to kill you too?", I questioned him. 

"I would've given my life for him, and even if I'm past my time. A hero never lets his friends down!", Yagi said with conviction.  He suddenly stood up and made his way over to me. 

Transforming into his buff form he suddenly shouted "WILL YOU BE MY SUCCESSOR FOR ONE FOR ALL"

"What the fuck dude I have neighbors! You're lucky my parents made my apartment as sound proof as possible.", I scolded

Yagi sweat dropped(huh that's weird you can see that) before suddenly reverting back to his base from spewing blood all over the place from his mouth. All I could do was glare, that's all. I had enough of today

This is all just way too much and annoying yeah nope not dealing with this shit today. I'm going to sleep. "Lock the door on the way out", I said. Like a robot I marched to my room I ignored everything they said. And just feel face first in my bed yep I don't have time for this shit. 

I could hear the movement as they began to make their way outside, yet I could care less. My head felt like a damn drum being banged loud. Sigh I just slowed my breathing until I was in that dark space again. Still was dimly lit yet I just had an idea that I could change. I don't know why it's just a feeling.  I sit down and close my eyes before hearing a voice call out to me. 

"Thomas, finally you can hear me.", a voice that sounded exactly like me said. 

Opening my eyes it was like looking at a mirror and I knew it was Oliver that owned this body looking back. 

"Look Thomas we don't have much time before I depart, I just want you to live your life better than I was. We both made this choice. I'm glad you can have a second chance."

"Second chance? Why would I need a second chance? I had a life, why am I here Oliver?" I calmly asked. Though I could feel the anger slowly begin to rise. 

Oliver instead of answering decided to stand up and walk around. Before turning back to me. You can see the conflict on his face, yet I dare not move. 

"You died by taking your own life Thomas." He said softly. It was a blow to my chest and I couldn't even catch my breath as I began to freak out. Oliver noticed but confined talking. " The person who caused you issues in life wanted you to lose hope. Yet you continued and didn't give up like I did. Losing your family didn't break you but finding your best friend with a knife through your fiancé did. There's nothing for you to go back to. One day, Thomas, you will understand everything  you need to apply. Anything can make you stronger than before. All for One isn't the biggest threat you have to fight. "

There were tears in his eyes, but I could tell he was holding back something. Still, I was desperate, I couldn't imagine that, but I couldn't deny those words. Oliver knelt in front of me and hugged me.

"Thomas, you actually have a system. I know you're wondering how it works but it'll only activate when it's most needed. Now you have two powers since I had one as well  but couldn't activate it. Since you are technologically different, your soul has given you half of one power  you've always wanted, to fight using sound. Eventually  you'll unlock the other half.  I know this is a lot to take in Thomas, all I can tell you is this: All I know is that I will always help you."

As he started to pull away, the hug suddenly ended  and I felt my body shut down. Until someone asked him if he did the right thing. The rest of last night should have been dreamless and peaceful, but now I am forced to immerse myself in  the world again. My eyes opened, but I just stared at the ceiling. Tears form in his eyes as he still tries to accept his reality.

What do I have to live for now? Where do I go from here? I quickly got my gun because I wanted to  find a way to get home quickly. Giving people too much information. Now I just have to  face reality, there is no reason anymore.