Flashback Line: (This little divider will hint towards a flashback of some kind, which will help pace the story out a little more.)
✎The story begins here.✎
Star: He fell to the floor of the void, his body trembling a bit from exhaustion. "Dang, it...that is the...30th time you have beaten me!" He was panting, his body bruised from the sparring matches against Radna, he slammed his fist into the ground slightly frustrated.
Radna: He chuckled, "I told you wouldn't lay a finger on me, it's going to take some time but you'll get there eventually." He offered his hand to Star, "C'mon, I think we have done enough for today."
Star: He looked at his hand, before looking back at the floor, sighing, "How am I supposed to get better if I can't even beat you once, I could barely knock you off your feet."
Radna: "Heros do not become great overnight, they do not dwell on their failures in the past, they focus on only what lies in the moment. You will eventually get there, you have to believe in yourself, your strength, and your faith. Which all starts by getting up when you are knocked down." He held his hand further out towards Star.
Star: He smiled slightly before taking his hand, and pulling himself up. "You must've bested me quite often in your previous life to be this knowledgable and skilled."
Radna: "Oh nah I got my ass whooped often, I just stopped trying at a certain point. You would not catch me even raising a finger around you."
Star: He raised an eyebrow, "So what is this? Payback for those times?"
Radna: "Yeah pretty much." He laughed, patting Star on the back, turning away to pick up his hooks.
Star: He rolled his eyes, before suddenly remembering something, "Hey Radna?"
Radna: "Wassup dude?" He turned around to face him.
Star: "When you mentioned the people who had bested me in your past life, you only mentioned your brother, but you said there were two. Who was the other person?" He tilted his head, awaiting an answer.
Radna: He sighed, looking down at the floor before answering, "I do not remember their name, nor their face, I'm sorry if that is not the answer you wanted."
Star: "Oh." He rubbed his arm, "Sorry for asking."
Radna: He looked over at Star, "Well, I do remember them saying something though, a phrase."
Star: "What did they say?"
Radna: "'Where there is good, there is bad, and where there is bad, there is good. The light pushes away the darkness to have purpose for that is all light does, but at the end of the chapters, all there will be, is darkness.'"
Star: He blinked a few times, processing that phrase. "Hmm...interesting."
Radna: He nudged Star playfully, "But hey, c'mon let's not dwell on the past, they ain't here anyway. Let's get you back to earth."
Star: He snapped out of his trance, nodding, "Right."
Randa: He snapped his fingers, opening a bright purple portal. Before they could enter it, they were interrupted by a voice coming from the edge of the void. "Huh?"
????: "King Radna of Hell! I have heard much about you!" A mysterious figure stood at the edge of the void where Star had reconstructed a section of the shattered fragment. The futuristic figure wore a sleek, white robe made of high-tech and a white fedora hiding his eyes. The figure also sported dark-colored, slim-fit pants with discreet, integrated utility pockets for advanced gadgets and tools. The form-fitting, black sweater worn underneath the robe provides comfort and flexibility, allowing the figure to move easily while maintaining a professional appearance. The ensemble is completed with black, high-top boots featuring hidden compartments.
Radna: He turned around to face the figure, leaning forward to get a better look, "Who the fuck- WHAT?!"
Star: He jolted at his sudden raised volume, "Why are you yelling so darn loud?"
Radna: "Because he's all the way the fuck down there. Hold on, let me get closer." He walked closer to the figure to hear them better, and Star followed. Once he was within close proximity of the figure, he spoke, "Alright, now I can hear you. What did you say?"
????: He shook his head, "You are just as arrogant as the imps said..."
Radna: He chuckled at the stranger's remarks. "There is a big difference between arrogance and confidence, you know? Instead of attempting to insult me and failing, why don't you tell me what you want?"
????: "Very well... My name is Detective Andrews. I was transported here unexpectedly and had to confront a legion of abominations created by an old enemy of mine. They had to erase this whole place with me in it. As you two were playing around in this corrupted place, one of you inadvertently made a small repair to it, which in turn restored me."
Star: He shifted back a few steps, positioning himself just behind Radna. He was acutely conscious of the fact that he bore full responsibility for the topic being discussed.
Radna: "Time passes differently in this place, and I presume it has been quite some time for you. Now, tell us what you want."
