Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Rock 'n Roll

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12: Rock 'n Roll





This was the indication of the damages Harvard and Zazel took when trying to tie down the likes of the golem. Despite being able to dodge and weave most of them, a few would inevitably hit the two in different parts of the body. The redness and damages on their skin being evident of that, with Harvard quickly spawning what seemed to be a potion to try and recover such damages between the two. The demon didn't expect for the child to have something that can heal them, but at this point, he also should expect that there's more cards within the boy's arsenal he doesn't know about fully. A confident smile and a strong nod, the two would patch themselves up quickly through such a potion, facing off against the golem, more than likely with a weapon on standby to properly attack the duo in the form of the chains, severing themselves thanks to the damages caused by the swinging such a construct did to break it.

The boys would be given a proper glance at the golem, seeing its design and how it was worn down over the years. Its most tangible part being on its proper upper body and head, still chiseled to become its most detailed features, with even the depictions of veins across its neck and eyes being given the proper color, shading, and pigment of a standard human's eye. Its arms, lower body, and one of his hands were weathered slightly, no longer showcasing any specific details, rather nothing less than a proper shape of what it once was, with the exception of one of the arms being riddled with small holes, to which a fingernail can fit in them, as well as once of the hands being outright severed, replaced by the aforementioned chain stabbed into its stump, having it be used as a whip to strike at the opponent. The legs were the most damaged, with chipped pieces from its heels to its knees, as well as erosion from the environment whenever it is exposed to winds and water. It also showcases strong damage in their thigh and calf in the form of bigger holes, effectively signs of struggle against something or someone. Harvard specifically would begin his approach, first trying to reason with the construct.

"Calm down, it's alright. We're just here for answers-"

"GET AWAY! BOTH OF YOU! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" The golem would cry out in anger, using the chains as a whip to strike at them, the boys being forced to fall back so as to avoid the attack. It was clear already from first impressions that he doesn't wish to talk, and as such, they feel that its necessary to at least pin him down, preventing him from causing anymore harm. Harvard and Zazel would look to one another and nod accordingly, having them know that unless the golem is in a more controlled state, they won't be able to get any proper answers. Reasoning won't help, which means they may need to go for more physical means.

Splitting up into two directions, the boys would get to work on pinning him down. Harvard with his spells of fire and lightning as a combination in order to try and take down the golem on half of his side, while Zazel would be seen with sigils trying to do the same with the likes of water and what seemed to be rocks, something new that the Card Magician hasn't seen before. Unfortunately, much like how his movements were fluid in traversing the stone-like forest that barred them away, The golem was quick in their reactions, having to angle themselves in order to evade the attacks, letting them clash and nullify one another, while having his whip be flung to strike at the very least the human child in question. Both sides were quick upon their movements, with Harvard having to keep a strong distance and fire from afar, Zazel with his own reaction time in getting close to do some maximum damage, and the golem in keeping up to match the same odds as the two children.

When Zazel closed such a distance, however, he wasn't able to notice what seemed to be the very cave itself shifting. Trying to take aim for an attack with one of his sigils, the cave would react almost instantaneously, shooting upwards a wall of stone to block the attack itself. Dumbfounded, it left the boy wide open for a strike by the golem, whipped and shot straight into a wall, which said wall was sprouting out spikes to attempt to impale the demon. Forced to react, Zazel would use Asmodeus in a specific trajectory to fire the boy away from an ugly death, using it as a repulsion towards somewhere else, still taking the damage, yet at the very least lived. Harvard, seeing the damage his friend took, would try to go more on the offensive side.

He was able to notice the cave itself responding to the golem's wishes, meaning he must've had some control in the location itself. A home field advantage. Taking a risk, the child propelled himself forward, spell in hand, targeting the likes of the golem while he was still swinging with the chain bound to his stump. The cave reacted accordingly as well, shooting up stalagmites as an impaling tool to try and kill Harvard himself, but the boy would be patient. He'd keep an eye on the shifting of the earth, moving away when he feels as if he's closed in enough distance, before advancing, inevitably reaching to the golem. "Why.....WHY....WHY DO YOU INSIST ON BEING SO CLOSE TO ME!? GO AWAY!!!" The golem yelled, as it would try to grapple the child and pin him straight into the earth, shattering somewhat of the flooring in the caverns.

Unfortunately for Harvard, it succeeded.

The child was strangled by the neck, held down into the ground, his very breath being taken away after each choke. The golem continued to ramble on, much to the dismay of the child. "I JUST WANTED TO SLEEP! TO NOT BE A PART OF THIS WORLD ANYMORE!! I JUST WANT TO BE AT PEACE!! BUT NO, I GET HARASSED BY A BUNCH OF KIDS FOR NO REASON!! JUST GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME BE!!" The golem declared, yet still held onto the child closely. It was beginning to dawn for him of what he wanted, and while the boy struggled for his life...

He merely smiled.