Chapter 7 - FUTURE PLANS

Izumi's Pov

It's been a week since Izumi had her test at U.A. which she hasn't really been thinking about. Ever since she learned about the huge fight the Ollie almost died in. It really changed what she knew about being a hero, she learned the hard way it's not only her who's life is on the line. It's her family that has to deal with the fallout if something happened to her. All of these thoughts run through her thoughts as she's helping her mom pick out a new outfit for the new addition to the family. The little kid that Ollie-Kun protected with his life didn't want to leave his side. So with Ollie's father instead took custody along with giving them a house closer to U.A. Yes Izumi's mom took legal custody of both Eri and Ollie-Kun(which rocks because she get to spend even more time with him. Plus she doesn't have to go to another apartment anymore.). Her mom decided that teen boy needed a good motherly influence so Ollie's father gave both to her. He seemed almost relieved that Ollie would be taken care of now. When they talked in the hospital he seemed sad as if he had a great burden. Also he gives the family a monthly payment to take care of everyone too so now Izumi's mother is home full time which is amazing for her. Overall things are looking up for her family(Ollie and Eri included).

Izumi forgot to mention that the reason why Ollie was late to U.A that day was because he was had a meeting with his father to buy a house for all of them as thanks for taking care of him. The house itself was pretty spacious thought at the time Eri wasn't a planned part of the house still wasn't an unwelcome addition. The little green haired child fit right in with the family. To the point people think they're related anyways. Izumi just watched her mom and Eri smile as they picked out clothes for the child that had nothing. It was hard enough to get her away from Ollie-Kun who wanted to relax more before U.A started that Monday.

How could Izmui forget the best part OLLIE GOT INTO TO U. A. All Might took full blame for the incident since he didn't answer the phone deciding to watch the new round of recruits. So because of that it cleared Ollie of wrongdoing plus allowed him entry with her. It was a great day to receive those envelopes. Though it was kind of weird how the principal wanted a meeting with Ollie after the first day.(A.N the note is still All Might as before nothing changed from cannon)

"Big sis let's go common", Eri said exclaimed excitedly as she grabbed Izumi's hand. Dragging Izumi to were the toys was located. Izumi just smiled as she finally started heal after the years of a terrible child. Her mother smiled as she looked at the scene.


POV Change


The master of evil, the boogie man who hides in the shadow. Some cases he was fairy tale, a story to tell people to make go to sleep. Except he is real and for once amused, oh one might consider not stealing back that girl as a setback but it wasn't. Finally his experimenting paid by making a human nomu, he finally allowed humanity to use more than one quirk without dying. Well in this case one human but it's a start. Oh he gathered the leaders of each part of the organization really he's the one in charge. He called a meeting to see where the plans were at in controlling the things he needed and honestly it's going better than planned. Gathering the leaders and top subordinates together made for a interesting time.

The meta liberation army is 100,000 so far in different parts of the world mostly focused in Japan, but they control the hero organization. The Yakuza leader is here just quit with silent anger though their numbers are lacking his scientific mind will help them advance. Lastly his own personal members lead by his student he raised as his own son. Yes the only one he doesn't have a leash on is the Yakuza leader Kai Chisaki also known as Overhaul. A beautiful quirk All-For-One wants to take for himself. That's for the future though because he has more to do first. In the next 6 months his body will begin to shutdown because of the fight with All Might leaving him almost crippled if not for all the quirks he stole. Soon he will make a plan to bring hero's down but that's not until after he can see how his student acts to this situation. If it's favorable then he will give his student his quirk or at least a copy. If not well there is a reason why he needed Rikiya Yotsubashi's son. Once we have access to his real power then his real idea can take hold. He glanced at Yotsubashi who just sat there stone faced not even paying attention to them fighting.

"Sensei just loan me a nomu and I'll crush that kid.", a raspy voice said as he was scratched his neck aggressively.

All-For-One didn't say anything as he just looked at them bicker like children. All siting in the bar as he was watching this through the camera he had set up in his room. "Make a list of what you Tomura, and I'll allow you to do it. How can you ever learn if I'm always around. I want you to attack the students at U. A. I'm sure muscular would like a rematch with the kid. For now make plans and then tell me. Don't disappoint me my student."

All For One(AOF) finished his words before shutting down his end of the connection to the bar. He didn't care what they had to say in the end no he needed results. Breathing is even taking a toll on his body. Yet he still wants one last fight with All Might. He can't help remember how his kid brother wanted to be a hero, it's why he wants to crush that fire in others. To prove his way was right without order comes chaos. Yet with him in control the world will finally know peace.




It's been two days since the shopping trip with Eri who couldn't stop talking about all the cool things she's got. Though this morning Izumi acted the same way, making them wake up extra early to get ready for the first day of school. Oliver couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm Izumi had as they made their way to U. A is was only a 10 minute walk from were they lived. Oh yes by the way Oliver ended up getting into U. A on recommendation which ended up sucking because they had to reveal he was trained by All Might. Still it worked out well since he got stronger, way stronger than he was before. The beating he took made him different. The entire time he was in the hospital he trained u til his bad adopted. He also found his body was born with was adapting. Pretty much he was like a sayian getting stronger from battles and training. For a comparison he could probably fight muscular now without using his quirk. It was interesting the secrets his own body as hidden.

"Ollie-Kun we're here at U. A, maybe our classmates will hate me. Do you think we can meet more pros? I'm so nervous!!", Izumi muttered had the speed of what she was saying started to get faster.

Shaking his head at her, softly pushed her into the classroom. She didn't give any resistance as she shakes slowly as she looked around the classroom.