Chapter 3 - Elixir

Birdynn suddenly became a burden to me. She always followed me wherever I went without thinking that I would need 'personal space'. Yikes!

Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of having a busty watermelon follow me but not everywhere.

Bathroom. Toilet. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. And even during my 'me' time that I would use to masturbate and dwell on my carnal pleasures. She followed me!

I was getting tired.

Sometimes I thought, maybe her parents named her Birdynn because she was a BURDEN. Just hypothetical thinking, not proven yet.

"Why didn't your grandpa let you train under him?" I asked one certain day.

She looked at me with huge puppy eyes. It seemed like she had suddenly grown a tail and was wagging it vigorously.

She reminded me of the Golden retriever breed, "Because I am a girl," came her reply.

What a waste of potential. After seeing the way she handled the soldiers back then I couldn't help but thank the heavens for sending me someone like her.

We found a good inn to sit in. I was going to tell her about my whole plan and recruit her as my first underling. She was strong.

But I was the strongest!

"What do you think about the thought of defeating the demon queen?" I asked with a wide grin.

In the legends that had been passed down from generation to generation, the demon queen was an entity almost everyone revered. Why? Because she was the strongest.

What nonsense! Delete that false information from your head right now because I am the strongest!

None other but me! Just telling you guys this story is making me infuriated. Tch. I guess I'll skip it.

But it's so vital to the story. Ok, I'll be as vague as I can be. You guys don't need all the spicy parts of her story.

Because you'll get all the spicy parts of mine. Let the drums of liberation roll in. Hmm, that feels much better.

The demon queen's name is Helticia Flamez. She's a terror to behold but I am going to break that terror into smithereens.

Why? Because I am the strongest.

Thus, she's been oppressing humans. She was feared and revered. When I am the one supposed to be revered, rude!

Birdynn looked at me and smiled, "I'll follow you to the ends of the earth," she said with so much enthusiasm that a part of me felt happy that her grandfather had rejected her. Then I noticed her face turn bright red, "I do have a condition though," she added.

She looked young. So maybe what she wanted was a bar of chocolate or some soda drink. She was still a child, I thought, "Ask away my underling," I said with so much confidence that I could provide whatever she was going to ask for.

Birdynn Axydent Maa stood up and with her eyes closed screamed, "I want to become your personal cum dump. Please have sex with me whenever you deem it," and sat down.

I felt my soul seep out through my mouth. Everyone in the inn turned to look at us. I was embarrassed. She was one tough one. Where in the hell did she get that idea from? Ahhhhhhhhhh!

I had to do anything to calm the tension around me. The eyes alone were enough to send me to an early grave.

Or even bore a hole through my soul. An idea popped into my head suddenly. I was going to avert the commotion, "You're twenty right?" I asked in the coolest tone I could muster.

"Twenty-seven actually," she corrected me.

My eyes popped out of their sockets. This short-looking toddler was twenty-seven. Lies! Freakish lies! She was trying to tell me that she was older than me. Well, we are talking about age here, in terms of strength I was the strongest.

She looked at me with such cute eyes I couldn't help but fear and worry for my safety and maybe run. But I didn't. Why? Because I am the strongest and I am alone the strongest.

If Saa Maa has a grandchild who's twenty-seven, how old is the old man? Birdynn was twenty-seven?

The painful stares of the people around cleared off but my mental health was having a meltdown. I nodded, "I agree with whatever condition you stated," I said.

In a way, this was good news. I get to lose my virginity for free and with a hot busty girl too. That alone was my consolation. "We need a name for our team," I said.

She smiled, "What about 'Elixir'?" She said with a huge smile. That was it.

Elixir meant antidote. And I, with my underlings, am going to become the Elixir of the world.

So Birdynn could be smart at times. That was incredible. Thus began the journey of the Elixir with the strongest being alive as the leader.

Of course, none other than me!