Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19: The Family's Scuffle

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19: The Family's Scuffle

"YOU WHAT!?!?"

Was the sound the two children first heard. It was from a woman. They would try to look through the sizeable hole to see the issue at hand, witnessing what seemed to be a lady with hair as dark as chocolate, wearing nothing but rags and with a shackle upon her neck and left leg. She also seemed to have red lipstick, her opaque eyes staring daggers at the King.

"N-Now, Now, Prisoner!! You shan't be interrupting our gracious ceremo-"


"ITS GOBBO, PRISONER!! KING GOBBO!! You should address me as tha-"

A quick instance in the form of a fist became shot towards the King, the fist being as large as the room itself, being a miracle for the king to dodge it, as such a fist caused a sizeable hole upon the Castle, the Toon's influence, primarily known as Toon Magic, being shattered, the children having to evade and observe such a woman be enraged towards the man

"NO! I HAD IT! I had it with playing along to this dumb fantasy of yours, Gabriel! You are NO ONE'S KING yet! You're barely even 15 here, and yet you act as if you're a GOD to these creatures. Do you have ANY IDEA how stupid you look right now? For God's sake, you're wearing literal GARBAGE upon your body."

"IT IS NOT GARBAGE!! Its special to me!"

"If its because of your goddamn subjects, must I remind you that THEY THEMSELVES ADMITTED TO IT BEING GARBAGE!?!?"

This conversation became apparent for the both of them, realizing what was going on. In fact, this scenario seemed to be somewhat familiar. Zazel, at the very least, would recollect on a certain quest that seemed to involve the likes of such a horde the two were discussing. All he could recall specifically was of a royal heir being taken away by such creatures. Was this the quest in question? If so, this doesn't feel like a quest at all, rather...

"Psst. Hey! You think this is more like an argument than anything?" Harvard would pitch in the exact thought process the Demonic creature was thinking, swiftly nodding to answer such a statement. It was exactly that, nothing more than a feud between two individuals, one of which simply left home. The only reason why? The two keep listening in, trying to hear everything that could be useful in advance to learn.

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE ANYWAY, HMMMMMMMMMMMMM??? It seems to me that you forgot that you are a prisoner in this palace, for thinki-" Gabriel's voice was immediately cut when the woman threw another fist-like projectile directly at him, forcing him to dodge and see the massive hole caused in his palace. Her voice was starting to strain itself, and if the children aren't careful, they may be launched into somewhere else.

"NO! No, No, no, no, NO! Absolutely, Positively NO! YOU threw me in there because you couldn't handle it when I'm right! When I'm explaining to-"

Gabriel covered his ears with his hands as he makes loud gibberish sounds to mute the noise with his own volume. The boys were absolutely stunned at such childish behavior. Zazel having his eyes widened and his mouth agape when seeing such a scuffle, and Harvard staring in disbelief, his hands gripping tightly as if he is believing this wasn't real.

"LALALALALALALALALA!! I can't hear the nagging Natalie, the Prisoner~! LALALALALALALA!!!"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP WITH THAT!? I'm trying to explain to y-"




Alas, this was their reality, Zazel baffled by the display, and Harvard having a pent up rage the more they bicker, one of his eyes twitching as if he was going insane, his hands gripping on his head to contain himself, being visible at the amount of stress and tendencies of violence he wishes to commit. Zazel would notice it and pat him on the back, trying to calm him down silently, still amazed these two were still going at it.


"Don't CARE~~! Don't CARE~~~!! Not even showing any sense of ca-"

The noise was being unbearable. The volume was near deafening for one of the children. At such points, even when all things have a degree of patience, of calmness, there will always be a time where one simply, utterly, without fail.



Such a voice came from Harvard, raised enough in a high volume to be heard from the child, seeing his eyelids visibly twitch and his breath heavy. His pupils dilated and subsequently getting small, a vein almost appearing from his head, being almost cartoonish in full, most likely from Fleisher as it peered between the scuffle. The boy emitting steam from his head and body to showcase his frustration, as he stomps directly towards the two, staring daggers directly to them, his hands physically grabbing upon their clothing and pulling them down, as he gives his verdict

"SO. Let me get this straight. You guys are not some big Kings or Queens or Prisoners in this mishmash of trees, right? You guys are basically royalty in the Kingdom Nearby, with ONE of you trying to pick up the other, yeah?"

The two royals looked upon one another, before silently nodding. Gabriel's nod being in stress, while Natalie's was in sternness.

"Okay....And clearly, it is important that you need HIM..." He starts, pointing towards Gabriel. "...To get back to the Kingdom, BUT he is ruling over the Goblins here, right?"

The two nodded once again.

"Well then it should be easy! Have the Goblins move to Oaking in some big special place, I dunno. You guys are basically governing everything in this world, you make up your mind on that, but once you do, it would solve both the fake castle stuff...AAAAND makes sure that he doesn't leave his place. Do you understand?"

Natalie and Gabriel exchanged looks again.

"Sounds Good to me. Look at that, Gabriel. A Child is more mature tha-" Natalie would try to speak, before the man became dramatic, swishing his cape and having an arm rest upon his forehead, pretending to cry almost.

"Oh! Woe is me! For my subjects have fallen Ill will to the temptation that is my prisoner! If only a brave, black knight of demonic ascent can assist me in defeating the heretical individual and imprison the criminals back into the lowly tombs of which they deserve to be in! Oh woe is me, Indeed, For I, King Gobbo, Have never felt such distress. Such Discord. Such-"

Zazel would be shaking his head to the pleas of the king, while Harvard merely looked towards him with a stern look. A Deep breath as he knows what to do.