Chapter 3 - Nothing Left

Thomas's Pov

A lot happened in the past 24 hours for one Thomas Baker. It can be said that most people wouldn't have even tried to keep fighting. No, they would've  given up a while ago. It's hard for anyone to lose a loved one. Rather it be a friend, family, or even a spouse. 

It can change a person, make you become someone you're not. Grief is something if not handled properly can lead to one's downfall. Yet Thomas has to find a reason to keep going.  Staring up at the ceiling he doesn't understand if he should give up. What is there to fight for when he doesn't even have a reason too. 

His fiancé succeeded where his friend failed. His father was gone and his mother worked herself to the bone to provide for Thomas, yet it mattered not because Thomas didn't care. He had hatred for the world and even though his best friend cared he never left his side. Yet it all changed when he met her. The light of his life, he loved her so much. 

The hatred and burning pain was gone when she was around everything that felt right in the world. Thomas could still hear the echo of the voice, the real Oliver who told me to keep fighting. It makes him wonder what Oliver meant by stand. He could assume maybe he's like Jo Jo stand? Even then Thomas wouldn't know how to go about activating it. 

Light began to filter in through the blinds as the sun began to rise. Thomas was debating if he should even dress for school. Gosh being forced to go back to school is a crazy thing. Yet here is Thomas doing exactly that.  His head throbbed as he began to sit up. 

Glancing around the room it was a modest set up; the bed was situated opposite of the door. There was no dresser as Oliver liked to keep his clothes hung up. There was a desk near the window, and honestly it was a good view. You could see the words slowly getting busy as people began to make they're early morning commutes. On the walls was merchandise of various different hero's mainly All Might. Not surprising seeing how much Oliver himself wanted to be a hero. 

If what Oliver  said was true, Thomas may have the ability of using sound frequency. Maybe that's the cause of the headaches? Since most people vibrate at different sounds, sensing all of them could be causing the majority of the problem. 

That's a thought for a different time as the alarm went off. Finally knocking Thomas from his thoughts. The decision in favor of going to school.  Honestly it would be a good distraction as he tried to come up with ways to find to keep moving forward. 

Thomas then did his usual morning routine of showering and brushing his teeth. As he went to pick out his outfit for that day he couldn't help but gasp out how plain his wajorbe was. Oh no no no this wouldn't do at all. Wait, could he even change his clothes? He knows Japan has struck uniforms but common. 

All my clothes are black slacks and a black button top. Hell even his regular shirts are black, also including his underwear. Like why would Oliver dress all black. His skin color is black that's wild. Thomas is a black male at 5'5 kind of on the thin side. Honestly what Thomas misses most is his old height. Being short again blows. His hair is cut short which he already has plans of growing out. Thomas just sighs out loud and decides to get dressed. 


POV Change

What truly makes a person evil is something we question ourselves daily.  Is murder okay in self defense? You still kill someone yet it is justified.  That's the thoughts going through the president of NetRun Corps. 

Even though he has plenty of things he should be doing he can't help but wish things were different. Putting the pen down he pressed both hands against the desk to stand up. He glanced at the picture of a woman holding a young child on his desk. Finally breaking away he turned to face the window. You can see the sun begin to rise yet it brought no joy as clouds began to slowly come in. Hiding the awakening light with darkness.  It's as if the weather agrees with his mindset. 

Oh he misses his wife, misses her brightness she brung. Everytime she spoke the room would light up. Yet he had goals, and did it make it evil she stood in the way of them. That he chose his ideals over his love. 

Rikiya Yotsubash was not a cruel man by any means. Just he needed results, not evil. No, he just wants true freedom. He climbed himself from the bottom to become the president of this great company. A front for what he was actually doing. He wanted freedom, to not be forced into the confines of the laws. Not everyone should be free to use their quirks. Without prejudice and if you didn't you have a quirk. Then why even exist? What would be a point living as a peasant in the world full of Gods. Rikiya though didn't want to just kill innocent peasants, no peasants needed to till the land and do things he didn't want to soil himself with. Grunt. Is best passed down of course. 

