Owlman decided to retreat to a safe house close by. He decided to tie up the masked man. While doing it he actually removed the man's mask and realized it was a young teenager. He had green eyes with light gold hair and a well define jawline. He had a sharp nose. As he was staring trying to place the face robin walked over. He also didn't recognize the face. He figured maybe it be someone he went to school with but he's never see him before. Owlman sent a picture back to alfred in the bat cave to run a identity test. He then picked up the tied up kid and looked around for the mask however it was gone. He looked around in confusion since he just put it down and he knew Sparrow didn't take it. Putting it out of mind he and Sparrow jumped away and head to the safe house.
Alex woke up with a massive headache. He went to rub his head but he was actually tied up. Then the picture of the fish came flashing back. He jerked awake and looked around. He saw Sparrow and Owlman sitting opposite of him. They seemed to be looking at a picture of him on the computer!! How did the find out who he was. Wait they took off his mask. Not cool bro! That's like against hero bylaws. He saw that they were getting no matches to his face. Of course he realized why it's because he had only been around for less than two days.
However he needed to come up with a story before they asked. I'll just mix the truth. I come from a rich family my mom died in childbirth and my dad died to nuclear weapons. He ran away from the government and ended up here. All not lies just misinterpreted truths. Owlman noticed he was awake now.
"Who are you and so you don't lie " he said then stuck a syringe into my arm.
I told him everything I thought of before the truth serum not really effective since it wasn't really a lie. Plus it wasn't a 100 percent truth cure. It just made people more likely to tell truths the lies. It inhibited thinking so forcing you to tell the truth. Luckily he thought of his plan before or he would've been screwed.
"Why did you save Sparrow?"
"I was there when he got captured and decided to suit up and help"
" Why were you there?"
" I was walking to Waylon enterprises to apply for a job in the R&D department"
"What makes you a young teenager think he could've gotten a job there?" Owlman asked in interest.
"I've spent my life researching how to disable energy weapons"
" You know how to disable energy weapons?!"
"What's the worst thing you've done in your life"
" I punched a annoying orphan named Theo in the kidney"
"You hit a orphan?"
"He was bullying a smaller orphan and he's my age"
"Where are you staying " asked Owlman after remembering the orphanage policy he just passed.
"Gamma orphanage room 112"
"Alright Alexander Cartwright why did you come to Gamma the city of crime"
"Had no choice I woke up in Gamma's orphanage Court yard"
" So you got placed there by someone?"
"Do you mean any harm to me or Sparrow"
"I would like to punch you in the face but I like Sparrow"
"Why do you want to hit me"
"Because you hit me first"
Owlman just nodded to that. Alright one final question " What are your powers"
Alex knew he couldn't answer that so he activated healing hands and used them on himself. He targeted his blood and made the magic add more clean blood to his system. This made the truth serum diluted. It also healed his bruised face. Of course Owlman saw this happening however he had no idea what he was doing. Sparrow already told him that these hands could heal people. However he didn't know if he could use them to attack. With to much blood in his system Alex's body tired to get rid of the excess.He started leaking blood out his nose, eyes, ears, and mouth.
Owlman instantly backed away thinking he might explode or something. However Alex just smiled
" I only have three powers I can walk on air. I can make any weapon I use more powerful, and I can heal small outer wounds and fractures. "
Owlman looked at him in suspicion. However he decided to show a little trust. After all he did heal Sparrow. If not for his suspicious origins he would've taken him in. He did decide to allow him to join Waylon enterprises as a R&D tech. He would work under Lucius Hen. He would be the only one that worked under him at the moment. Figured a genius like fox can handle this scamp.He wouldn't let him know his or Sparrow secret identity yet. If he proved himself trustworthy he would bring him into the Owl family. His powers were simply amazing especially the healing. If he could get a better control he might be able to bring people back from the brink of death.
After all new meta humans couldn't use their power to the most right off that bat. It had to be slowly trained. First he sprayed him with a knock out gas. It was only 9 at night so he dropped him outside the Gotham orphanage on the roof. He and Robin then decided to return to the Owl cave.
Alex woke up on the roof of the orphanage surrounded by Lucky and his three friends. They were looking at him weirdly since he was sleeping on the roof. Luckily the system took the privilege to put on his civilian cloths over his costume. He just got up and scratched his head. "Oh hey guys my room got trashed so I thought I take a nap on the roof ya know hahaha" he said awkwardly giggling at the end. His mind was reset with the de-aging price so he was actually going through puberty and thought like a teenager too. He looked at the other three boys beside Lucky. There was a chubby white 5'7 curly red hair boy who had blue eyes. There was a 5 foot asian female with black and green hair. What really stood out about her was she had pure gold eyes. And lastly was a giant of a man that stood 6'6 with a body of a NFL linebacker. His shoulder were broad and he had black dreadlocks. He wasn't black but wasn't white either. By the looks of it he came from island. He has Carmel skin. His skin had a scaly texture.