Wyne saw that Mil had already sat down in the dining hall and saw what she was eating. Sally was correct. The only food that they had provided was a piece of bread and some vegetable soup that barely had any veggies in it.
"Yeah, we are getting points so we can eat real food. Got the missions?" Mil asked while trying to find any veggies in her soup.
"Yep," he passed her over the book and map. He folded the pages for each of the creatures they were supposed to hunt so that he wouldn't have to memorize everything. "5-10 of each of those. We only need to bring back a horn or ear or fang from them."
"Cool. We still got bit more than an hour before classes start. Wanna go start hunting now and score some food?" Mil looked over the creatures and nodded. They were all superior creatures but none of them were too strong. They could easily get a mission or two done before class started.
"I'm down. Let's grab our stuff then head out," Wyne was in no mood to entertain the school's idea of breakfast. He'd rather finish a mission. Even if they didn't they could still kill something to eat for breakfast.
The duo returned to the dorm to grab their gear. They put their armor on under their cloaks before strapping their bows and quivers to their backs. Wyne put on cestus around his hands while Mil had two chakrams strapped to her waist.
The duo ran around the school until they reached Sector 6 of the forest. They saw a few senior students going there as well but they weren't worried about them. Both were sure that the school assigned different missions to different grades so they wouldn't be competing over the same prey.
After entering the forest, the dup proceeded slowly next to one another. Wyne was focused on using his sense of smell to find any nearby predators while Mil focused on listening out for them. The pair walked for 15 minutes before they came across their first target.
A pack of razor monkeys was battling several golden wolves. Both of these were superior beasts that had mana cores inside of them which made them stronger than their normal variants but still weaker than true magical beasts that could actually use abilities that resembled spells. And both were mission targets.
Wyne had chosen these two since he had hunted both before and knew they were natural enemies. Many times, one could find them battling one another over rare plants that could allow them to evolve into magical beasts.
Wyne and Mil climbed the tree next to them silently while watching the battle. When they reached the top, they both took out two arrows from their quivers and notched them on their bows. Each took a breath before releasing the arrows into the air.
The arrows soared through the air almost silently, taking out two wolves and monkeys by surprise. All of the animals stopped when they saw their comrades die but they didn't react before 4 more arrows killed another 4 of them. The monkeys panicked and began to retreat while the wolves charged toward their hunters.
Wyne and Mil didn't focus on the wolves but instead aimed at the fleeing monkeys. If they escaped, that meant they would not have killed enough to complete the mission. The arrows killed 4 more monkeys, making 10 dead and the mission complete.
With those dead, they focused on the 4 wolves approaching them. Both took out only a single arrow this time, focusing all of their strength into firing a single shot which moved faster than before. None of the wolves were prepared for this so two more fell.
The last two wolves so their leader had fallen in the last volley and that they were the only ones that remained. Scared of their hunters, they wanted to flee but it was too late. The moment they turned their backs was the moment that arrows were shot into their hearts.
Wyne and Mil jumped down from the tree and immediately began to get to work wordlessly. Wyne started cutting off the ears of each of the monkeys and removing their magic cores while Mil worked on the wolves. Both also collected the arrows they used so they would not have to replenish them.
After getting their mission proof, they then got to work on their next task. Wyne built a fire for their breakfast while Mil dismantled one of the wolves enough so they could cook it fast. And while she was cooking the wolf, Wyne began looking for the plant that they were fighting on. He saw a purple flower that had an object in the center that resembled a pearl.
'Not sure about what this thing is but it should have a decent value to it. Even if I can't use it for a mission requirement, I can still trade it to a potion maker or a senior that needs it for one of their missions.'
Wyne dug around the plant to pick it up and placed it in Mil's hunter satchel. His had the ears and fangs of the creatures in it so he didn't want them to disturb the plant.
Wyne walked back to the fire where some meat was cooked. He didn't take that meat but instead ripped off a piece of the wolf and began to eat it raw as Mil was already doing. As Beastmen, they could eat meat raw without repercussions like humans. The cooked meat was going to be their lunch so that it would not go bad.
"25 minutes," Mil reminded Wyne who had just finished eating the heart of the wolf. He nodded in response before passing her the cooked meat. After gathering their stuff, the duo began to rush out of the forest, not caring about how much noise they made. Most creatures below magical creatures would not make loud noises as they moved through the forest since they were cautious hunters. By moving as they did, they were able to deter any hunters hoping to catch them off guard.
The pair sprinted out of the forest and back to their dorm where they hurried to set down their lunch, armor, and weapons before rushing out of the building and to the mission center. They were able to arrive just before it closed up for classes.
"Wyne? You're back to take more missions?" the receptionist asked
Wyne shook his head before passing her the bag that had the monster parts. The young lady opened the bag and saw the materials. She could see the golden color at the tip of the fangs and felt the bristles of the ears of the monkeys.
"Very fast, you two. Wyne, pass me your badge and I will take the missions off while also passing you points," she told him which he complied with. She used the same magic as before to undo two of the ID codes on the badge before adding another line.
AP: 1400
"Why did I get another 1000 points? I thought each mission only gave 200."
"They are called achievement points for a reason. You were the first to complete a mission and the first 1st year to complete a mission. Each got you 500 points," she told him before passing over another paper. "Just sign this and we will confirm that these two missions as well as your achievements have been completed."
Wyne read over the paper and signed it. After getting the confirmation, the receptionist walked over to the board and took down the mission post. She was about to turn around and tell the duo something else but she saw that they were already gone.
"Oh, yeah. 1st years start classes an hour earlier than the rest of us," she reminded herself. "Well, it looks like they won't starve at least. These two are pretty capable."