His recent plans of giving quirks to people have failed. Always dying, usually very painful deaths. Then he met a legend, not a myth. His own father didn't even know anything about him. Here the king of crime, master of the underworld came to visit him. His name is All for One. You'd think Rikiya would've been terrified yet he wasn't. At the end he and All for One have the same ideals in some aspects. So why wait no it's better if he just joined with. 

All of this because he had a useless son born without quirk. Honestly his skin tone would be the quirk if personally didn't know that the useless boy wasn't his. How can become a god if his own child didn't even have any powers? So he decided to make a deal with the devil. In exchange for allowing his son to be experimented on, he'd join forces with All for One. 

The Meta Liberation army has over 116,500 members and hopefully we can have even more in the future.  Rikiya just stood out the window watching the rain falling down. Sometimes he wonders if he did the right thing making his son live alone. Having his wife silenced. 

"Sir you can just break into this office", a voice could be heard outside the door. As footsteps began to get louder before finally slamming the door open. 

With our even turning back Rikiya said" Curious it's fine he's a guest I've been expecting for awhile. Go make sure everyone has been training well. Our first battle in this war will be upon us."

" Yes, run along you little npc maybe training the hacks will upgrade you from being a useless shit." A middle voice mocked. 

"Listen you little". curious started 

"Enough leave", Rikiya firmly stated. 

"Sir" , Curious said, making his way out the door not before shooting a dirty look at the masked man who was waving and cackling. 

Finally with a soft click the mask man made his way over to the desk before sitting the chair in front of it. Propping his feet up on the desk he got conformable before speaking. 

"My sensei held our end of the deal, Rikiya Yotsubash! Your son is no longer a useless npc he can almost be a side character.", the voice said. 

Rikiya had a small twitch in his eye at the insult to his son before calming down and replying. " Have you been keeping tabs"

"Yeah yeah we have, ironically it seems he became friends with someone Sensei had an interest in as well." The voice said. " Also thanks to your boy's blood it unlocked what we needed to make the first Nomu actually work. We'll be doing a test run next year."

"Right, I haven't forgotten my end of the deal, just leave the files on the desk I'll look over them." 

" Alright, just know you should better track your minions. Sometimes no named npcs can be found. Almost as if ashes in the wind." The man said before you can hear the door slam shut. 

Yes, making a deal with them could've been a bad idea , a terrible idea even. Yet still Rikiya would do it just so his son wouldn't have to deal without having powers. Soon he'll grow strong and join the organization. Not even making a move to the flies he stood still watching the rain fall. A picture on top of a boom helping grab an arm from what looked like slime. Yeah not a bad idea indeed. 


POV Change 


Izumi was nervously looking at herself over and over again in the mirror. Trying to fix her hair and make sure she looked neat. Rubbing her hands over her clothes over and over as if trying to smooth out. She even pulled out a skirt for once, though she doesn't own make up. (Not that she knows how to apply it.) Yesterday felt like a blur for once she didn't get picked and finally approached a boy(small wins). 

It was kind of insulting that she got considered as a bog as well and it hurts even more it was from her crush. They did spend a lot of time together even slightly defending her. No one has ever done that before so that was cool. 

"Izumi you're going to be late if you don't leave soon sweetie." Her mother shouted for her. 

Izumi with one last glance made her way to the kitchen where she grabbed a rice ball. 

"Izumi manners, geez slow down before you choke.", Inko reprimanded. 

Izumi sheepishly scratched that back for her before listening to her mother and slowing down. Soon she finished her two rice balls and kept a third one wrapped in a napkin.  After checking make sure she had her lunch and school supplies for the day.  She gave her mom a hug goodbye before skipping out the door. Not noticing the knowing look on her mothers face as the door closed. 

It was a short walk to Oliver's apartment but she was determined to finally talk more with him. Yes she felt nervous and her legs were beginning to shake like crazy yet she didn't give up. 

