As I arrive at Artemis' hospital room, I hesitate, my hand hovering above the doorknob. This was the second time I had come to visit him, and I wasn't quite sure what to think of him yet. I mean, he seemed pretty cool, but you could never be sure with rain dancers. I had always thought of rain dancers as selfish and self-loathing people, but maybe that opinion could be changed. I open the door, and Artemis' eyes brighten as he notices who it is. I put on a smile as I walk over to him.
"Hi again!" he replies enthusiastically.
"I heard from the doctors that you're getting better. they said that you might be discharged soon."
"Yup!" He says. I wonder if that's the reason why he's in such a chipper mood.
"Listen." I say, narrowing my eyes to show that the conversation was serious now. He leans in, interested. "so, I was thinking. What if to beat the fires, we formed like, a group of rain makers and rain dancers."
"Like, an army?"
"I mean, I get what you're saying, but how exactly would we go about forming an entire army?"
"Simple. Advertising."