Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: King Gobbo

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16: King Gobbo

As they traveled throughout the "kingdom", the duo would be looking at the inner layouts of this so called land. There were indeed the likes of buildings, some serving as medicinal, others as taverns and even some blacksmiths to tend to what looked to be like iron, yet it was all still hung up on wood and small parts of stone. It was primitive, weak, and almost comical how it was shaped up, as if a mere strong gust of wind being enough to topple the "city" down. It was most likely such a case as there were large logs of wood to hold up the very walls, primarily to defend themselves from intruders, who can so much as bump into the mass of wood and cause it to stumble and fall over on itself. Harvard merely sighed as he sees the location, with Zazel being just as confused and as somewhat disappointed. Sure they weren't expecting much, what with the king literally called "Gobbo", but it should at least be held up to some amount of standards.

Entering inside the "Castle", which was in the same condition as the rest of the buildings, though having a second moat around it with nothing inside such a thing once again, they'd quickly discover something else that actually does capture their eyes. While yes, their work was somewhat shoddy, it was also detailed pretty well. Scrapes across the wood as they moved onward seemed to be in some sort of pattern, being an artistic purpose, to which the boys assumed was from the actual artisans in this "kingdom." The wood itself was also much more darker than the others, meaning this must've came from somewhere else entirely, as compared to the logs and carpentry of everything else in these lands. "THIS here is from of our greatest artisans, Gangli and Babidi! The two most artistic Goblins in the entire region! A Beautiful craftsmanship, eh Swablo?"

"Quite right, Swadi! Quite right indeed! They were created as a Commission from our glorious King Gobbo after hearing about their talents when they were creating their works in the Bogadigook Battlefields! The very land itself is-"

Harvard and Zazel would immediately not pay any attention to what they were saying, Moreso being distracted by such art rather than wanting to hear the names of some random goblin in their history. In addition, They would still be bewildered as to why their names like this: Gobbo, Swablo, Swadi, Gangli, Babidi, Bogadigook. These names feels less like names and more so random letters smacking about with one another. Harvard looked upon Zazel with a gesture of wondering if they were even paying any lick of attention to what is going on. Zazel merely shook his head, his eyes still wide after hearing such names. The two tried to focus their attention back at the guards, mainly asking a question. " far exactly are we to...ah....King Gobbo, you call him?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, Yes, yes~! King Gobbo is his name, his title, his very role even! He is not too far off, which is PERFECT amount of time to continue with the story of Scrimblo the Saint. You see, Scrimblo was-"

They tuned out once more, primarily distracting themselves to the décor, before inevitably meeting with such a king. Such a king was, shockingly enough, not a Goblin. Rather, it was a human, donning what looked to be in scrunched up papers, scrapped metal, and a keychain around one of his fingers as if it was a ring. In addition, his crown seemed to look like a wooden cross mixed with what seemed to be tinfoil to make up the base of the crown itself. His long, black hair wasn't helping with the fact that it gets stuck within the metal too easily. "Speak, My Subjects! Tell me who these two people are!" His voice tried to act demanding and imposing, yet it is evident from the boys that Gobbo had a bit of a voice crack upon one of his words. The goblins would bow down to signify their presence, having the children to do the same thing.

"Oh great, wise, and mighty King! These two kids wish to rest upon our glorious kingdom! What is your demand to these two?" one of the Goblins proclaimed. The King stood upon his makeshift throne of sticks and stones, having a smug expression plastered upon his face, as he witnesses the two children. Harvard was a bit weirded out with his staring, feeling as if he was being observed by a very angry parent. Zazel, meanwhile, was indifferent, an eyebrow raised to try and understand why he was being observant so much.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm! Who exactly are you two?? And where exactly did you come from??"

Harvard, being a bit uncomfortable, would try to answer "W-well...My name is Harvard, and my friend is Zazel. We just came back from a mission involving a big golem guy. We may have spent a lot of energy on it and we need a place to sleep."

"HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???! The GOLEM you say...???" He would think cautiously upon this information, pacing himself back and forth as he understands the situation. "I take it by chance it is supposedly the Golem in the Whispering Mines, Yes??? The very same Golem that has been haunting my people whenever they try to collect the GOLD there.....??" He seemed to be more dramatic when given such an answer, his interests piquing at its highest volume. The boys would hear such words and look upon one another in pure confusion. The uncomfortable air being replaced with curiosity and intrigue.

"Wait, wait, wait a second, YOUR Gold? Does that mean you were the one who-" Zazel would quickly be interrupted by Gobbo, fulfilling their answers quickly.

"-Requested for him to be gone?? Why yes! T'is I, The greatest and mightiest king, who has provided such an offer! I didn't expect the likes of a few children pulling it off, however! Hmmmmmmmm!! Yes, yes, I am very impressed with you two, no doubt about that! Very well then, I shall provide you with the luxuries needed for your stay! You're also pretty lucky yourselves, yes indeed!" He says, before showcasing the children what was going on through the windows of his castle. Looking down, the duo would see what seemed to be a festivity. A celebration even, which revolved around the king himself, based on his statue and the shops surrounding it. "You see, You arrived at the EXACT same time as the Kingdom's 10th Anniversary! Such a splendid day, is it not? Now, Go ahead and do as you wish to celebrate! Make yourselves at home! Talk with your neighbors and enjoy the young dusk that approaches! That is my order, yes, yes!" The children would see the festivities in awe and wonder. Looking towards one another with a bright smile, they'd immediately cheer and laugh when they realize what was happening "Hmmmm! Yes, yes! It is a wonderous occasion, this day is! Now of course, You may need assistance in getting down from this Ca-" His words were interrupted as he sees the children leap out of the window, shocked at their recklessness, yet even more shocked at how they were able to be safe from leaping out of such a tall height. He may have to keep an eye on them in the case they grow more chaotic over time.