I held the license in my hand. It was just ordinary paper. What a drag! Were they trying to insult the strongest man alive? Rude! But Mitch was beautiful. That's not the point here.
Another thing that increased was the thorn in my flesh. Having Mistaike around was like giving Birdynn a twin. And this wasn't in my favor. It certainly wasn't!
"Bossu, when are we going for our first mission?" She kept asking non-stop. What was wrong with her? Couldn't she keep quiet? I admit she was strong but there was nowhere and no one to test her strength on. That wasn't fair.
As part of a Guild, we were obligated to keep everywhere as peaceful as possible. Stop bandits and robbers and lend a hand whenever someone needs help. Help? This was funny in a way!
What were we? A charity organization? Oh, give me a break. Things couldn't get worse than they were.
I wanted to eliminate slimes, not blow bubbles and fight crimes.
Oh, how hath the mighty fallen.
Not me, but the whole Adventurer's whatever they called themselves. This was just torture.
And having two bones in my throat made everything worse. I was constantly correcting them. And another thing, they were too expensive. Like, why would a woman need three different shampoos for the same hair? A pair of lingerie for each night? A three square meal a day?
The funny part was that while all Birdynn's food went to her chest, that's good because I use those watermelons as my pillow while I'm asleep, I couldn't just decipher where Mistaike's food went.
Feeding and clothing them cost me a lot of money. A lot, I tell you!
This was more than torture, they should just behead me or something.
One month, no job.
Two months, no job.
Three months, still no job.
I had run out of every last penny I had saved during my days with Saa Maa.
I decided it was time for me to go home. Even if I knew I might not be allowed in heaven. God couldn't just throw me to hell– I was by a hundred million degrees hotter than hell.
I am the strongest, remember?
Just when I was about to commit a lone suicide someone arrived.
To not give the impression that I had just been planning to kill myself, I wrapped the rope around my arm. To give that impression of someone returning from a hectic day or something.
I had to make the person understand that I was the strongest. And I was. You all, my fans, can agree to this.
The human was panting heavily, "Are you part of a Guild?" He asked me. Seems this was my lucky day.
I nodded. He grabbed my hand and began to run. I had no idea where I was getting dragged to.
Luckily for me, Birdynn and Mistaike never let me out of their sight for a minute. So instinctively they followed after me.
This annoyed me in a way. Like, did they think I couldn't take care of a mission on my own? Rude!
The unknown human and I soon arrived at a patchy area in a huge forest. Tete-a-tete, I usually avoided forests and such. I didn't like the feeling I got from those places.
This had no connection to the fact that I was the strongest. I was just being cautious as any strong human would.
In the middle lay a helpless girl. She was on her knees and before her stood a huge slime. This was not just your ordinary slime. It was a 'commander slime'.
Slimes had three categories; the normal slimes, the rare slimes, and the commander slimes. They also differed in strength too.
Don't ask me how I knew all this. I didn't spend my three months of being jobless doing nothing. I researched everything that pertained to an adventurer guild member. I hated being caught unawares. So naturally, I knew about all of the monsters too. I remain the strongest though.
The commander's slimes were the worst of all. They were like a thousand normal slimes put together.
How on earth did that girl get herself into that situation? The unknown human threw me so that I would be closer to the girl. I couldn't believe his insolence.
I didn't know what to do. I was in the middle of the unknown now accursed human and the lady in distress. Why would he throw me into such a dangerous place?
Well, this was my opportunity to act cool and make a name for myself.
I raised my hand in the air and looked my coolest. Even in my last moments, people had to recognize me as the strongest. To my surprise, Birdynn and Mistaike jumped from nowhere to my side.
I wasn't expecting them but I was glad they were here. "Elixir, time for some drama," I said and they rushed headfirst into the battlefield. It was after they had left I realized. We didn't have a plan.