Chereads / Eclipse of the Magi / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: A Place to Stay

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: A Place to Stay

Deep in the forests, near the sides of the mines, being a couple of minutes they'd trek from the mines to their destination across the very fields, at the very least looking for a place of rest and solace in their position in the case it comes by faster than the kingdom of Oaking. The dragon's head was held high up on the clouds, watching over the two children on the ground, supervising them, whilst looking for a settlement. Along the way, however, Harvard would try to strike up a conversation, still somewhat tired after everything. "So, you still haven't answered my question regarding the big guy himself. What even IS he?" He'd ask, pointing skyward to the molten draconic monster flying with them.

"Well you already answered it. Asmodeus. He's kinda moody most of the time though, never really wanted to go out unless its for some dangerous situations." Zazel explained to himself, being able to properly see the rider of the dragon in question thanks to being at the proper angle. The rider in question was emulating that exact description, being moderately annoyed at it all. Harvard would try to see what his friend was witnessing without being in his personal space, looking upwards to see such a figure so high up.

"Wow....And the dragon is..?"

"Let's just say a pet for now. Though, it MIGHT be your best interest to not tell him exactly that. He gets a bit angry when someone says that." Zazel had his mischievous smirk upon his face, before he continued to his path, now posing a question onto Harvard's behalf. "So quick question...where did you even got those things from."

"What things?" Harvard looked towards his friend with a curious expression, unsure of what he meant.

"You know. The cards! I highly doubt you just FOUND them in some random guy's shop or something."

"OH! That's what you mean. It's actually kinda funny if you think about it." Harvard would take his cards, allowing Zazel to examine further on the different types of spells and monsters he can call to his aid, while explaining his story. "It was actually a present from Papa before I made my way as a hero! He said he found them in some big, dusty library that hasn't been touched for years. I honestly kinda want to find this place while I'm traveling. Feels like I was missing something out, y'now?" He'd pose such a question, allowing Zazel to make up his own mind in regards to the subject matter itself. The more that Zazel observed the cards and pin together the knowledge gained, he still was in disbelief that someone like Harvard hasn't decided to end everything. It was honestly impressive, the child not knowing the potential he has upon his very hands.

"So, where exactly WAS this Library anyway? Couldn't be that far away, yeah?" Zazel was being more and more curious about the predicament revolving around the child, still confused at exactly where such origins came from.

Much to the demon's dismay, however, Harvard simply shrugged. "Dunno. Papa said it was so old, it kinda blended in with everything else. If we ever run into it, that might help with at least some-" His words were cut off by a roar from Asmodeus' dragon, flying across the sky, seemingly spotting something. "Oh sweet! Your friend found so-. . .Zazel?"

"Race yah!" The demon was already ahead, sprinting towards the location itself, with Harvard desperately trying to follow closely behind, being competitive in his escapades of finding out this new location.

"H-Hey! Wait up! You cheated, You got a head start!!" He'd yell as he went after the two, keeping his pace as they ran towards where the new location was located.

It was hard to make out thanks to the bushes, trees, and shrubbery, but once they arrived, they would see what seemed to be some sort of village. Smaller than the average kingdom, yet still built in the same manner. Wooden walls, turrets, and towers, which held small figures from such a height, only notified by their beady white eyes. There was even what seemed to be a drawbridge and a moat, yet the drawbridge itself was in worse shape, and the moat barely had anything to separate it from one another. Guarding the drawbridge, however, were small creatures. Goblins with green skin and pointy ears, having a similar eye structure, but with beady pupils to accompany them. They wore what seemed to be wooden plating, having spears and using them to block them from entering. Their mouths were razor sharp, and they have claw-like nails which were finely sharpened. "State your business, younglings! You are entering Gobbo's Kingdom! Land of our gracious and kindest leader, Gobbo Babyl!" One would began, their throats somewhat scratchy, as if they were suffering from soreness.

"Ah....Gobbo who now?" Harvard was confused with such a name, to which the two Goblins laugh heartily and with gusto, one looking directly in the eyes of the Card Magician, a toothy smile in his face

"You do not know of Gobbo Babyl? The greatest Goblin in the world??! What a pitiful human, not knowing of our gracious king, eh Swadi?"

"Indeed Swablo! Indeed! You two clearly have a lot to learn about the gracious lore of our King, Gobbo! You will be educated early when you have the chance. For now, State your business!"

The two children have their eyes widen, looking towards one another in trying to make sense of what is before them. Was this...real? Seemed like it. Zazel would try to speak for the two, explaining themselves. "We just need a place to stay. Is that alright? We came back after a BIG mission and-"

"SILENCE, Devilish one! Your demands are met! Come now, If you need a place to stay, then our Glorious leader shall provide you with his homes, his beds, his food, his water! Come, Come! Let us make sure you are properly rested!" With a snap of his fingers, one of the goblins would cause the drawbridge to lower, allowing the two children entry. The duo looked upon one another in shock, bewilderment, and confusion, before shrugging it off and being granted such passage into the land.

Who the heck even was this "Gobbo Babyl?"