I arrive at my usual place of work, the Watterson's farm. After Mrs. Watterson greets me, she watches me as I bring my hand up to face the sky. I hold my hand in that position and focus. I narrow my eyes and stare at the sky. A faint wisp of a cloud appears, and it grows and grows as rain starts to fall onto the Watterson's crops. I move my hand to face the other part of the farm. The cloud moves with it, and water douses the crops. Sweating now, I drop my hand to my side. Mrs. Watterson hands me a glass of water, which I gulp down hastily. She hands it to me along with my pay, which I stuff into my pocket.
"Thanks again for your work, Seal. I swear you've got to be the best rain maker in town!" She chuckles. While I did get multiple requests to water others crops, I stayed loyal to the Wattersons. I did not believe there was any skill to rainmaking. It was simply something you were born with. i reply with a simple,
"No problem.", not denying the praise. I was too tired to argue like I usually did. There had been a lot of fires lately, and the rain makers had to deal with them. Recently, a rain dancer had had to step in and help with a particularly difficult fire. Rain dancers were the highest ranked rain makers, because of their royal blood which made them more powerful. I knew of the rain dancer to be called Artemis. He had long messy green hair, fair skin, and dark forest green eyes.
The last thing I expected at that moment was for him to show up right in front of me.