Alice looked at the strange being for a small amount of time before answering:
"I am human... and my name is Alice, just like you, apparently. As for what this place is, I have no idea."
Even though Alice seemed calm, she really wasn't. She felt scared by the being in front of her, to a really high degree.
After all, something impossible just happened before her eyes. Alice had no idea what the... the monster in front of her wanted or what it was, but she knew something.
Reflections don't randomly get out of mirrors. What she just witnessed was something supernatural.
The strange forest of glass, the flying island... all of that was unexplainable, but not as blatantly breaking the laws of physics as a reflection getting out of a mirror.
"Well, this is... akward." said the Alice that passed through the mirror.
"Yeah, it really is."
The two Alices stared at each other for another couple of seconds.
"Can I test something ?" asked the Alice that broke the mirror.
"Test what ?"
"I want to play rock paper scissors with you. It's just to verify something."
Alice wasn't sure of why the... monster ? thing ? being ? girl ? in front of her wanted to play rock paper scissors, but she agreed anyaway. Angering the person in front of her was probably a bad idea.
Alice chose papers, and when both of the participants unfolded their arms, she saw that the other Alice had chosen rock.
Paper beat Rock.
Alice had won, yet she didn't really feel good about it.
"Interesting... Interesting..." said the loser.
Alice kept silent.
While playing rock papers scissors, she noticed something. She was convinced the other Alice was taller than her. It wasn't by a large margin, which is why it took that luch time for her to notice, but now that she saw it, she was sure of it.
The other Alice... was taller. By a couple of centimeters only, yes, but that didn't change the fact that she really was taller.
Wasn't her reflection supossed to be of the same height ?
Alice's thought were interrupted by the voice of her new friend.
"Are we... the same person ? Like, I know we look the same, but do we have the same personality, memories and all of that ? The match of rock papers scissors didn't result in a tie, so how alike are we, really ?"
"I don't know." replied Alice to her clone while continuing to inspect the smallest details.
The clone seemed to think for a bit, before asking:
"How old are you ?"
"Your birthday ?"
"First day of the year."
"Where do you live ?"
"On Earth."
"What's your father's name ?"
"I don't know."
"Since when are you here ?"
"A couple of hours, I guess."
The reflection stopped asking questions, and instead stated:
"It seem like we really might be the same person, since our memories seems to match... I think... I think one of us is probably the clone of the other. Probably not a perfect clone, but a clone nonetheless. "
"You're the one that passed through the mirror. You're the clone."
The other Alice laughed:
"This argument means nothing. From my perspective, you're the one that was inside the mirror and would have stayed inside had I not passed through it. "
"You're the clone. I'm the real one." insisted Alice.
"Well, have it your way. It doesn't really matter to me. We are both real now, and we both need to find a way out of here fast. Or at least a way to get water."
Alice nodded.
What her clone said made sense. Alice wasn't ready to trust her fully just yet, but she was too thirsty to refuse help.
A human being can normally survive for three or four days without water, but this number varied greetly depending on the person and what was happening around her. For a young girl like Alice running around everywhere in the somewhat hot glass forest, two days without drinking might actually be enough to be fatal.
"Getting water really should be our priority, but it seems like there is none on that damn island." stated Alice to her clone.
"You haven't explored all of the island, so how can you be so sure ? We should search some more in my opinion."
Alice frowned. She was pretty sure there was no water here, but searching couldn't do harm.
"Yeah. Now that we're two, we could even split up to explore faster."
"Nah, I think we shouldn't split up." replied the reflection.
"Why ?" wondered Alice. "If we split up, the likelyhood of finding something useful increase."
"We know nothing about this place. It's better to stay together until we are sure the only danger here is the lack of water and food."
Alice hated to admit it, but her clone was kind of right. There might be malicious people hidden in the forest, or another supernatural thing like the giant mirror, but more harmful.
Just before agreeing with the second Alice, the first Alice saw something.
"Euh... When you passed through the mirror, it broke, right ?"
"Yeah. Why do you ask ?"
"Because it looked like it was fixed."
Alice pointed the mirror with one of her finger. It seemed as good as new, with no sign of it ever being broken whatsoever. The glass shard previously on the ground were nowhere to be found.
Two Alices could be seen inside the giant mirror. One of them was pointing at it just like Alice was. The image the mirror showed wasn't the same as what it was supossed to however, because the reflection of Alice's reflection had white hairs and red eyes, for some reason. There were other inconsistencies like clothing, but those were way less noticable than this one.
Just looking at the Alice with red eyes and white hairs was enough to make the original Alice shiver.
She grew even more disturbed when the white-haired Alice winked at her.
"Let's get out of here..."
The reflection nodded.
"I think it's a great idea. An amazing one, even !"
Both of them begun walking away from the mirror. Slowly at first, but then they started running as fast as they could. Running away from that damn mirror.