Andrews: He rolled his eyes at Radna's remark before speaking, "Since the time of my unexpected return to existence, I ventured to a nearby Hellgate and conversed with some of the imps dwelling there. They recounted the tale of a formidable warrior who vanquished the seven deadly sins and the dreaded ruler, The Black-Eyed Beast."
Andrews: After a sudden jolt, I became acutely aware of the world around me. My senses rushed back, leaving me in a state of profound disorientation. As my mind cleared, I realized I had returned to reality. The sounds around me seemed amplified, and the light filtering through the curtains felt almost blinding. I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my racing heart, and embraced my chest in an attempt to calm down. As I regained my bearings, I felt a surge of confusion and apprehension at this sudden awakening. "Where am I? What's going on?" I muttered, attempting to make sense of this disorienting experience.
With a sense of unease, I carefully surveyed the vast expanse of charred grass, taking in the sight of the smoldering remnants and the wisps of smoke dispersing in the breeze. "What caused this?" Suddenly, a sharp spike of pain surged through my mind. I held my head in agony and fell to my knees as I began to regain some of my memories. When the pain subsided, I remembered what had happened in the field. "The beasts...they swarmed me," I muttered as I stared at the floor. I saw my gold and white pistol on the ground, picked it up, and stood back up. My hands were shaking slightly as I stared down at my weapon. "Everything vanished suddenly before me. I was here, and then I wasn't."
Although some of the land reformed, remnants of the white void still lingered in certain areas, creating an ethereal and otherworldly atmosphere. Some parts of the land shimmered with a faint glow, casting an almost mystical aura over the surroundings. It was as if the land itself was caught between two worlds, his body had some spots like this on him, and he was caught between the existing and unexisting.
As he was examining his glitched body, he realized one of his eyes was missing and still dripping with blood. "What the hell," he muttered as he touched his eye and regained another memory of the incident. "The blind ones took out my eye before the white flash. I can't proceed forward like this." He removed one of his black gloves to examine his metallic hand. He needed to figure out a way to heal his eye the same way he healed his hands.
He yanked a vial off of his belt, holding it up and staring at the strange, glowing white melted metal within it. He had a feeling that this was what would heal him. "Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled..." he murmured as he opened the vial and poured the melted substance into his eye socket. "AGH! DAMN, IT!" he screamed in agony as the metal sunk itself into his eye, burning the insides of his socket before finally forming a silver chrome eye with a blue pupil.
His breathing steadied as he focused on a nearby Hellgate, or what remained of it. "Hmm," he mused, rising to his feet and striding confidently toward the strange formation of stones and runes. He knelt down, manipulating the ancient runes, and arranging them in various patterns. Suddenly, the symbols seemed to come alive, emitting a radiant blue light. As he continued to rearrange them, a mystical portal materialized on the ground, its brilliant blue glow overpowering the surrounding daylight. "Black-Eyed Beast, know that I have not forgotten you. Prepare yourself, for I am coming for you and I will return home with your heart." With that, he leaped down into the portal.
The deafening echoes of emptiness reverberated through the void of Hell as he plummeted into the first ring. As he gazed around, he observed the conspicuous absence of reality on the Hell Wall. "It appears that it wasn't solely my universe that suffered erasure," he mused solemnly. He observed a group of tiny imps of varying sizes gathered around a river flowing with crimson-hued blood. Some were taking sips from the ghastly stream, while others stood by, gazing as the river wound its way down into the unfathomable chasm of emptiness and darkness. "Are you taking pleasure in some well-deserved time off?" He chuckled at the resting imps.
Azazel: The air in the pits of Hell grew tense as a standard-sized imp noticed Andrews watching them. His horns curled back slightly, and the quills on his body spiked up in shock as he gazed at the unexpected human presence. "What are you doing here in the pits of Hell!?" the imp demanded, his voice tinged with both surprise and menace. "Speak now before you join the river of the damned!"
Andrews: "I demand information about The Black-Eyed Beast, also known as the Fear King. Provide me with the information I seek, and I swear not to harm any of you wretched creatures." He revealed his holy gun by parting his white coat and placing his hand over it.
Azazel: "HAHA! We don't have to provide anything to a mere mortal! Zaphyrite, destroy this human; he annoys us!" he commanded one of the larger-sized imps.