Taking a deep breath she was about to knock on the door. Before it suddenly opens. And Oliver could be seen walking through. 

Izumi quickly jumped back and apologized for almost running into him again. Oliver didn't seem to mind as he locked the door behind himself and made his way down the stairs. Though from the quick glance she got off his face Oliver seems to be sad. Honestly he looked very just less neutral like he usually is. Realizing that Oliver was walking shard without her. Izumi quickly caught up and walked instep with him.  It seemed he didn't mind as they began to make their way down the road.

"Right… I.. I forgot I brought you a rice ball for breakfast", Izumi stammered out. As she held her hand out for him to accept it. 

Oliver stopped walking, causing Izumi to follow suit. He stared at the food and then at her. She was very nervous he would not accept it before a small smile on his face appeared. With a small thank you he was taking little bits out of it. Seeing the smile made Izumi blush and get really happy. 

Happy with the first interaction, Izumi was elated. Not even the sound of police cars made her want to leave her spot. For the first time she just didn't even care about heroes. Just happy in her own little world of walking with Oliver. A gust of wind came by unbalancing the two teens. 

Standing in front them was All Might, dressed in regular clothes and not his hero outfit.  "Oh my gosh it's all mighty!" Izumi exclaimed. While she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Oliver she couldn't help but to start to get pumped. Like this is her favorite hero of all time. Like yeah it was kind of cool seeing Mt. Lady and Death Arms worked together yesterday. THIS IS FREAKING ALL MIGHT. 

Even though Izumi thought she said this in her head. In actuality she said this out loud and her muttering began to get worse and worse. Until a small chop on her head caused her to fall to the ground rubbing the spot she was hit at. 

"Ouch" she said as tears pooled in her eyes as both Oliver and All might sweat dropped. 

All Might decided to help her to her feet as Oliver stayed back. Waiting for the reason All Might is here. Now back on her feet you see the stars in her eyes as All Might was standing in front. BEST DAY EVER Izumi felt like it. Though a look of shock came over her face as All might bowed. 


Izumi quickly tried to stammer out a reply. " Y…y.. you don't have to bow". 


That's when she started crying hard, finally being acknowledged as someone. Not just a deku that couldn't do anything but someone worthy of saving others. Saving people with a smile just like her idol.  Though the moment was ruined when All might reverted back and spit blood everywhere. Oliver watched Izumi freak out over him. Even handing him a rag to clean with. 


Suddenly  reverted  back to his muscle form  and shouted " I'm here to tell you both I'll be training". That's how far he got to say before Oliver started walking away. 

Suddenly looking very uninterested in the situation Oliver turned away. Even All might look confused. Izumi quickly followed after Oliver and was going to say something. When she heard him say in a small voice "Deku keep walking trust me on this. We don't want to be around all the reports here." 

She  didn't even realize they were people beginning to surround us yet here they are. So I just followed him to school. At least she got an apology and her book signed by the hero yesterday before the incident with the sludge villain took place. 


I'm sorry the beginning is so slow. I'm honestly trying to get my writing down and become much more proficient at storytelling. Honestly I think third person is better for me and I'll fix chapter 2 eventually to reflect that.  I already redid chapter 1. Maybe after I do the USJ which will be different hopefully. Honestly I'm shocked at the amount of views and likes I've gotten in both Web Novel and Fanfiction. Next I hope I get even more support. I legit randomly started this only because I wanted to practice writing since my actual book doesn't seem to be well liked.  After chapter 4 I'll try and do 1 training chapter that'll take place over a year so we can get to UHA. Please leave reviews because ya know they help haha. I love to know how everyone feels about things. Last thing I swear I'll be uploading Mondays and Fridays. That gives enough time for each chapter to be thought out and not a rushed mess like chapter 1-3. So hopefully that's okay with everyone. Honestly if the story grows I'd like it to be 3-4 days a week. But yeah I hope everyone is well see ya next chapter 😇