Tezznin Empusa, an ordinary girl finds herself associated with a creature of the night. He is trapped and cursed for his evil deeds, yearning desperately for salvation. She struggles to make meaning of the boy, his purpose and existence for he only comes to her at night.
He is finally free but he continues along the same path for which he was trapped in the first place. However, his quest wavers this time at the existence of the girl he loves dearly, but darkness only consumes him more when he realizes that the girl he loved dearly now had no memory of him. We soon find that the boy was never the bridge of destruction but the bridge of peace amongst all the realms . It was evident that a prophecy foretold against his life was told the wrong way, but where was he to fulfill the promise foretold against his life, when for the only woman he loved, has met a tragic end?
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