Zaphyrite: The towering, muscular demon imp stood at least nine feet tall, overshadowing the other imps in the area. Its sinewy body was covered in dark, leathery skin adorned with glowing red runes. Jagged horns curved menacingly from its forehead, framing a visage with glowing yellow eyes. Large, bat-like wings stretched out from its back, crackling with dark energy. With deliberate steps, the demon strode menacingly toward Andrews, its claws scraping against the ground as a low growl rumbled from deep within its chest. It raised its clawed hand, poised to strike.
Andrews: He sighed, "Very well..." He grabbed the claw of the demon, pulled out a small dagger, and thrust it into the palm of the beast, pinning its hand against a nearby stone. The demon roared out in agony, but before it could react any further, he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the chin of the beast. He then pulled the trigger, causing a holy light to burst from the barrel of the gun, destroying the head of the demon. "I have asked you all nicely. Now, I will ask in the way I originally intended." He suddenly appeared before Azazel, forcefully pressing the barrel of his gun into the side of the imp's skull. "Where. is. He?"
Azazel: The imp quivered, his confidence was gone. "I don't know where Lucium is!"
Andrews: "So he does have a real name? The thing is, I know demons are liars! So you better tell me the truth, or I will throw you into this void!" He dragged the demon towards the edge of the land where the void resided.
Azazel: "Okay okay! He was taken away by this new arrogant king after he was beaten by him, I don't know where he went after that because Hell went blank after the Seven Deadly Sins were killed, please I'm telling the truth!"
Andrews: "Who is the new king!" He pushed the imp's face even closer to the wall of the void, the wall glitched aggressively the closer he got.
Andrews: He removed the gun from his head, "See? Was that so hard?" He patted the imp on the back, before abruptly slamming the face of the imp into the void wall, listening to him scream as his face was slowly erased from existence. "Now if you all excuse me, I need to visit this new king..." He threw a device on the ground, as it opened a portal he stepped through, transporting him to the blank spot of his timeline. He noticed Radna and Star in the distance, "So it was them who returned me...time to have a little word with the newcomer."
Radna: He snapped his fingers and pointed toward the stranger. "Yes, that was me. I may have also destroyed all of Hell in the process, but considering that you were able to speak to imps, I assume the expansion plan is working."
Andrews: Resting his hand on his gun, he stated firmly, "I won't waste any more time. Hand over Lucium, or what remains of him, and I will let the two of you live. Me and The Black-Eyed Beast have some unfinished business..." He fixed his gaze with his metallic eye on Radna, firmly gripping the handle of his gun.
Radna: He laughed, "Confidence? a fools cover up for arrogance. If you honestly believe I will just hand over the location of Lucium, let alone let you put a dent in my body, then you might be the dumbest mortal I've ever met." He balled his hands up into fists, staring Andrews down with a wide smile.
Star: As the tension rose between the two, he noticed the symbol stitched on Andrews' white coat. At that moment, he grasped its importance, which drove him to quickly place himself between the two people. "Please, hold on!" he exclaimed.
Radna: He tilted his head, "The fuck are you doing?"
Star: He turned to face Andrews with a gentle expression, "You are from Greenwood, aren't you?..."
Andrews: He gazed at Star for a moment, then nodded slowly. "That's where I lost everything..."
Star: He straightened his posture, "Radna, we should give him the location of Lucium."
Radna: He looked at Star, "Are you fucking mad?! We have no idea who this guy even is!"
Star: He turned his head toward Radna, "I have seen the devastation that Lucium caused to that town and its people. I believe it's important for Andrews to decide what happens to him. Justice must prevail." He looked back at Andrews with empathy, summoning a strange prism-shaped device into his hands. "This will take you to where he is currently being held."
Radna: "You cannot be fucking serious. This is such a stupid fucking idea, you have no idea what he is even gonna do, what if he fucks up?"
Star: He looked at Radna with a serious expression and said, "We'll address that situation when it arises, but he should be the one making the decisions, not us. I made a promise to the kid that he would find peace, and this might be his opportunity."
Andrews: He stared down at the device, before turning the top of it, causing it to spin and glow within his palm. He looked up at Star, "Thank you." He then vanished.