Chereads / The Rejected Wife Of The Indifferent CEO / Chapter 52 - 52. Father, I'm back!

Chapter 52 - 52. Father, I'm back!

Lixin asked, drawing a visible line between the two drawings. He was lost in thoughts until midnight. He yawned, wearily rubbing his eyelids. He had an important business flight to attend to as early as possible, and this discovery about letting Mingxia stay alone made it hard to choose. In the end, he allowed a bodyguard to watch her every step and report back to him once things seemed fishy.

He walked into his room, kicked the door open, and climbed into his bed, but before that, he checked up on Mingxia to see if she had any trouble sleeping. He drifted off to sleep.

~Next Day~

Mingxia rose to find the house void of Lixin, as expected. She was told by Yuming that he had to catch a flight to Hong Kong and would be back before the day ended. She only nodded her head and sat down for breakfast. After eating, she took a car from the garage and drove to her new workplace. The whole setup was completed, and it only remained for fund donors to start up the case.

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